Why was the dissident right on the rise from 2012-2017, and then went into hard decline recently?

Why was the dissident right on the rise from 2012-2017, and then went into hard decline recently?

Was it Charlottesville? I

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Parts of it were a fad, you get bored of hearing the same thing repeated all day

Schizos like richard spencer and the thot wars.

>you get bored of hearing the same thing repeated all day
then why are we all still on Yas Forums?

Was there too much focus on race?

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Because now conservatism is the accepted norm, and liberalism is just a fringe ideology held by a couple million people that CNN uses to scrape together ad revenue each month

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Why is pol mostly shitposting? All the youtubers ran out of stuff to talk about

Why are people so obsessed with le epic Charlottesville? It was a nothingburger.

No just ran out of anything new

Because the establishment banned them off of all of their platforms

You were used to get trump elected now you’re discarded like the gullible fools that you are

>dissident right
What, is the new psyop after the kikes realized that no one was falling for their "alt-right" shit? Nationalism has only grown in power year after year, and that includes its online presence. If you're talking about people like Richard Spencer, then yes, they have all but disappeared, because they were never anything more than a way for the media to tar the entire right through the actions of a few retards.

Wrong the norm is still centreism. Probably fiscal liberalism but legal and authoritary conservatism in some areas. Which is a flip. It's not mainstream by any stretch, it's just that what the media presents isn't mainstream. Which is new too.

I think it's in decline because people are like... burnt out. Myself, I am waiting for October to get back into it and just taking a break now

Nah, they have been on the decline.

That put the nail in the coffin, though.

>Why are people so obsessed with le epic Charlottesville? It was a nothingburger.
It's a false because, a nothingburger that the left actually believes was a somethingburger because they are retards.

The left does all the heavy lifting by being batshit crazy. The right doesn’t need to have a huge presence. That and there’s the censorship

It was just a few dozen basement dwellers who met up every year, but 2017 was when le big bad Drumpf became President, so they had to act like it was some big event that every evil fashish right wing Nahtzee was attending.

Its not been on the decline at all, it has just been stagnant (for instance the amount of Yas Forums visits hasn't really declined but just remained around the same on average), although Charlottesville scared the Jews and the backlash scared a lot of pussy faggots which hurt us a bit but didn't cause much a decline, but instead stopped the growth and caused some division which was exacerbated by Nick Fuentes. Recently I'd say the nationalist right is becoming more revolutionary after a number of events throughout 2019, this can be seen on a lot of bunkerchans, although there are a lot of shills on 4/pol/.

It's the best case scenario they can use to claim racism is real problem and the Trump is a nazi supporter. Same reason why they keep lying about the "good people on both sides" out of context shit. It's their "AH HA! SEE I'M NOT CRAZY!!!"

Because a lot of them have incoherent and inconsistent views on things beyond immigration and race.

No stance on economics, environmental issues, etc.

yes pewdiepie centrism reddit r/dankmemes is the new norm basically having no convictions and being ironic and nihilistic is how you get popular.

>and then went into hard decline recently
ITT: things that never happened

Of course not.

We unironically got tired of winning.
The movement would be very strong right now if Hillary had won and Brexit had been rejected.

Terrible leadership
Infiltration and infighting
Social media crackdown and censorship.

By the way, some of the infiltration and infighting was created on this board by psy-op shills, and some of you morons fell for it.
Ever notice that there were a lot more threads attacking right wing creators on youtube and other sites than there were attacking left wingers???
For example, we had a lot of attractive young women making good content and they all got driven off.
In case you morons are too stupid to figure this out, that wasn't organic. But I bet some of you fell for the psy-op and joined in. Especially you fucking incel morons.
And it wasn't just them. Basically all dissident right voices got run off. Tons of threads on Yas Forums trying to discredit them all. To be fair, not all of them were good, but some of them were, and now we have nothing.

Congratulations to the useful rubes on this board who fell for the enemy's psy-op.

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There's nothing wrong with being a Nazi supporter.

Why would Charlottesville have anything to do with anything?

Like "Oh, some people on the left side of the political spectrum held some rally that didnt go perfectly in the media, I guess I believe abortions are fine and we should implement gun restrictions now."

Would that make ANY sense?

This. So much this. Yas Forums underestimates just how much of an impact Mr Bond and Murdoch Murdoch had when they were still on Jewtube.

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if this is real, nothing a woman has ever said has been as based

Spencer is pretty logical