>abortion is ba-

>christcucks think aborting this is wrong

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Would you abort a child a week before it’s born?

child sacrifice*

Based. Yas Forums used to be a pro-eugenics board and was in full support of aborting deformed fetuses or one with down syndrome. Too bad the fucking christgoys infested this board after the 2016 election.

if it was deformed or retarded, yes.
the spartans used to abandon deformed babies for a reason. there's nothing wrong with aborting deformed babies

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a-at least they're huwhite right guys...

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It comes down to the difference between active death and passive death for me. I do not believe that under any circumstances one human has the right to take the life of another human. The only exception being self defense, because in that case another person is trying to take your life.

If a children is born with medical conditions and then dies from them later, that is natural. If a child is aborted then another human has denied that child it’s fundamental right to life.

Once we start determining who has the right to live and who does not, we abandon our humanity. I have reflected on this excessively and that is where my opinion has fallen. It aligns with my religion, but it’s not baselessly founded on my religion. I just don’t believe that any human should have the right to take the life away from another human just because they are an inconvenience.

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On what grounds does deformity preclude existence?

Obvious slide thread is obvious.

Figures it'd be a fucking leaf kek

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Post Mario video

Who the fuck waits that long. Developmental failures show prior to the third trimester

Typical cringe christcuck. Truly a religion for shitskins (most christians aren't even white), and the weak. Keep sucking that jewish dick.
>Once we start determining who has the right to live and who does not, we abandon our humanity.
We do this all the time retard. We do not assign personhood to fetuses because they are not conscious. Killing is killing, it isn't inherently wrong or right. Aborting a fetus that will know nothing but suffering for its existence isn't wrong.

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Because an existence that is nothing but suffering thanks to a grevious and irremediable condition is not a good thing.

>It aligns with my religion
You're just another retarded and stupid nigger who should never have been born or allowed to live.

Most fedoraniggers aren't white. Like you

most of the people who get abortions are people you don't want more of

>Muh ad hominems
>Muh Christ cuck
>Feigning anti Semitism while you're most likely of the fore skin eating descent
Cry more sissy boy. I LIVE RENT FREE IN YOUR HEAD

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Actually they are. Most white europeans are completely irreligious. Japs are irreligious too. Meanwhile spics, niggers and sandniggers are very religious.

Irreligious is not the same as an atheist.

Killing isn’t inherently wrong or right, which is what makes your motivation so important. If you are killing someone because you have to, then killing is amoral. If you are killing someone because you want to, then killing is immoral. The argument for killing not being inherently wrong or right has never been “Well that means we can kill whenever we want.” Historically that argument has been made in the context of requiring intense examination of your motivations.

Just because you haven’t assigned personhood to a fetus doesn’t mean it isn’t a human life. Birth is a stage of the human life cycle that takes place well after the human life begins. That type of logic is a perfect example of the dangers of dehumanizing others out of convenience.


>he says that while nigger, spic and islamic countries all ban abortion

The Nazis allowed abortion for deformed and retarded fetuses. Cry more christshit.

>If you are killing someone because you want to, then killing is immoral.

Actually it depends entirely on the motivation and circumstances of the killing. Killing to end the existence is something that will know nothing but suffering isn't wrong. Neither is assisted suicide for terminal illness or early-onset dementia.

>Just because you haven’t assigned personhood to a fetus doesn’t mean it isn’t a human life.

"Human life" is a meaningless term. My semen contains human life. An egg yolk contains chicken life. We don't assign personhood to fetuses because it hasn't developed consciousness.

Cuckstianity is the cultivation of the human failure.

What would Hitler do?


If there was reason to, sure.

Hitler outlawed abortion for whites at penalty of death. Non-whites would could have abortions, and sometimes it was mandatory if a white had a non-white child. He also expanded mental institutions' funding. These kids would probably be sent there. I don't think they had the ability back then to test if a kid would come out like that and I don't think it would make sense to bring a kid in the world that is a drain on the Volk like that.