Brit/pol Graddad Chad Edition

>Granddad Chad 100, raises £2 million in 14 hours
> Boris Johnson; "I figure he'll bail the planet out by Sunday"

>The average UK family of 4 uses 45 toilet rolls a day - this one weird trick to use only 1 till the heat death of the universe

>Bug burgers not vegan friendly when basted with beef juice - other news a cow choked to death on grass once... probably
>I met a tranny once who live near Manchester, he had a wigan address.

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BoJo must be a bit late with the shitposting licences this morning

>only 2 brit shitposters alive at this hour
>and both of them make a thread seconds apart
Absolute state, anyway morning lad

a lil bit wuuuh
a lil bit weeey
a lil bit swshswshswhswh
a geezer

Sound as if goyim is turning less gullible and his jewish tricks aren't that funny lately.

morning fellow bongs - wibbley wobble to yuz

I'm fuming at the state of ((((our)))) gumbernment.
Jews, pakies and pajeets
>Coronavirus: Chancellor Rishi Sunak warns of more 'tough times' during COVID-19 outbreak

Graddad Chad is unreal
it was a million a few days ago, it hit 2M by lunch yesterday, 3M by bed time and 4 million this morning
sort of makes you proud

> tough times ahead
do you think they might have to ask rick folk to pay some tax?

morning mucka, what is it this morning? vigorous masturbation while searching for grot bags and emu porn?


What if we have to spend summer in lockdown?

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Either of you fellas self employed? what do you expect from the bonus next month?

Spending long summer days indoors?

Ask me ask me ask me

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Check them bitches

I think all the festivals are fucked, might be the 3rd summer of love with the freeparties, bang on time every 30 years

Hi bongs

Start the day off with a laugh

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vegimite mother fuckers, Based

That was actually pretty good

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>What if we have to spend summer in lockdown?
BoJo will make (you) and goyim to do sepuku and abolish self preservation

Is bregsit done yet?

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Gubbermint already cucking out to the CCP

Yes Chairman Xi, Thank you Chairman Xi, you did such a great job Chairman Xi

checked &
I don't think the euro union will be around by the time we get are arses in gear

I needed that.

r British Jews, Johnson is a mixed bag because of his record on Israel, his own Jewish roots and his apparent disregard for how many Britons expect senior politicians to speak about religious minorities.

…Johnson’s maternal great-grandfather, Elias Avery Lowe, was a Moscow-born Jew born to a textile merchant. Johnson confirmed this in a 2007 interview for the Jewish Chronicle.

“I feel Jewish when I feel the Jewish people are threatened or under attack, that’s when it sort of comes out,” Johnson said. “When I suddenly get a whiff of anti-Semitism, it’s then that you feel angry and protective.”

I heard they're gonna open Greggs in America when bregsit is done. I want a sosij roll and a guinness or whatever the fuck you guys drink over there.

qrd on granddad chad?

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Can't get a good Guinness in the UK my man, believe me I've tried. Help yourself to a sosij roll though

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99 year old bloke, broke a hip and got a bit sick a few months back
NHS did him proud so he decided to try raise £1000 doing 100 laps of his garden befor his 100th birthday
just a grand to buy the nurses cookies and shit,

well he went viral and he earned 1 million over about a week or so, and since saturday it's gone up 3 million, 2 million in the last 24 hours

not a rich or connected old boy just old school keep calm and carry on sort

I'd fuckin kill for a sosij roll, greggs should be 24 hour key workers

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they're pretty easy to make lad

You can get some of the pasties and stuff in Iceland... but it's just not the same

First reply
>I hate to pop your bubble but there’s 60 odd million U.K. residents/consumers that will make their own minds up;
>make their own minds up;

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It looks like an apple turnover but sausage instead of apple

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If it's not mystery meat then it's not proper