Hitler was actually a Liberal
Hitler was actually a Liberal
Cool bro haha.
Go on, please explain
From Rubin's latest book
>it has socialism in its name so it must be socialist!
Democratic 'socialists' are moderate nazis, and both are right wing, for both want to continue capitalism rather than destroy it. Both claim to be opposed to capitalism, but their actions do nothing but prop it up.
Since capitalism is the economic system of liberalism, then indeed both can also be called a kind of liberal.
Oh, actually no. democratic socialists and social democrats are different things. I was too locked into my dogma trance to notice.
Hitler was a liberal though. Even wanted to go to art school.
He was raised Catholic turn on faith and read liberal books thus a libertarian
Hitler was to the left of Mao! He learned everything from us! Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate all the beautiful little black babies!
He's just wrong.. It's not anything like Marxism. It's closer to centrism.
his favorite meal was liver dumplings
you idiots can't resist your lies.
he went to an international meeting and barely ate nothing because his people were starving
he wasn't a vegetarian
All hollywood pedophiles are nazi occultists despite being jewish.
Listen to the gay jew, goyim
Wait, which is which? Which is like Scandinavian countries (capitalism w/ bennies) and which wants the government to own things? Anyways Hitler was based, and pure socialism is gay as fuck. Communism seems alright but going through socialism to get there is a yikes from me dawg
>Nazis are demonrats bro,
>they are not our side of the kosher sandwich
>and i am totally not pressing the buttons of
your gaslighted psyche
i totally believe you schlomo
Rubenstein is a grifter trying to ease centrist dems and strivers into big tent republicanism. I guess it's money but who the fuck would want that job.
Conservatives are the real progressives
Political Spectrum
being gay is actually conservative
Dave Rubin is such a fucking asshat
>I just want to provide a space for people to have important conversations
>as long as those conversations never denigrate Israel or involve race realism
>conservative socialism doesn't exist
Yeah okay
Rubin's show is a complete waste of potential. He's got the resources to setup great debates like Commies vs Capitalists, Race realists vs SJWs etc. But he only invites Boomer MIGAtards
no show about those issues could get sufficient funding to create those sets and resources
He got like 30k a month from Patreon
user, please.
Needs more all caps
Patreon bans people they don't like, as does basically every payment processor.
Yes. If you aren't ridin with Biden you're probably a cumguzzling faggot.
The terms meanings have changed over the years, and back when socialism was first taking off they were interchangeable and also just general terms people might use with out distinct meaning. But over the years they have come to mean specific things.
Basically, imagine a group of people who think socialism, by the actual marxist definition (workers own the means of production), is possible to obtain through democratic reform over time.
This is democratic socialism.
It has long been criticized by leninists and all the derivatives of.
Now imagine, at some point in the mid 20th century, a group of these people realized that yeah, the leninists are right about that, and that capitalism can never be 'voted out' peacefully. But their response to this belief was to just give up and redefine socialism to more or less what it means currently in america. These are social democrats. The comintern (basically the third ecumenical counsel of communism) declared this ideology to basically be fascism-lite(heresy).
i don't think he says it is anything like marxism
So you mean to tell me National Socialism under an ethnonationalist fascist state is what real progressivism is like?
Sign me the fuck up.
>Gets banned from patreon
Have you even been paying attention the past 4 years?
>they've totally rewritten history