APRIL 15, 2020


MAY 2020


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>greatest zionist jew asslicker to ever occupy the presidency is going to end a jew setup, run, and owned central bank
>not just any jew run central bank, the Federal Reserve, one of the crowning jewels of their race

The level of fucking delusion coming out of the Q-ueefers is incredible. There will be no "great awakening", there will be no return to a pre-ZOG USA. Kushner/Blackrock Inc. and company run the de facto combined fed/treasury now. KYS morons, it's over anyways the kikes won.

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Nah. Not until the reelection. And he won't "end" it ... he will simply allow the Dollar to collapse, then reset with a new currency.

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Source: Dude trust me xD


That is very pretty currency.

When gold shines, silver reflects.

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>Nah. Not until the reelection. And he won't "end" it ... he will simply allow the Dollar to collapse, then reset with a new currency.

Where the hell do you people get this shit from?

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Holy shit.
They don't say federal reserve on them anymore?

I saved this version a couple weeks ago

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These are pretty cool

Allegedly nothing but pretty artwork. But one can expect such things to be "innocently" thrown around to test people's reaction and comments on it. Btw quite some activity again about Three Seas Initiative these days. New Austro-Hungarian empire soon. ;)

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can someone give me a rundown on this?

Jewtube videos where "experts" like Bix Weir and Jim Willie talk about how PM's will go 'to da moon' any day now. Every day, day in, day out.

They may go up a little, though. Like 2011.

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Why would Trump, of all people, take Jackson off the 20??

Dude that's possibly the nicest set of currency I've ever seen.

>They removed Andrew Jackson from the 20s
The bankers won so hard they don't even feel like rubbing it in anymore.


>Man destroys banks
>Banks come back
>They put his face on the 20 for keks

I was in a thread a few weeks ago and was posted.
user's posted some criticisms.

Now new version comes out with the exact criticisms fixed? >all mentions of the FED removed, even the FED seal, even the translucent view of the FED seal from the back of the notes. Not a sloppy Photoshop job. Seems like who ever did the edit's has the source files.
>Are we being A vs B tested?
>are we the focus group for the treasury?

Logical analysis of the geopolitical situation, the narratives pushed through the propaganda channels of the big players, what-ifs regarding the options of the parties involved. See for my predictions, I am too lazy to write it out again, not even past my first coffee this morning ...

>They don't say federal reserve on them anymore?

That might be a "hidden" hint, yes. :)

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He was so anti central bank that removing him from the bills is a compliment. If anything he should be on the American Eagle

Are you retarded? There isn't that much gold in the entire world. Besides, you are broke as a nation and worlds biggest gold producers are .
1. China
2. Australia
3. Russia.

And China and Russia are certainly not selling any of their gold bullion to you. No to mention how every central bank has slowly started to ramp up their purchases/repatriations from the FED of their own gold stockpiles in the last 3-5 years.

Americans are broke and you don't have money to purchase one ingot of gold on the market.

And get rid of all the hidden masonic shit from American Money too. I don't want to keep using the Devil's currency.

Trump can't "end the Fed" you fucking retard. If you think it's possible, tell me how.

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Mostly get rid of the powerbase of the globohomo ... the almighty Dollar. Oh and the Euro too when Itals declare bankruptcy. ;)

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Yet keep the moon on it.

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he already has. it's been absorbed into the treasury.

I will belive it when I see it.

you better not be that sawed off midget, Robert Reich just coming here to mess with us.

There is nothing I or anybody else can do. I regret not killing myself earlier.

Why is the one dollar bill the only one not spelled out.

He won't. But hey, "trust the plan"

>Trump can't "end the Fed" you fucking retard. If you think it's possible, tell me how.
Just instruct the US Treasury to print notes, and tell the public to swap out their fed money with treasury money.
Should cost about $50 billion, and will save the taxpayer $500 billion per year.
The fed, well just ignore them and they will go away. They don't really have a reserve in that building, its just stone columns and offices.


changing the appearance of your banknotes is not changing your currency!!!

It will still be US Dollars.

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highly underrated tripfag, checked

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These better be antimicrobial so they dont have that pretext to outlaw cash

That is the point. He cannot end it. But considering the current situation he might very well "allow" the Dollar (as the fiat currency it currently is) to collapse ... maybe even nudge it a bit over the edge. Perfect plausible deniability even, Corona sure is to blame for it! Then reboot the US with a quickly issued "emergency currency", distributing primarily to his own voter base / demographics.

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This is just a fake mock up, but it should happen because the only reason Jackson was on the $20 bill was to insult him. The Federal Reserve put him on the most spent bill to mock his legacy since everything he stood against won after he had died.

It only has a Treasury seal now Forrest.
That's something.

Nah, that bloody Latvian incel in the Kraut/pol/ just kept calling me that and it kinda stuck ... was someone else before but I don't really drink anymore so yeah ...

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Would rather have Eisenhower or Teddy on the 20 than that diseased adulterer.

The Fed literally controls banking and is established by federal law. You can't just ignore them or absorb them into a department that has no congressional charter. You guys are delusional ignoramuses.

That's dumb, gold reflects better than silver, it doesn't shine

Plastic like Canada and Australia from the looks of it.

So that brings up the question; Do we even have the equipment to print these?

Would we have the first batches printed elsewhere?

aren't we still in wartime... can't the president just do a executive order like obamo