Ass worshipping culture

Is it america's fault that this fad has now become the norm

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Is she Jewish?

Sage you off topic roach

small butt is best

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Nah, internet kids just grew up. Only kids care about boobs.

Well technically everything is amerikikes fault. Nothing in this world can happen without their kike master's approval or else they'll have their zogbots bombing your women and children.

Yes. Death America!

Asses rule! Especially in panties.

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is coffee bad for you?

big butt is barbarism

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I litteraly have a fatter ass then her lol
id rather not bang my balls against concrete thank you


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That's not an ass it's just a long back

It's a double-edged sword. On one hand you have sluts with disgusting non-existent assess trying to show off. On the other hand you can now enjoy pear shaped women.

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big but of low quality

ass is where poop comes from


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How is this politics ?

>White women can't have large asses
That fucking thing you posted isn't white either.

i just thought about this

ass worship is inherently corrupt because the poop hole and where poop and where filth comes from

and the breasts are where milk and nourishment for a child and vitality come from

the natural instinct of a man is for the breasts and the current age of decadence has been corrupted into ass worship and away from family and babies and vitality and mothers and wives

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I agree with you on the "disgusting" bit. Your girl is a bit too flat for me though. Just a little bit more in the right places and she'd be my type.

cause in politics, you're always kissing ass and eating shit!

>the natural instinct of a man is for the breasts
ignorant of history. the ass was well documented as the most patrician feature of attraction throughout the high period of western civilization, and soi and degeneracy have allowed bosoms to usurp their rightful place.

Literally everything is political and the sooner you understand that the better

Off topic.
If you want ass google that shit.
Or take this bs to b

>1 Post
GR8 B8 M8 Slide thread is Obvious

i could work with that, train her a little to get some definition and lose 20lb and she will look like a goddess

The bug girl you're posting isn't white either genius.

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I'm not sure what most of you young thundercats see when you look at these?...

But in my experience, knowing what I know now, what I see is a desperate attempt to achieve relevance that they lost after high school?

Stay strong young'ns

too bad she's not white
but damn nice hips

It's cool. We were called that by Romans a few thousands of years ago. If liking that ass is barbaric, then I am one

the stench is composed of mayonnaise and ship rust

Disgusting, enjoy your catfish looking women

Many cultural phenomenon have African roots, then in America they become integrated into pop culture, and then spread throughout the whole world, like rock'n'roll music (yes, it has black roots), or twerking.

>I'm not sure what most of you young thundercats
Lmao who talks like this

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but the ass is the beginning of where filth comes from

where as breasts are literally where babies gain nourishment from their mother to become great sons and daughters

Also the nipples are an erogenous zone and the ass doesn't have any heightened sensitivity besides the poop hole but its just there for being able to sense when its time to poop

if you suck on a woman's nipple she'll get off to it and 2 things happen. either she gets off and wants more or
you get her milk
gaining strength and bonding with her
which is based and redpilled

The black contribution to rock, like the black contribution to anything, is vastly overstated. It's music made with European instruments sung in a European language and following a song tradition descended from the folk ballads of Europe, for the most part

Oi mate, that was fucking uncalled for it were. I'll fucking grab my knifeyMcStab (pic related) and get yer right in the gooles, prick.

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>who talks like this

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>tfw used to be a 247365 coomer addicted to big ass and bobs
>tfw libido completely fried as getting older now
>tfw something snapped and I just don't care as much anymore
>tfw can't be too low test either as I'm the strongest I've ever been
>tfw you stop beeing a coomer for once

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Dont some European countries like ass over tits as well. In the u.s I know for a fact that hispanics and nigs liked ass before it was mainstream

Good birthing hips (and so phat ass) are the most essential to an attractive overall female form

>ass worship is inherently corrupt because the poop hole
except it's not about the poop hole retard. the ass is an essential part of the hips, the primary signal of fertility and fitness.