Warning labels on nicotine products

Hey Yas Forums what do you think about these fucking warning labels the government makes them put on dip and cigs?

Also post what you guys are dipping, chewing, or smoking. Pic related for me.
anti-nicotine fags fuck off

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Stop chewing that cheap worm dirt. Copenhagen is a man’s dip.

Why are you mad, do you just hate being reminded of your bad decisions?

I'm not anti nicotine because we literally live off selling tobacco products like the chewing ones or pipe tobacco(my family); however, there's no denying these things cause cancer my dude. We are forced by law to put the labels in the product

Why don't they have big ass labels on alcohol then? or a fucking alarm that takes up 30% of the windshield when you're speeding? It's unnecessary bullshit that takes away from the aesthetics of the can

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I got fucking mouth cancer at 39, only used that shit for ~10 years. Give it up now while you can.

Get a can you like. Transfer contents to that can. Done.

or the government can fuck off outta my business

Tobacco companies are raking in more money than ever since those labels started appearing and tobacco has been demonized.

embarrassed that I started using a juul to suit cigs. if dip wasn't 30 dollars a can in Canada I would have switched to that. Juul has an incredible amount of nicotine

grizzly is too salty and has no flavor

I bought a pouch of Bugler tobacco last week because the store I normally buy from is non essential. Found out Bugler is French for shitty tobacco

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>30 dollars a can
fucking ridiculous where the fuck does the government get off taxing shit that much. If they are gonna make life a living hell at least let people get a buzz and a break for a little bit. Proof that they hate us

Because in North America tobacco leaves are kiln dried & the heat leaches tsna's out of the stem into the leaf.
Pasteurized oral tobacco is safe, check Scandinavia - they've removed labels for their markets.

Amen brother

Might have to try that, you got any recommendations?

I'm not anti-tobacco. I enjoy nicotine gum every now and then. I'm also not anti-warning label. Obviously everyone and their mother knows tobacco can be bad in excess, but the warning label removes any plausible deniability on the part of the consumer. If people know the risks they should be able to consume a little bit of tobacco now and then.

Grizzly is rubbery garbage.

Wintergreen pouches mmm


Swedish match has lots of brands like Ettan, General, etc. Ettan tastes similar to cope. I believe the US has a great selection for good prices, unlike this shithole.

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Thanks man, found it for about $3 a can online, gonna have to check if any local stores have it that are open

Stop being queer, user

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Cant you order from elsewhere?

Imagine being this big of a nigger.

Australian tobacco warning

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Absolutely based. I put a little splash of makers mark in my cope.

Fuckin hell you can't even tell what that is a pack of

Femanon here. The Welfare Bear for me, too. Wintergreen long cut.
No tits, gtfo.

those are just fnords

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Post feet.

Imagine being so trashy and disregarding to your body that you opt to smoke, chew, or dip nicotine rather than vape.


>aesthetics of the can

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