Normies are sharing pepe memes again

I think we need to remind them that he's a hate symbol

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maybe you should remind them to hate jews instead

>Normies are sharing pepe memes again
op, only normies use pepe and have since 2015.
why are you so stupid?
oh... because you're a normie.

ALSO fuck jews

Normie's have always used Pepe. The only fags who don't are breadniggers on Twitter

On Twitch pepe is used on pretty much every channel

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they are zoomers and I have been told that they are equally racist as us.

maybe you should stop thinking about what epic Yas Forums project you're going to start every time you look at your news feed. people just like pepe. go for a run or something.

Here, there are racists in the same capacity that there are witches

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Not sure what you mean but only bad thing about zoomers is that they are pro LGBTP

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Nah. Generation Zyklon is a meme. This is the biggest group of brainwashed and indoctrinated people out there. There's hope in rural areas and suburbs. City dwellers? They're gone.


I mean that there are no racists and no witches.
Because they don't exist

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Oh right. Yes, you are correct *wink wink*

Next time pretend to agree, CIA nigger

checked and please also remember niggers and jannies

>normies are using pepe
welcome to 2014

good it will make the original creator seethe and fags seethe as well.

>he is not openly racist
this is why your country is being raped by africans and pakis

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user, racism doesn't exist

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Do you also believe in witches

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witches don't exist

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>witches don't exist
Good, for a moment I thought they were real

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>There's hope in rural areas and suburbs. City dwellers? They're gone.
has that not always been the case?
i've heard random zoomers yelling nigger and claiming 'jews own all the money'

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why is that shitskin speaking so loud? he has a microphone.

what do you mean that there are no racists here?
I am unironically a racist and white supremacist, I hate blacks and non whites
whites getting an enthostate isn't good enough for me, I want them all removed from this planet, I guess living among them your whole life does this to you so your time will come too

>I am unironically a racist
Are you jewish?

He's not though faggot

>if you're racist that means you're jewish
user are you just pretending to be retarded?

Based mountain boi.