I now understand why Americans don’t give a shit about the world

If I were American, I’d be pissed. The whole world criticises you when you do anything, criticised you when you don’t do enough, and then again when you do nothing. The world essentially hates you, but wants you to look after them.

I’m all for the de-fundment of WHO as they’ve done less than any other country, but why are people upset? Why is it the US’s responsibility to fund this or that? No one asked them to and what is your country doing? I’m so fucking sick and tired of everyone using the US as a scapegoat just because it’s run by old white men and it’s ok to hate white people. God forbid we blame China? That’s racist you bigot!!

Fuck me I’m not even American and this makes me mad. So called “”””experts”””” predicting America defunding WHO will prolong the virus and kill more? Get your head out of your arse.

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WHO World Order

Yup, we are all at the mercy of the ruler... if America decides to let us all take care of ourselves... china is going to have a fun time

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Thanks. Legitimately.

I mean none of us are surprised the cockroaches are complaining that they got their free money pulled.....we knew it would happen, its just nice when the rest of you realize what the game is.


It's fine to defund WHO as long as vaccines can still happen on a global scale such as what happened with smallpox.

>paid for by USA only

Kikery exposed just like NATO and UN funding.

Every single "world" effort is funded by our taxes that we never benefit from.
UN and NATO should be destroyed because we end up going to war for any nation anyway so what the fuck?

We're the hero the world deserves, not the one it needs. So they can hate us. Because we can take it. Because we're not their hero. We're a silent protector. A watchful guardian. A dark Knight.

>If I were A BOOMER, I’d be pissed. ZOOMERS criticise you when you do anything, criticised you when you don’t do enough, and then again when you do nothing. ZOOMERS essentially hate you, but want you to look after them.

That's why I love Americans they shape the world order and don't give a shit about it. Communists and globalists have many global intentions. They are totalitarians

>UN Chief

They aren't people. Anything other than increasing the WHO budget year on year would cause these commie insects to screech.

I am pissed.

I see it everywhere. Everyone's pointing fingers at the US because it's the wealthiest & most powerful country plus it's white (memes aside). Every country is using this virus for their own agenda and now it's more of a political thing
>Oh the current admin. can't do this, vote for me and I'll do this!!

I don't doubt the US is doing that too. Trump wants to do a good job to secure the election and the dems. are using this virus to further their agenda no doubt. Every goddamn country is guilty of this as it's morphed into a political battle. Actual sick people stopped being relevant the moment the economy became involved. I'm just disgusted America is the finger all countries point at (and the UN) when we're all doing the exact same thing

Thank you. Sincerely, Thank you.

International organizations have always been a joke. The U.S takes advantage of them anyway, so what's the point? It's all a money laundering operation

>So called “”””experts”””” predicting America defunding WHO will prolong the virus and kill more?
So it's not? Damn, that was the silver lining in all of this.

It's like that time when a shitload of people around the world, who weren't protecting the Kurds, got upset with Donald Trump for not protecting the Kurds.

Their world view is distorted.

If WHO is so crucial I am sure the rest of the world will be happy to kick up the shekels to keep it going.

Who nigger is a literal communist who was friends with mugabe and covered up epidemics in the past

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do you like OP's cock in your mouth?

>orange man bad! muh gibs, muh second wave, muh spike!


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American citizens may not give a shit, but corporate billionaires and mass media are the biggest powers in it, and they want the rest of the world available to them

It finally clicked, didnt it? Welcome to my world.

>be a king, president, leader, authoritarian
>have power
>cry about responsebility
You bootlickers really love defending your master at every corner
Might i suggest just a bit of pride in your own ego? You can do it with all the collectivist nonsene, shouldnt be so hard.
>its Those who take authority who have the burden of proving their worth
Its an anarchist mantra, its more of a scientific/logical approach then the emotional nonsens you have been indoctrinated with

Shut the fuck up cuck. If an Aussie is on your side it's only because he hates someone else more. There is nothing good about Australia. God regularly punishes them with wild fires and they think it's a normal part of summer.

>it will cost lives
Eat shit turd worlders have china save you

Is he wrong?

