Or is this a experiment in civil obedience? My county will make it mandatory to wear masks in public tomorrow.
Is this really about a virus anymore?
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>Is this really about a virus anymore?
Truth is, it never was
They made it explicitly clear that it doesn't matter what you cover your mouth with, even a old t-shirt. Sounds real scientific.
nice gimp suit
I think NPR is using images of people exclusively using masks in public to further this experiment that is backed by nothing.
My town made it mandatory too. No one adheres to it and no one enforces it
retards like the ones in this thread don't understand that viruses don't follow bell curves
I was the only on in the store today without a mask. I have one in my car but I refuse to wear it.
Why contain it? What are you even doing on /pol if you want to contain it?
>the bell curve is just an invention like sliced bread
Yes, Fear is now our advisor.
The quality of the tests for CoVid19 is unknown.
A test for CoVid19 did not exist so it became a weak spot for the government. So, the government changed the rules and allowed any company with some data saying a test kit works to sell them.
Think about it, suppose you just want to make money being a vendor. Put a useless test together and sell it to Uncle Sam.
NONE of these tests have been validated.
Here is a good article by a MIT engineer who studies medical testing methods at Harvard Medical School where he is a professor.
Basically, it says no one knows if the tests even work.
Seems like they give most people a false positive result, says you have CoVid19 when you don’t.
that's a big oof lol.
interesting, thanks for sharing.
You're a shill and a god damn traitor and do you know what happens to traitors? They eat bullets.
Jokes on them, I want the world to collapse.
Glow harder
It was always about control.
Remember 9/11, when they introduced all these new laws, regulations, procedures? Remember when they said most of these would only be temporary, and would subside in time? Notice how none have gone away, and are all still in effect and we just look at them like a usual everyday thing now?
We wanted safety, we told them to take the step, instead they took a leap. This will happen again, to keep you safe. Hope you guys didn't buy a $1300 phone, because I have a feeling burners will soon be an everyday thing..
I'm not wearing a mask.
If it was really airborne aids grocery store workers in particular would be dropping dead daily. My area hospital, which serves half a million people, has 7 people in ICU for this and they're all from a nursing home.
You sound like KMG.
Of fucking course it’s an experiment in civil disobedience.
>civil disobedience.
No, civil obedience.
Spare us on dotr
It's an experiment for how much civil liberties the government can suspend in the name of a national emergency.
Were just entering a new phase of the experiment
The roll out of AI and the distancing area
This is basically true. I'm white and I don't want to contain it.
It's an experiment on how many idiots live in our society, looks like you just added to the count.
The answer is zero, but they'll try anyway.
>My county will make it mandatory to wear masks in public tomorrow
Dude, do you seriously even have to ask?
H1N1 infected UP TO 1.4 BILLION people, aaaaaannnd fucking NOTHING happened.
Ignore it and fight back. Shoot anyone who violates your rights.
All those.
I will not wear a mask, I will not get tested, I will not get a vaccine.
Almost like the game was rigged from the start.
They just like to see how much they can turn the screws. Really its a dangerous provocation after a guy already tried to run a train into a hospital.
Supposedly they they test for "coronavirus" and not COVID-19 specifically. Since coronavirus is kind of a generic thing -- colds are caused by coronavirus -- that's essentially worthless and probably explains all the "asymptomatic" people. They're not asymptomatic, they just have colds They don't fucking have COVID.