Unless you have an advanced degree for a needed skill, a spouse in the country, a job already waiting, and a clean criminal record, immigrating for Americans is damn near impossible.
But they're happy to take all the Arabs and Africans they can get their hands on.
I don't think the solution is to relax the standards for Americans. It's to make the standards uniform for everyone.
Robert Price
Nigger its not like you would let anybody in that doesnt fit that criteria either.
Lincoln Green
right. so if they are more uniform then why are there so many arab rapist in england?
why are there 30 year old niggers being adopted by whites?
Lucas Martinez
Yeah, and the standard is "fuck off, we're full, but before you go take this Turk with you, we don't need him".
Isaiah Gray
Same the other way around. Absolute disgrace if you ask me.
Hopefully the trade deal makes it easier both ways.
Kevin Bell
I just don't see why you'd import poor Americans in addition to poor Africans. How does that improve things? Why not limit it to skilled/wealthy people? Doesn't seem in the best interest of the country receiving them.
Isaiah Smith
Can't wait for you westerners to go extinct. Happy Yalta!
Isaac Lee
We need ditch diggers. There are already plenty of people with college educations here. Thankfully most immigrants are eastern euros and not arabs. Claiming europe is over run by arabs is US cope for their own white minority status.
Bentley Torres
quid pro quo with immigration. America doesn't let Australians, Euros or White South Africans in without going through some of the most rigorous immigration processes in the world, but floods their cities with illegal spics and Somali niggers
Luis Ward
Lmao just hop the fence and just wait for amnesty
Gabriel Lewis
The illegal spices are illegal for a reason, the Somali niggers I don't know about that one.
Logan Perez
I cant tell if your trying to feign being coi or nieve but a poor american is highly educated compared to savage canniballistic africans and suicidal arabs. your trying to feign being out of touch to convey false points. most americans just through highschool are educated in science math and history and a new slate would be more than enough for them to achieve stability within society criminal records shouldnt reach pass their jurisdiction or social security assignment
Eli Ramirez
Agreed. Along with having deeper philosophical and ethical similarities.
Your average Pakistani wants to make here like the place they left which is mind boggling.
Justin Bailey
Im dominican btw so dont think your agreeing with a white man i study white i know how to blend in
Jayden Cox
Yeah, moving to Germany to start a business or work is a bureaucratic nightmare. Shown up at the border with no passport? Welcome, Mr. Refugee.
It's fucked up. It's a system that punishes anyone who is law-abiding.
Wyatt Anderson
Why are you saying that countries are being unreasonable for demanding a clean criminal record? Even if I accept, for the sake of argument, your other points, I don't see why you wouldn't screen for criminals. Is there really such a shortage of Americans who want to move to Europe that they should just lower the bar? Sorry, but those people should have thought about the consequences of their actions before getting that DUI.
Robert Diaz
But the point remains though. Would you want to come here, demand it be changed to your liking along multiple aspects of society whilst contributing absolutely nothing?
Anthony Thompson
We share a border with Mexico, we don't "flood" our cities with them, they cross those borders themselves or they come here on a visa, overstay it, and just never leave. We're not encouraging them to break the law, they're doing it on their own.
The Somali community is concentrated almost entirely in Minnesota, so that's a strange group to target. Also, most of them were refugees and asylum seekers because of the civil war.
I do agree with you, though. It seems like it's a problem for whites to immigrate to other white countries, no matter where you're coming from or where you're going. Australia let in quite a few Americans during the 1980s because they were air traffic controllers and Australia was in desperate for experienced workers in that area, but outside of that one particular instance, it's pretty much a universal proclamation: If you're white, stay home.
Cameron Miller
That is true on the surface however we openly let rapists and career criminals in but put draconian measures in place for other lesser crimes from more ideological similar countries.
Nolan Lewis
Well yeah, but what I'm saying is that the solution to this hypocrisy of only letting in the criminals of certain countries isn't to let in the criminals of some other country, but to just stop importing criminals.
Andrew Watson
why would you even want to set foot in this hellhole you dumb fuck?
Samuel Phillips
No. white society is the best thing to happen for this God forsaken planet.
i dont know if minorities are just trash at life or if the cia is really effective at destabilizing foreign countries and now allowing them to allocate resources to important shit but as you said the case still stands.
Christopher Ortiz
Our (((Elites))) have decided to Genocide ALL whites, this especially includes the original stock in our original homelands.
Take Vitamin C megadoses and survive the various Corona waves, then come with us hunting them down. As all their security forces have long croaked.
Ryan Cruz
not allowing* not allowing*
Austin Barnes
No fucking way. Their shithole people issues are alot worse than ours even and that reserve currency status means they’re getting way more bang for their buck then the physical manifestation of what they collectively are. They’ll be a new building boom with skyscrapers overlooking Loch Ness if we don’t tighten the thresholds. They’ll be no greenery left. Admittedly this option is better than having to converse with Europoors who can barely communicate with you and get angry at you for not understanding them and their difficulties of learning a new language in your ancestral homeland that you didn’t ask for them to come to in the fucking first place.
Brayden Gonzalez
Portugal and Poland have similar laws that allow you to come as a tourist and if you find job you get to stay with sort of a greencard until you get citizenship, pretty gay if you ask me but its there. Its article 86 or 87 in Portugal and Karta Pobytu in Poland.
Alexander Brown
That isn't the point. Let's say a Moroccan or an Algerian wants to immigrate to Germany or Austria and they had the equivalent of a DUI in their home country. How could they verify this? A lot of these immigrants from North, West, and Central Africa and the Middle East don't even have birth certificates.
Unless they're on Interpol's Top Ten Most Wanted, there's no way to tell if these people are criminals or not. They're also probably not properly vaccinated and also more than likely unable to competently speak the language of the country they're immigrating to.
But if you're a white American with unpaid parking tickets, see you later, asshole.
Easton Evans
Just be an Arabic rapefugee silly
Sebastian Harris
If that were true, why aren't people from Cape Verde, Sao Tome, Angola, Mozambique, and Brazil flooding into Portugal to work as janitors and dishwashers? If all they have to do is have a shitty job and just sit around and wait for citizenship and access to the EU, I'm sure Portugal would be majority black by now.
Evan Cook
This is so strange, it is pretty fucking impossible to get into Norway normally, like when the Ukrainian and south african wars happened, Norway didn't do shit. They weren't considered refugees for no reason at all. ISIS happened, media coverage all over, "Norway has to take in Syrians! 50 000! 10 000!" Whenever something happens to whites, Norway doesn't help. Norwegians asked this question all the time in the comments section in the biggest news outlet we had. They shut down the comments section when they say that we weren't biting into the bullshit narrative. It's not that weird since our prime was named (((Stoltenberg))) and the current one is named (((Solberg))). Every fucking time.
>If that were true, why aren't people from Cape Verde, Sao Tome, Angola, Mozambique, and Brazil flooding into Portugal to work as janitors and dishwashers?
They are, ask any portuguse person in this board
Carter Reed
Why would a country want to import people who have a history of being deadbeats, much less drunks or addicts? There are hundreds of millions of Americans, so I'm sure there are enough Americans who know how to pay a parking ticket and want to move. I can see a case for people who were busted for things which aren't crimes in the country they're trying to move to, but that's not most crimes. Yeah, it sucks that other countries don't track crimes well, but how does knowingly accepting more addicts and thieves into your country help? Why NOT use criminal record info if it's already there?