How has beer virus ruined your life?

beer virus completely ruined everything.
>Lost job
>getting $200 a week from unemployment insurance
>rent is $2200
>family of 3 to feed
>no end in sight

hope it was worth it for saving a few old people, I will never understand politics. literally maybe 100k Americans will die in a population of 300 million, global recession incoming because of old people.

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Make sure you get that bag brother. All you can. Links below should point you in the right direction. The illegitimate US government made this situation as bad as it is so make sure you get your loot back from them.

I wish you and your family the best.

We'll all be seeing each other in the breadlines soon enough.

Stop being so ungreatfull you could pay your rent if you hadn't wasted your money on avocado and gizmo dodat phones. Maybe after this is all over you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and thank me when I get back from the cruise I pre booked

it hasn't, my life is literally the same

Seethe and cope harder normies. I'm literally built for this shit.

Schizoid personality disorder, so this shit means nothing. Can't believe people are getting stressed out over loneliness.

Now repeat with me OP:
>I'm so happy I live under capitalist democracy, gays can marry, women are liberated and I'm free to become successful.

Can’t ruin what’s already ruined.

>rent 2200
My sides.

Yeap. Get my dream job coronad’ed first wek only 2 k to my name. Get angry white man. Illegals are still working, i see shit skins going to work every day, while us white men are not. Disgusting. A fascist government would have saved us from the gook flu. Fuck it. This wont get better, history is full of tragedy and we fall under that timeline. But do I even want everything to go back to normal? what is normal? Trans kids, niggers, rape gangs, kikes, feminism and white genocide? Go back to slave waging and increasing costs of living? fuck thatYou and I both know this world deserves to burn. And yes you and me Both deserve to die for not stopping it while we could. We are just as immoral for watching out slaughter of our people from the sideline. what makes us better than the kikes? As sgt barnes said “ we all gotta die sometime

Lonlieness? try mass unemployment

Way to lie on the internet, faggot.

Do commies talk anti-PC?

>reddit space
>Do commies talk anti-PC?
Yes, unless you are considering your social democrats communistis, like most americans do.

Attached: capitalism is gay.png (1280x1001, 192.8K)

Literally unchanged, in fact I see an uptick of work.

t. self employed master race.

>hope it was worth it for saving a few old people
>I will never understand politics.

You exist to serve boomers


Don't bullshit me, you can't be a politically incorrect communist. That's 'chauvinism' or 'brocialism'

Seriously. God bless you and your family. All this destruction to keep a few thousand sickly 80 year olds alive another year or two.

>almost no one under 40 votes in elections for the past 20 years

>Don't bullshit me, you can't be a politically incorrect communist.
Probably you're right about US, your "socialists" are just a bunch of liberal capitalists anyway.
>That's 'chauvinism' or 'brocialism'
And what? There are no liberals left to cry after a revolution.

2200 rent kek. Land of the free
My life improved under the virus, I am getting paid for staying home and doing whatever the hell I want

The USSR decriminalized homosexuality and Lenin admitted he was an old man on the issue of sexuality to Kollontai. Socialism is all about destroying family values

Left my girlfriend moved in with mom waiting for my check and trying to get a job but market sucks
Been drinking everyday might hang myself in the linen closet

>Socialism is all about destroying family values
Maybe on American movies, irl socialist countries enforced it.
Look at this posters user, I bet you've never seem such a thing on the west.
There are no LGBT representation, no women liberation, no black guy, no producting being sold. Just an incentive to form a good traditional family.

Attached: soviet.jpg (517x720, 151.84K)

How do you have a materialist philosophy that is also traditional?

Why would I lie about this shit? I needed to vent, and I am sure everyone is in agreeance with me when I say who gives a shit about a few old people dying, this is not worth peoples livelihoods.

>rent: 2200 dollarydoodoos

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Traditions can only exist if material conditions good. How can you keep traditional family when wages are dropped to subsistence, divorce become a rigged game to destory families, mass migration drop wages even further and destroy all social cohesion.
There's a reason why eastern europe and russia are far less degenerated than the west.

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welcome to having any apartment with more than 1 room in a big city in the US, that is not much considering I had a great paying job.

my girlfriend stopped fucking me because her skin feels prickly and my dick looks like a dominoes pizza damaged in a traffic collision on the way to delivery. plus the grocery stores are charging $25 for a pack of shit tickets that was previously $6. fuck this covid-5g fagdemic

There's a reason why Russia build three new churches every day ( while US forces Chrsitians to bake cakes to gays.
Like or not, traditions need material conditions to exist, and this material conditions are being destroyed for quick profit on US.

This wasn’t done to save people, it was done because the (((powers that be))) NEEDED to kill the red-hot trump economy because they think that people will turn on trump if the economy crashes.

Unfortunately for (((them))), they bought into the lie that MAGA voters are motivated by economic factors. And we are, but the economy is a very small part of what MAGA is all about, it’s mostly about taking our country back and de-diversifying it (which would have large economic impact), but I think most, if not all trump voters would happily see their salaries decrease as long as it meant that the population of blacks and browns decreased too.

Tldr trump landslide 2020

not at all
ive been self isolating and social distancing for 20 years abouts
i work outside building your intrawebs
no friends
no where to go
same ole same ole round these parts
told you fags, lonely = strong

Attached: B-188.jpg (720x1080, 933.8K)

I hit the gym, got a gf, started passing my courses and getting good grades again all within a year. Then the beer virus made me go back to full NEET mode playing vidya and watching anime 20 hours a day. My grades literally halved.

But at least I made 80k off daytrading last month.