Is there a way to spot a coalburner without knowing her?

Is there a way to spot a coalburner without knowing her?

Pic related burns the coal but you can never tell by looking at her

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A niglet or two in tow is a pretty good indicator

Short hair is one give away.

Normally fat trashy looking ones.

I would say the opposite

A less obvious way you dumb mutt

if she's an athlete, a decent chance.

It's all in their eyes.

Get a fucking hobby you cunt.

Pretty much all Zoomer girls sleep with a black guy before age 25. It's become the new thing to do before settling down

She's white, that's all you need to know buddy.

just assume if she's white she's a cal burner

White skin and blue eyes

There's a reason why niggers call bald hoes chicken heads user.

Forehead size is an indicator. 95% accurate.

Came here to write this. If she's white, she burns coal.

If she looks like a bitch she probably takes the niggerdick

Any woman born after 1980

Spotted the hapa cuckposter

What kind of irresponsible retarded parents let their daughter go out and have sex before marriage?

Why do you want to know a woman you can't have sex with? Just talk to a bro if you want non-sexual communication

pretty sure this one doesn't burn coal though. lots of white girls follow black dudes on insta. this girl doesn't follow any

Hoop earrings, neck tats, more than a normal amount of rings, dark cheek blush, tight braids espec cornrows, puffy jackets, chewing gum wit dey mouf open, ridiculous finger nails w glitter

Basically a qwain but white

Alright, a pretty good clue is if she's very trendy/faddish. Another is overdone make up as well as huge hoop earrings.

which is why the marriage rate is tanking through the floor since zoomer dudes know about all the shit going on thanks to social media. Good luck trying to get all the fighting age men invested into society when we already think its a joke before we're old enough to legally drink

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Unlike Pajeets, American parents have confidence in their daughters to make good decisions with their choice of mate

>Is there a way to spot a coalburner without knowing her?
if she's white

...because the head bobs when she sucks dick. That's where that comes from. nothing to do with anyone's haircut

I wouldn’t know if they were necessarily a coal burner but I can tell she’s a loose cunt from her picture. She is posing with her tits. Only a roastie poses with her tits. Find yourself a good girl.

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t. cuck

And they called bald woman that too.

Impossible to tell. Which do you think burns coal? You have no idea

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demoralization thread

Also the contrast between “innocent” eyes and the whore pose. That shows you she’s not actually innocent, but the opposite. When a creep smiles it never looks right. When a whore tries to look innocent they end up giving themselves away.

the 21st century is demoralizing

Usually tattoos, if good looking, usually have a raspier manly voice. Mostly fat trashy women.
Using an EBT card is another sign since her buck left her single with kids.