So it turn out Arnolds best son is a spic. Thoughts? Would you have kept the white kids closer?

So it turn out Arnolds best son is a spic. Thoughts? Would you have kept the white kids closer?

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we're hard workers and long for our dads appreciation and approval.

You mean Mestizo.

The white son is a tranny

So a spic?

The grandsons of all those SS officers are probably all browned and beanered in South America.

beats dying in prison in germany over "war crimes"

>Arnolds best son is a spic
Isn't Arnold a spic himself?

Nah. His mother is a mestizo. He's a castizo chad. Arnold's other 2 sons are beta AF. One of them is an obese neckbeard and the other looks like a methd out soundcloud rapper.

*blocks your path*

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this one would look good in an SS uniform

typical boomer, abandon his legit children and ruin their childhood, make some spik bastard who wants daddy, growing older and realizing mistakes but instead of making it up to his legit kids, boomer decides to hurt his legit kids further by siding with a bastard. there is a special hell for boomers like him

This is almost heartwarming.

I wouldn't have spic kids so...

He didn't abandon his other children. His other kid just wants to hang out with him more.

Arnold has pretty strong genetics. Sucks he married that weak ass Kennedy woman. Should've married some athlete woman from Austria or something. Now he just has weaker kids and a bastard.

ooh please, nigger.. daddy was too busy being hollywood faggot than to care for his children. You can't throw money at kids and expect them to grow up normal, you actually have to be a father/mother and raise them with proper values. One thing I give props to his mutant of a mother is for raising her son properly with idea of a proper father which was beneficial for that bastard. Had Anrie been there for his legit kids, both of them would follow in his footsteps.

Do you not know shit about his family?

Your getting emotional

yeah, probably a lot more than I should....


my dream is to one day dab on all of you incels and niggers like arnold

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This. I don't know why shills always try to post his octoroon son

He looks like your average austrian farmer.


His "white" kids were born from some shrill liberal cunt. They were doomed from the start.

The spic waitress for sure is a less annoying character than this nagging schriver whore

I'd learn German with a spic accent. Work hard around mansion. Wipe his nazi ass when he's old.collect my share of loot when he dies. Never be heard from again.

they're drinking lowenbrau.

that's SHIT TIER.

They both cleaned up their acts.
Probably when Arnold just up and left that shitty Kennedy bitch and the constant psycho bitch warfare ended.

lmao Joseph would beat the shit out of that beta faggot looking Patrick

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the one raised by the Kennedy clan? Not surprised.

It really is... Almost makes me forget all the everpregnant cave troll mestizos that fill my home state...Almost.

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Also just look at this fat piece of shit kek

Joseph is Arnold's true legacy.

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I honestly think spics get way worse press than they deserve. I think they're pretty based for the most part, and legit hard workers.
People who lump niggers in with spics are being very unfair in my opinion.

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Hasta la vista Flaggot.

>school shooter lips

I heard he lives in Frankonia, Germany now.

Anyone Infos on that?

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GR8 B8 M8


AOC pevin on his ample ass

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He has chad genetics. If he chose to bulk up he'd be a beast.