So is this virus an actual threat cunts?
Or are we being 4D cheesed into some dystopian nightmare?
>first person jailed for breaking quarantine as (((Frydenberg))) says WHO funding to continue
So is this virus an actual threat cunts?
Or are we being 4D cheesed into some dystopian nightmare?
>first person jailed for breaking quarantine as (((Frydenberg))) says WHO funding to continue
Other urls found in this thread:
what do u think of my port arthur summary
>inb4 vanned by ASIO
Cenno user are you here?
received a letter in the mail from my job provider today saying
>you have a phone appointment on friday and MUST be available
they got me a job that was 4 hours away (two hours walking each way and one 1.5hr train trip each way on top) and the job was a brutal factory job and I threw it in due to a medical condition that was pre-existing that this was making worse and apparently they are two days short of getting their final bonus gibs from cenno for having me there more than 3 months. So they keep pressuring me to go back but I am ignoring them. Should I change providers while COVID is on since all appointments are meant to be cancelled until the 27th?
I fucking hate these cunts they have no compassion at all they just want their money
Anarchy soon
Take the Anarcho-Piratism pill anons and be free to plunder booty when ever you please and dab on commie faggots
what's the point
Anarchy definitely soon. But I'd prefer anarcho-primitivism. Fuck commies.
I poured a beer into half a loaf of bread and ate it for lunch
Not bad. I left a comment in the last thread with a few extra bits for you. Will add more as I remember them.
its not about winning, its about individual actions to assert ones own self autonomy in the face of controlling commies and capitalist ideological nut jobs.