Notice how Republicans become Rhinos if they disagree. This is called fascism or "bundle of sticks" or "fags"

Notice how Republicans become Rhinos if they disagree. This is called fascism or "bundle of sticks" or "fags"
The main tenant of fascism is that if anyone speaks out against the group, then they are the enemy. A bundle of sticks is stronger than a single after all. So if anyone speaks out against the core of the Republican party or the head. They are RHINOS. And all conspiracy theories that don't support the main narrative serve as propaganda against anyone that challenges the narrative.

Yas Forums is all a bunch of fucking faggets

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A kike has spoken, people

this but ironically

Noam Chomsky a Jew, pretending to call out the MSM, contributes to the same agenda. Accuse others of what (you) are doing.

Chumpsky can suck a bag of donkey dicks.

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Well that's it OP, you've convinced me to be a #JoePedo this winter

noam chomsky is overrated beyond understanding. he's a meme of a meme.

Imagine still taking Known Chumpsky seriously.

Chris Langan made Chomsky look like the two faced establishment whore he is.

that kike is right about you cuckservatards

You faggot, have you even read manufacturing consent?

Fucking fat fascist faggot. LOOOOL

You sound like someone who can't stop sucking cock.

>take the guns
>limit speech
now which party does this sound like?

Its funny because the majority of republicans are RINOs. Being a RINO is dependent on adherence to the principles of a republic, specifically the american republic, not on whether the head of the party says so you are or aren't.

I may suck dick, but at least I'm not a (((fag))) like you

so brave

Interesting as the same is true for the woke left. I have no affiliation or dog in the fight but let's not pretend.

I don't know who?

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Is it this bundle of sticks?

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Democrats is the correct answer, keep trying brainlet.
Death to all kikes

Look man, I don't know anything about electoral politics or wokeness. I am a rude crude dude and not politically correct. But I'm just trying to get Nazis here to acknowledge that they are by definition a bunch a faggots.

it's funny because chomsky praises any murderous dictator that pays lip service to marxism

>This is called fascism or "bundle of sticks" or "fags"
A facese isnt a bundle of stick you fucking nigger.
Its dowels or rods used to reinforce an axe.

>"The Republican party is the MOST DANGEROUS ORGANIZATION in human history"

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a bundle of rods with a projecting axe blade, carried by a lictor in ancient Rome as a symbol of a magistrate's power, and used as an emblem of authority in Fascist Italy.

Attached: Fasces.jpg (790x1600, 201.75K)


It utterly baffles me how someone can say something so unhinged and still be taken seriously by anyone

lol retard

Sometimes called a short faggot, a faggot of sticks equals a bundle of wood sticks or billets that is 3 feet (91 cm) in length and 2 feet (61 cm) in circumference. The measurement was standardised in ordinances by 1474

>Cope: The Thread

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Good job being retarded and a fucking nigger.
Kill youself before I do.

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>a faggot with an axe

Does this mean Chomsky would prefer the Nazis?

I don't know that you're going to get much cooperation or a willful show of hands, but uh, I respect your fortitude?

ok choomer

Yes and thats not a fasces, fuck off.mary.

Why so triggered snowflake? Two different things with different definitions.
Off your self.

Wrong you fucking faggot apologist. Either way,

According to Mussolini

Fascism=bundle of sticks= Faggot.

Come to terms that you are a faggot

because jewish fascism is the gayest ideology

Chomsky was a fan of Pol Pot.

He probably thinks they're the same thing

Are you defending someone specifically here?

>The main tenant of fascism is that if anyone speaks out against the group, then they are the enemy
>posts picture of pseudo intellectual leftist gatekeeper
wow just like communism then? i think you are mentally incapable of understanding what fascism is, let alone republicanism.

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based & redpilled
fuck conservatives and fuck democrats two sides of the same shekel

It’s RINO, not RHINO. It stands for “republican in name only.” Did you think all this time they were calling dissident republicans rhinoceroses?

I hope to God we see a resurgence of fascism in America when corona is through. I'll be the first motherfucker gathering up every cocksucker that ever held a leftist view and subjugate them to real death camps.

Lol. A Rhino is a Communist in Conservative clothing. They work towards open borders and globalism. OP you're too far removed form the redpill for me to care.

Whatever bitch, still applies.

The main tenant of fascism is "bundle together in a group like a bunch of fags" Speak out against the group and you become a RINO.

Checkmate fascist.

Fascism=bundle of sticks= faggot

Come to terms with it, accept reality.

>fascism=literally burning faggot cocksucking poopslurping GRIDs infected child molesting faggots alive
WTF BASED?!?!?!?!

>Come to terms with it, accept reality.
But you're just making shit up like a bluepilled person.

I also hope to God.

Oh baby I can't wait to start killing fascist faggots. I'm gunna have me some fun.