

>poisoned food
GMOs, additives, preservatives, onions, HFCS, trans fat, Aspartame, MSG, BPA, Coca-Cola, 2% of meat has human DNA in it, etc.
>poisoned water
Fluoride, chlorine, birth control, anti-psychotics, all forms of medication, pathogens, etc.
>poisoned air
Chemtrails (Barium salts, silver iodide, aluminum, cadmium, bacteria, viruses, etc.)
>Poisoned propaganda
Trannies, fags, blacks, promotion of degeneracy, etc.
>poisoned living spaces
OSB, Chromated Copper Arsenic (CCA), formaldehyde, pthalates, PBDEs, SCCPs, asbestos, etc etc. All known to cause cancer. Houses fall apart in 50 years, permanent debt-mortgage slavery, etc.
>poisoned medicine
Medication to treat symptoms, endless side effects, need medication to treat medication symptoms, murder and bribery, cancer and disease naturally cured with frequencies and diet.
>poisoned government
Ran by kikes and freemasons. Open bribery via special interest groups, rigged 2 party elections, distract, intent goal to enslave and destroy you (Toronto protocols, Elder Zion).
>poisoned religion
Christian churches infiltrated in 70s. Turn the cheek and spread the cheeks, worship Israel "God's chosen people!", accept gays, tolerate degeneracy, ignore the Old Testament, etc.
>poisoned technology
Cell phone mind enslavement, electronic addiction, causes cancer, mental disorders via blue light and EMFs, 5G mind enslavement, etc.

America isn't the land of the free. Nazi Germany was, and America destroyed it. Hope you're prepared for FEMA camps maggots. And to the LARPING mutts who bitch and moan and cry that it isn't so, you failed in Richmond, you're all talk. You are cowards.

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>poisoned architecture
Street by street of box-shaped mass-produced filth, fast food, big box stores, local business owners are fucked over, zoning laws prevent neighborhood communities, etc.

Attached: architecture.png (1801x811, 327.83K)

have sex

You will also notice how Mutts NEVER reply to these threads

A. Because they can't read more than two sentences without losing attention
B. Because they know it's true and they can't deny it, they can't even say "show your flag, moishe" because I'm American

Not even kidding, once I stopped working out and got back to Yas Forums and migrated here because of the gay porn, I started losing my vision, and I started reading things in my head dyslexic. Like I read too fast and mix together words I dont know. I feel dumbed down. It's a viscous cycle.


Based Thread

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There's no point in replying to them. We know they're true and know that we have no institutional power to change things. American patriots have tried for decades to improve things and they only get worse. It's not going to be any different this time. Why get upset about something you have no agency to change?

the worst part is that you exported all of this "culture" onto the rest of the world.
you basically zogged the whole planet with your nigger "culture".

Attached: 1573700609878.png (651x616, 125.27K)

>American patriots have tried for decades to improve things and they only get worse.
There is no survival without sacrifice.

Hate to break it to you but it isn't just america that's like this. Most of the west is like this


>buh muh free market will fix it!

Attached: America 6.jpg (539x960, 181.67K)


have kids


> Because they can't read more than two sentences without losing attention
Why would someone waste their time reading something that's not interesting?
You aren't entitled to receive attention

Where the fuck would we go. It's not like you can just move to Europe any time you want.

You better think twice before posting this again, whiteboi.

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All that animal testing of food and shampoos and chemicals? It wasn't to make sure it'd be safe. It was to make sure it would give you cancer, obesity, heart disease.
pic related is your uncle fred

Attached: GMO-1024x538.jpg (1024x538, 51.75K)

I moved to Russia. A 3 year tourist visa is like $150. Just takes balls.

Is it possible to live a decent life in Russia coming there with a phd? Currently learning Russian just for fun but just a consideration