>have less than $1,000 in savings >take uber instead of ambulances >deny medical treatment because of cost concerns >have armed guards in schools >have metal detectors in schools >weekly school shootings >pay $100,000 to go to college >pay student loans for the rest of their lives >get shot and robbed daily >walk around with assault rifles strapped to their backs >go back to work just weeks after having a baby >take 1 week vacation for the entire year >work 50 hours a week >worship the military >let their soldiers go homeless >have lead in their water >fear god >have an obsession with social media >have electric cars >think global warming is fake
Do Americans really think they are the best country in the world?
Do Swedes really think Americans will read all that? Reading is for the niggers and fags.
Cameron Edwards
Hey Sven, did you take the time to write this while Malena was getting fucked by Mohamed?
Kayden Clark
Fuck off muzzie
Nolan Fisher
>picturing Americans as three blonde women instead of some malnourished beaner that just arrived here yesterday Your entire preferring perception of this country is wrong. Europeans have had restricted immigration here since President Lyndon B Jewnson.
Angel Perry
Canada is what every American wants America to be.
Ryan Brooks
There are still a ton of white women in America
Chase Parker
They're minorities. Spics replaced Germanics as the largest US demographic in the 1990s.
Robert Edwards
Are you retarded
Mason Collins
Most of your post just comes from a very small country, European perspective. You see an American shooting on the news and you must assume everyone in the country is now scared even if they live thousands and thousands of miles away. It's clear most of you literally can not conceive what it's like to actually live in a country with the scale of America
Most Americans live in suburban towns where shooting and crime is basically unheard of. The vast majority of schools don't have armed guards or metal detectors, that is only in the shitty ghetto schools. Virtually nobody walks around with a gun
Noah Butler
Yes to all. And yes we are the best.
Nathaniel Reyes
Maybe in certain states but vast parts of America still feel very white
Alexander Williams
>Reading is for the niggers Niggers can't read
John Morris
Naw Yorg, or Sven or whatever. The Average american drives an f-150, has a big subdivision house, bbq's on weekends, drinks bud light and has a wife and 2-3 kids.
You THINK the average yank is poor because
1. Europoors love shitting on Americans due to their seething jealousy over the superior way of life (I've lived in Europe and while I like it, most Euros live like animals and cant even fathom american life)
2. Online has a lot of mentally ill people who are unsuccessful who pretend things would be better if they only lived in Europe.
i'd like to star their stripes know what i mean i'd like my bombs to burst in their air if you catch my drift i'd like to gleam their twilight if you dig my vibe
Logan Walker
>have less than $1,000 in savings Yes >take uber instead of ambulances No >deny medical treatment because of cost concerns No >have armed guards in schools No >have metal detectors in schools No >weekly school shootings Probably about once every 2 or 3 months >pay $100,000 to go to college Not sure >pay student loans for the rest of their lives No >get shot and robbed daily No >walk around with assault rifles strapped to their backs No >go back to work just weeks after having a baby Yes >take 1 week vacation for the entire year Yes >work 50 hours a week No >worship the military Define "worship" >let their soldiers go homeless Veterans yes, not soldiers >have lead in their water No >fear god Yes >have an obsession with social media Does Yas Forums count? >have electric cars No >think global warming is fake Not sure, but it definitely isn't white countries harming the environment
>techtnantly it's $0 if you count the debt we're all in. >uber is faster and cheaper >only a cop in a school called a resource officer, its their main job, they mainly have it for drugs/fights >no metal dectectors, how else are kids gonna get the vapes in? >yearly school shooting usually >$100k for the first 2 years of college not including room and board >pay any loan for the rest of life >robbed daily by exsisting >nobody walks around with rifles on their back but people would not really care anyway >back to work with a doctors note and an apology for being ate after having baby >lucky to get 1 week of time spaced out and usually only after u been working there a year >40 hours is avg, some do more, alot of people have the saying their "living for the weekend" >worshiping the military is a cult thing we do to for marketing, it's not easy to convince someone to risk their lives for rich people, easy to o with honor and freedom saving blah blah >water is fucked, I havent drank tap water for well over 5 years, just purified bottle water what god? >obession with anything as long as we're told to >we dont have that many electric cars, kinda rare to see >only for the sake of the profits, I mean economy
Yes we are the best country in the world you can do anything here, espcially if you're rich. But if you're poor grab some alcohol, weed, and some mcdonalds and come eat ass and watch netflix and enjoy the finer things in life
Benjamin Hughes
I was talking about myself, not the country as a whole.
Andrew Price
What's pathetic is taking clickbait headlines and just reposting them here for shitposting material even more pathetic is the ironic pinko faggots like you that do it for them for free
Dylan Thomas
gonna warming of take you dumb nigger the co2 levels are still going up at the same rate and pollution and indurated are putting out a small fraction of what they were.
the change isn't man made you are all faggots
Asher Hughes
Sounds like a ghetto
Connor Williams
Do Swedes really... > have to surrender their homes to dune coon rapefugees > let their children get raped by dune coons who get out of jail on the "Sexual Emergency" defense? > suffer daily grenade attacks in malmo and stockholm? > have to wait years for medical procedures because the system is bogged down with rapefugees and their spawn? > have armed somalis in their schools > daily school robberies and assaults from rapefugees > pay massive taxes to support the rapefugees > pay those taxes for the rest of their lives > get shot, stabbed, robbed, raped, grenaded, and beheaded daily by dune coons > walk around with "please dont rape me" bracelets > go back to work the next day after getting gang raped by dune coons > take a week off every few months so their wives can service numerous dune coons, while they spend their time prepping the bull and cleaning up the creampie > worship lefty/green politicians and the rapefugees they import > let their own people go homeless so dune coons can live in comfort on the dole > have white girls in their kebabs > fear being called racist for resisting a rapey gang of dune coons > have an obsession with being cucks > have to ride bicycles because a somali gang stole their car > think importing niggers and dune coons will stop global warming do swedes really think anyone cares what they think?
Kevin Garcia
> Virtually nobody walks around with a gun... that you know of.
Justin Smith
Id marry the blonde on the right.
Ryan Richardson
Michael Price
Sadly yes. What's sadder is 50% think it's a good thing
Sven, we have National Parks the size of your entire country. Funny thing is your country only has 10 million and somehow hmhas waaaaaayyyy more cucks than 330 million.