cringe leftist comics thread
Cringe leftist comics thread
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Daily Reminder that the Germans fathered 400k Frenchies during the occupation of France.
Why did you draw this
When everyone is gay, no one is.
still cant troll me
The left can't meme because they lack subtlety
The only way for them to express opinions is by shouting them out
>meme flag
>mentioning being trolled
Well, ummm, yeah, was something supoosed to happen?
Id fuck that tranny girl
>I have a penis less than 3
what the fuck does this even mean? is that how many guys she's fucked?
I wish trannies Would look like that but....
Someone post an edit with the first two panels and then chad clown fucking her ass
then send it to spergzy
Reminder slavs fathered 2,000,000 krauts
Zion Don was built for BBC!
>Anyone who doesn't agree with me is a retard.
And the left wonder why they can't meme?
>woman with ball
Did Lance Armstrong transition?
Looks like she triggered his trap card.
I’m confused about the order this is meant to be in
>against the use of guns
>uses guns anyways
fucking lefties cope hard.
Kinda depressing til I saw the sig.
Niggers love guns. Shitlibs just don't want whitbois to have them.
More plox
Men with tanks stealing tech from Europe is why we can have a winning(sometimes) womens soccer team.
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6
fuck off shitskin. go rob a store or something
Women belong in the kitchen, not in the niggerball fields.
How would she be crushed to her stomach after being hit by a tank? From my perspective, It seems that at the angle that is hit by those tanks it is blatantly obvious that she would have fallen to her back rather than her stomach. We need to focus on obvious facts here folks, ben shapiro out
Who is the ugly Amazon woman with the soccer ball supposed to be? lul
That womens soccer team single handedly annoyed the entire planet with their bullshit.
Shut up white boi. I fuck you mom
Somehow I think the average second amendment redneck has a pretty good understanding of firearms.
>still cant (sic) troll me
what's the point, you're already a joke?
She ducked down and the last second and went between the treads.
Some retarded hole who was the media's 'orange man bad' puppet for a week or two.
You could get this guy a talking to by the secret service by reporting this. Not kidding...
And the russians fathered an entire generation of neo "germans" tainting the aryan r*ce 4 ever and ever.
top kek
Checkmate atheists
I don't think sport is the worst thing in the world women can do, although when they go overboard with it, it can become degenerate. Still some of the women atheletes are prime breeding material.
If anything this just shows the intense perversion of these freaks. When someone gives them a compliment, their natural reaction is to involve their depraved sexual fantasies by mentioning their dick. These people are disgusting and their whole life revolves around their sick fetish.
Letting women into sports was a mistake. Especially niggers. Pic related.
At least hentai has nicely-drawn titties in it. These comics are just cancer to look at. Especially ones drawn by Lukavitch. He's a massive turbonigger.
I doubt the zionist faggot of cuckrrison made that meme.
Trump should be dumping those spic crotch dumplings in a shallow grave.
Sports aren't bad overall, country clubs have the right idea of limiting who can come and play certain sports. The pro bullshit is trash now, so are the olympics.
>I have a penis
Oh, I was looking for pussy and a womb, but enjoy the sunny day.
Tomorrow will be 41% cloudy.
>nigger gets call out for being violent
>nigger starts killing people