Spanish government is too incompetent to buy reliable test kits

>Spanish government is too incompetent to buy reliable test kits
>Spanish government forces any non-essential business to do CoVID19 tests if they want to resume normal work
>A business buys 20k test kits
>Government takes them away before they can use them
this country is a joke

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_First_Spanish_Republic.svg.png (1200x800, 40.87K)

Enjoy the voted

Attached: derisasas-620x330.jpg (620x330, 21.05K)

Tell me spainniggers. If King Felipe ruled with an Iron fist would this situation have been any better?

You deserve this for killing all the native Americans

Cringe and gay user

We don't kill them, we mix with them. That was the true mistake.

>all the native americans
but we didn't, despite britain's advise
kings dont have to care about popular support as much, they wouldnt delay the lockdown for political marches or any of that stuff that happened.
we will never know really

Yeah but is he the type of guy who seems like he can pull off the job? I mean he seems a bit pozzed but considering his situation there isn't shit he can do. He is the only guy in Spain after all that can rally the vestiges of conservatism in your country anyway if it came down to it.

No. The king is useless and has made it clear that he is pro NWO by saying progressive shit in his Christmas speeches.

lol mexiniggers are so pathetic

José Antonio Primo de Rivera, we need you more than ever.

Attached: primo_de_rivera.jpg (340x341, 19.83K)

Fuck user. You guys are really fucked. RIP. Hopefully you get another Franco type leader this decade when nobody can feed themselves anymore.

They continue to blame us, when their ancestors stayed in their country and the Mexicans themselves are their real descendants ...

How does the general Spaniard feel about this covid situation?

Every time a Spanish thread is up complaining about how fucked things are, I grow sadder from knowing this shit could have been prevented if Franco put a carlist on the throne.

Attached: Carlos.png (698x901, 855.81K)

Sure you can say that. But how long until the CIA stages a coup and Spain becomes apart of globohomo. The modern political scene is not made for honest politics or honest statesman

the previous king literally gave way to democracy in this country but always kept a mostly neutral speech and never really shared political views. his son (current king) is mostly the same. it could be nice to have a conservative monarchy thats more about pragmatic solutions than political shit i guess....

Society is very divided. On the one hand, there are the strong defenders of the socio-communist government who come out to applaud every day on the balcony.
On the other hand, there are people who are tired of the government's lies and who realize that because of the government's dire management, we are the country with the most cases of coronavirus per inhabitant in the world.

Spain is an extremely socialist country, so its citizens sit around and expect the government to do everything for them, with predictable results in a crisis.

I might be missing something but why would the CIA bother with staging a coup? They didn't do it during Franco's rule, and anti-communism would continue in Spain under carlists. Now that I think about it the CIA has done some pretty based stuff like working with Pinochet.

pretty much yeah
people have blind faith in our government, and blind faith in all its laws and decisions, wich is extremelly worrying for anyone that thinks for themselves

Franco was cooperative and pragmatic. The CIA would have destabilized Spain post fall of communism if not sooner. Globohomo wouldn't allow a based nation in Europe to exist by the time were typing this.


the whole uprising of the nationalists in 36 was the plan of the General Mola, wich likely just wanted a short dictatorship similar to the previous one to restore normality in the country and jail the most violent parts of the left. maybe we would've been better off if Mr Mola survived instead of having franco at his position.

has your ERTE kicked it yet fellow Pacos? I have to wait until May jajajaja

I left my company a few months before everything started. I was supposed to join the army but now all the oppositions are paralyzed.

>join the army
what for? do you have sub chimpanze level IQ? Do you not know how to change a lightbulb and need the army to teach you that? You know that's all they do there right, user?

government jobs pay well
thats what you get when your country has 47% tax pressure, everybody wants a government job because its so much better and easier than being a tax-slave for the government

if you can't beat 'em join 'em mentality. never gonna make it

Vocation. And I have studies that allow me to access technical positions in the air force.

You can make up for this by killing the southern half of spain and it's moorish rape babies.