Is this really about a virus anymore?

Or is this a experiment in civil obedience? My county will make it mandatory to wear masks in public tomorrow.

Attached: selfie for pol.jpg (607x1080, 105.58K)

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>Is this really about a virus anymore?
Truth is, it never was

They made it explicitly clear that it doesn't matter what you cover your mouth with, even a old t-shirt. Sounds real scientific.


nice gimp suit

I think NPR is using images of people exclusively using masks in public to further this experiment that is backed by nothing.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-14_21-08-43.png (475x519, 256.71K)

My town made it mandatory too. No one adheres to it and no one enforces it

retards like the ones in this thread don't understand that viruses don't follow bell curves

I was the only on in the store today without a mask. I have one in my car but I refuse to wear it.

Why contain it? What are you even doing on /pol if you want to contain it?