- made anime for trans
- trans unhappy because trans look like trans
How to make them happy ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>poz it
>breed it
What's the name of the anime?
Checked and saged.
Kill all faggots and trannies. Sage all trannies threads.
Family guy.
It seems today
That all you see
Is homosexuals and trannies on TV
What happened to those good old fashioned values
On which we used to rely?
Faggottoads no Pico
How does he know they're not asexual? How does he know none of the characters are intersex or trans? How does he know none of the characters are bisexual or gay? Sounds like the author is writing from a bigoted, white patriarchal perspective. Sad.
Crazy faggots are crazy faggots. Film at 11.
>eliminate 1/2 of all biological females
>make the remaining 1/2 ftm trans
>make every male gay
>make 1/2 of them trans
>make those ones date the 1/2 ftm trans
>make the gay guys date each other
Let them worry about making me happy. Done worrying about them.
Kill them
IA? Wtf? Did they 2 add more letters to their mentally ill group name?
They will never be happy.
A tranny is a living paradox that runs on cope.
The second they run out, they kill themselves.
Why bother trying to save them? Why warp our society for that?
I’d say buy physical copies of your favorite old school retro anime’s cuz it probably won’t be available in the future 2030s . Stock up on vintage dvds and vhs my dudes
In the future all garbage cartoons and shows will have mandatory polls to see that you will conform to the lgbtq agenda or you will be jailed and your virtual money will be frozen/ seized and you will be put in virtual jail .
Kill them. They'll never be happy until they're dead. They can't be happy when the whole world bends over for them then they'll never be happy
Just call them lgbtbbqs
You can't make them happy. They're mentally ill, and no matter what you do they will never be satisfied.
Easy you don't make them happy. To blazes with them. They want to create a world where their darkest impulses are free to be exercised without consequences or restraint. Let the degenerates stew.
Trannies are unnatural freaks.
The anime in OP's pic is Carole and Tuesday. Made by the westaboo who made Cowboy Bebop, only this time he's copying sjw tranny culture instead of blues / jazz. There's literally an anti-immigrant politician as a bad guy.
I find it hilarious that these Japanese westaboos think SJW culture is the best aspect of Western civilization.
>modern anime
>How to make them happy ?
You don't. They don't stop complaining even after you've given them everything you have, pledged your entire future to them, and constantly reexamine every one of your basic instincts and behaviors to make sure that you're not offending them. They are never happy.
Sounds bad I knew it was a shit anime when I first saw it. I'd rather watch old anime like Outlaw Star or Eat-Man. A lot of this new anime is lame.
>niggers in my anime
The worst part is that it's an objectively good well done series, ruined by obnoxious politics shoved down your throat.
>A lot of this new anime is lame.
IMO the golden age of anime was from the early 2000's to whenever Madoka came out.
I agree.
mind giving me a run down on the plot? I thought it was about two girls making a band or some shit
oh and seriously everyone here needs to hear this song.
Ikr? I think the reason why we hate sjw politics shoved down our throats so much is because we know that they are inherently bad and are ideas not based in reality but were created by fools with no life experience outside their little bubbles.
Just watch Hourou Musuko or play The Missing.
There are things that are made for queer people.
There are even quality things that are pretty supportive of queer people.
These people just complain. They never seem to know anything about the media they critique.
Most people here, who don't even like fags, could recommend decent anime or games with LGBT characters.
Instead of exploring their specific genre, modern sjws just complain about random ass mediocre netflix animes that don't have all-trans furry casts.