Who should rule the world

Since you guys think America is so bad (even though we could have ruled the nations as soon as we invented the nuclear bomb, but instead chose to just use it twice to end the war), tell me what nation would be so much better?
Islamic Caliphate?
Saudi Arabia

Commie Dystopia?
South Korea

Godless Europeans
Eastern Europe

Facts are that USA has granted the world peace and freedom and human rights on a mass scale.

But thanks to liberals that's about to end.

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There are no such nations. Including America. Every one is good and bad and non deserve to rule

Ok, Skylar. Because that makes a lot of sense.

Ur welcome

You are retarded mutts who leeched off of foreign scientists. Any country

no one you submissive cunt


A white Eurospic seems to be the only sane way forward tbqh dearest of famalams

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"The nations" is the literal translation fro Goyim, its jewish parlance. And that nuclear bomb fact is always pushed by Jewish neocons

Shut up retard

Hitler's Third Reich and also Jewmerica is not white and never will be.

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Ok have fun eating bat soup & having to obey the state your whole life

Nobody should rule the world.

The world should be ruled by empress lum

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Ok enjoy your bat soup.

That's realistic, you stupid hippy

Ok then, can you faggot name any reason that murrica is best?

American empire is dying, rotting and the rot is spreading to the rest of the world. As you die i hope you lash out so that Russa and China can bathe you in a cleansing nuclear fire.
Once the source is nothing but a smoking crater rest of us can start to eradicate your globohomo disease.

We definitely did a better job at ruling the world than you did.

Putin's Russia best

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I have to engage with a retard just to get bumps.


Reread the post?

We never wanted to rule the world. The mayor of London is. a. Muslim.

>Commie Dystopia
Wait, qué?

So enjoy your bat soup and obedience to state and shut up.

As I said. We didn’t have problems such as the mayor of London being a Muslim when we ruled the world. Colonisation was not the problem, decolonisation was. And I refuse to believe that it was inevitable.

Freemasons are so naive you should be good half goys you pedo's


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Nah, its shit

All you freemasons are shaking pedo's. They are gonna make you into bat soup.

Oh, yea, right. World pease, freedom, human rights. Havent seen any. Mb any examples, or ur so full of shit, that you cant defend your shitpost any better?

No one country.
Not in order, but USA, China, Europe(s) and Russia will continue leading.

>tell me what nation would be so much better?
How about every nation rules itself?

Is this a concept too hard to understand for a people born with Israel dick up their anus?

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Your opinion carries so much weight. Actually shoving a biscuit in your mouth has the same result. Nothing happens. The mayor of London is a Muslim. No guns no rights just an opinion

>A white Eurospic seems to be the only sane way forward

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Handout corrupt nation of blame.

See this creature (pic)? It evolved out of war. Take one look at the the position whites had in global control before and after your "american golden age". You are scum. DIE. Your country has destroyed europe after stealing everything from it. and everything good about america is everything GERMANIC about america. All your tech is germanic/jewish.

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So much fun when that lawless
Libtard Pope is world ruler

Enjoy your bat soup and adherence to the state and shut up.

An American born reincarnated Hitler should rule the world

They can't name better. But because most Euro's are elitist smug stuck up cunts they won't give you the satisfaction of saying that burgers did a good job rebuilding their shit countries after the war. All while allowing for far more sovereignty than anyone else would have allowed (even snaggle toothed bongs). Fuck Europe, don't get me wrong the U.S. sucks for a number of reasons but these cunts over here are all mentally retarded serfs with an undeserved superiority complex.

Your PM put on a hijab. Just lay your head on the block and get beheaded already.

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Oh stfu you jewish toilet. Chinks are based. They will encourage all of us to treat muslims and niggers in our homelands the way they should be treated. Subhumans will learn to stay in their shitholes.

Unlike Muttmerica that rules with war and chaos and forced race mixing China rules with trade for mutual benefit. Die already you fucking anglo plague.

So funny to see the same words for the third time kek

fucking chink

It gets worse. Far worse. Read Revelations.


>How about every nation rules itself?
yeah just like every society has no police...oh wait.

you must be 18 or older to post here.

They are killing people to harvest their organs. Do you understand what that means if they ever get in power over you? They have no care for human life. They released the virus on their own people on purpose to get back at the globe!!

Yeah we should have more power on ourselves. But societies shouldn't be too large or too small, they should be able to support themselves mostly.

Have fun with goat rapers stealing your wife and beheading you.