>If an Aussie is on your side
That's New Zealand you fucking newfag

Are you retarted?

>China said no human to human transmission, so we will totally take that for face value.
>You can't stop incoming flights from China, das rayciss.

Fuck that organization, I'm glad we pulled out.

Real talk australia is probably our best ally desu senpai

>>have power
the US certainly has the power to glass the rest of the world, and the only one stopping them for the past 60 years has been it's own citizens

good atleast we're not funding chinks anymore, atleast in the open

Globalist cucks detected.

>The world essentially hates you, but wants you to look after them.
Yeah. Because USA won the Cold War and in 1990s took the role of a global leader and a police force. And failed.

So...this is the power of American education.

This. They dont get it both ways. EU chirps about being so relevant, pony up fuckers.

Funny how when we were the primary funders of that shit Chinese shilling organization for years we weren't hailed for saving lives but the moment we pull funding now we're responsible for deaths and a crime against humanity. The WHO, China and anyone objecting to this decision can get fucked

WHO is just like UN. Fucking useless at everything.

WHO doesn't do fuckall anyways. They just sit there and talking-head for the UN and their political leanings.

go back sheepfucker
WHO is a propaganda wing of CCP

Yes the soviet union would have done much better kek

>The whole world criticises you when you do anything, criticised you when you don’t do enough, and then again when you do nothing. The world essentially hates you, but wants you to look after them.

thats what happens when you're the global hegemon retard

nigger, pulling funding from the WHO is the right move you retarded homo

I seriously think the "success breeds jealousy" meme is true. China is your only real competitor and you absolutely blow the shit out of anyone else in terms of GDP, military spending etc. Eg: Boston city alone has a higher GDP than NZ. Naturally since we're all in this progressive hellhole, other countries are like
>Hey, you're rich, give us some of that money!

And to keep face you fund useless organisations like the UN

>WHO spends $200,000,000 on travel per year
if they cant figure out how to reduce their travel budget of 200 million dollars per year to fill in the gap well then thats an organization that should not be funded in the first place

This article says a lot (it's from 2017)

I used to think the US was full of idiots like this. Luckily after Iraq I realized that Americans actually don't want their kids to die for Jewish wars. People voted for Trump because they're sick of the US trying to police everything. If China tries to fill that roll however it will see a bloodbath of the likes it has never seen before.

>money laundering operation
...care to explain? Is it like money laundering in the Fine Arts world?

USA should pull all international funding and then bomb anyone that dares talk shit. America first nigger.

Wow you guys are dumb. That's obviously Australia's flag. New Zealand's flag is black with a white feather on it and it says BLACKED.

It has done better than any other country. Do you think the world would be better if Russia won the cold war and the entire planet was under Putin's thumb?

Cry about it

Frankly, one day American people/Gov are gonna wake up, have enough of the BS and say, "Fuck this shit, you're on your own." And let things fall apart. Keep maybe a Few allies who have been good over the years: Japan, S.Korea, Taiwan, Canada, Aus, NZ, Maybe UK? And just.. keep to ourselves again.


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Maybe they shouldn't have put a retarded ethiopian liar in charge.

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OK, good save that one made me giggle.

I think they should do it, they probably wont realize the effects it would have on them as they belive they are disconnected from the rest of the world.
As for americans, they are more docile then the French, atleast the french demonstrate on their independence day. While americans cry about a bent knee

Lmao remember when America withdrew aid from Pakistan and they started chimping out in the streets, burning flags etc.

Fucking leeches.

It's still much better than China and also the position Russia will NEVER EVER achieve

Fuck the chinese health organisation

Isn't skype free?

this, it's time to go back to pre WW2 USA.

It would impact us temporarily. You're thinking through the lens of a country that doesn't matter. If Norway ceased to exist, nothing would change in the world.

He's also claiming that the Taiwan government is running a racist smear campaign against him.

How can you be this cucked and brainwashed? The WHO is why you are stuck in your house. You actually made a post about this. It's just fucking nuts to me

We don't care about tending to countries that despise us anymore. As long as china isn't dumb enough to attack us, your average American would be happy to give the chinks our dependents if we could go back to being isolationist and build our own shit here.

