people marry women who were used by other men
>light blue
people expect virgins
people actually marry virgins
not politics.
Women who aren’t virgins are good, they got experience.
So in your world prostitutes are superior to other women?
y'all really need to liven up hahah what the fuck
I don't see the problem with marrying a non-virgin. Seriously, what's the issue? I keep hearing "pair bonding" or some shit. Are you implying you're inferior to her previous partner and won't be able to satisfy her?
Too many virgins don't know how to use the hips god gave them. They also use their teeth when the give blowjobs, and they are extremely lazy when it comes to making love.
light blue
> marry girls age of 15 below
>t. roast beef whore
naive cuck
Google "cousin marriage map"
LMAO fugged most of the blue ones
they are sluts and love facials and anal
the absolute fucking state of the west
Seems accurate to me. What did you expect we all fuck our cousins?
Alabama by itself should have that number at 10% kek
This is one hard cope.
wonder why only india was reprisended by each state
Bbuu--ut my virgin jap-whores, it just can't be.
incest is good
the worst thing is when they ACTUALLY blow in your dick, hurts like fuck and can actually permanently damage you. i have had this happen once and since then i always remind women to SUCK, not to blow, which makes me look like an idiot. but im too afraid otherwise
It's very telling that Alabama consistently is rumored to be full of incestuous families, and when you see the nationalities of posters who make these suggestions, they are from countries were things like uncles raping nieces is the norm.
The South being full of incest is bullshit which is disproven by my pic. Unless you can find data that shows the South actually does have a high rate of incest.
Not shithole (except Africa)
Thread is about virgin women, not virgin german beta losers.
can confirm