Eh, they drop the ball a lot, but they do care. Defunding WHO was a good move. I just wish the US was less secretive with their international meddling. Why bother leaving everybody guessing if you killed somebody or not, just stick to missiling them in open like that muslim dude.

Oh do fuck off. Trump did the right thing in cutting funding for this incredibly corrupt organization.
Watching my country's media wail and complain this morning with headlines like "This is like cutting the funding to the fire station when there's a pyromaniac on the loose!" makes me laugh.

The pyromaniac is not just on the loose, he's the head of the fucking fire station in question. At the same time, government officials are showing up to press conferences not wearing Norwegian flags on their lapels, but Agenda 2030 pins.
Fuck these people, when this calms down, they should all be executed for crimes against humanity.

Guess you'll just have to put in a little extra in the bribe envelopes this year, Chin.

Aren't you guys developing your own vaccine? The WHO has no part in it right? Why should they care?

Name one thing the WHO actually did for you. Go ahead, I'll wait.

US and Soviet Union together killed off palio and smallpox. Calm down Pakistan in India for several occasions and Middle East was much more stable back then.

This is so true. When you guys pull the plug on a seemingly crucial thing, we all complain yet do jackshit.

as far as im concerned the uk should willingly and voluntarily burn down buckingham palace along with everything in it before they should be considered an ally
>shame on you 8/24/1814 never forget

>caring about Americans when we created all of this horrible shit

>*sells out to the chinese government*
Also WHO
>w-what? you can't just stop paying for us!
>Germs are smart lol

Fuck WHO, I hope they all get fired, what the actual fuck do they even actually do?

Thats right
Usa bad China good
Nuke fucking Beijing

Israel should be held accountable for this. Isn't America a vassal state?

That sounds more like the Soviet Union failing. It couldn't maintain being a superpower. The US could.

>China is your only real competitor
China thrives because of it's reliance on US business. #2 and #3 spot often switch between China and Japan, but unlike the mass production of China, Japan is far more independent and are a large source of innovation in digital electronics and have the second largest entertainment industry after the US
The US doesn't depend on foreign countries for necessities, with the exception of oil. 40% of the country is farmland, and the US is yuge with a relatively small population for its size. As for oil, the US is a goldmine as is Canada, both largely untapped until recently

The things that are gonna come out of the WHO investigation is gonna make people vomit. These people running it sold out a long time ago.

Americans who want to support the UN and its WHO can donate directly.

All these globalist "organizations" need to be burroed OP.

UN, WHO, NATO, etc etc

Only then can we be sure their globalism if failing.

Fuck off, I know you're just mocking us. We don't need this fake shit right now.

You're absolutely right. We just want to be left alone and do our own thing and have the rest of the world take responsibility for themselves. But instead we've been more or less forced into the position that we're in. So everyone can hate on us all they want, but when shit hits the fan everyone comes crying to us. So the world gets what it deserves. We're going to do what we want and if you don't like it then fuck right off

Dumb burger. WHO will just sell out more, and for cheap.

Oh yes competition was a good thing dont disagree with you there. Im glad we beat you commies though if only the soviet union was literally any other ideology. Too bad now the commies are in the west

Bullshit, we are almost as powerless as everyone else. The only thing we can do is vote and maybe, just maybe it we won't be voting for some corrupt shithead. I feel like Trump is the only real choice for president we have had since JFK died.

I've had this feeling "why does the whole goddamn world micro-inspect everything the US does?" And really it's just money. It's nice to have a puppet UN where we can all get together and waste time but I never understood the stereotype of Americans not caring about the world. Well now I'm closer to understanding that from a political standpoint. People are just jealous and it's easy to blame someone else but yourself.

NATO isn't a global organization, Boris Chong.

>glassing the world would impact us temporarily
American Logic is its own beast. do it then, let me guess your master wont let you either way

they don't think it be like it is. but it do.

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you are our ruler Shlomo

Yep, that's why the answer is to ignore you faggots and do whatever we want.