Open mind

Progress Cannot Be Stopped

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EMF causes cancer and other issues but whatever.

Lol they were so stupid in the 1900's.

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The arguments made by this cartoon are just as valid today as they were in their time. The Industrial Revolution was a mistake.

>oh noes cables are so scary

hypocrite that you are

Back then their taxes did not all go to taking care of niggers and illegal migrants.

I'm just using what's available to me. I wouldn't mind at all if it it was lost to the world.

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cables would be ok. it's all the wireless stuff that is sterilizing us, microwaving us, turning men into sissies and making women degenerate.

Streetslights ruined everything. Cmv

>EMF causes cancer and other issues but whatever.

Honestly you can replace "EMF" with anything and that sentence would still be true.

then what did they complain about on their internet forums?

>Wired infrastructure

OP is a cocksucking nigger retard stupid subhuman mutt jew, who is going to hell.


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My grandpa and his friends used to jiggle the wires for the trolleys in downtown Chicago in the early 1920's. They would disconnect and the train would stop. Good times.

Society would be much better off without electricity though. More people would be employed, people would be more social, people have closer and better friends, everyone would spend more time outdoors, etc

Electricity was extremely fuck bad for society.

Electricity was a mistake, look at the degeneracy progress has brought.

This was anti electricity propaganda.
Y'all need to just accept leaded gasoline already.

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What exactly is this thing you faggots are always "progressing" towards?

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I wonder how many squirrels that fries every year

That picture reminds me of time I spent in India

Also: Fuck Huawei. These pro CCP cunts freeze when you call out the fact that it's Chinese installed infrastructure.

5G is not "progress", it is wanton excess on the road to slavery.

Also: Fuck the spreading of degenerate words like "Y'all" . Mutts are in such a rush to sound like redneck niggers they might as well all she put into a cage and work on a plantation for the rest of their life asap.

That is how they looked, take a look at India and their cabling... It's atrocious, if we didnt have such an upstanding government compared to other nations it would be just as ugly.

Except 10's of thousands of people died trying to wire there own houses because there were no public utility companies that handled electricity at the time. Thats why those cartoons exist you fucking retard.

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But it can be understood and regulated so its application is safe but literally any conversation about any possible negative impact of 5G is reacted to as outlandish conspiracy theory by programmed sheep.

So am I correct in assuming this anti-5G push is more “fuck China” than a genuine Luddite uprising?

>he says this on a computer
>he says this using the internet
>he says this while powered by electricity

Feel free to fuck off to the woods, hypocrite.

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>more people would be employed
Employed in a field shoveling horse shit or crammed in a textile mill losing a limb every other week, what a great alternative!

Based and Tedpilled!

My grandpa and his friends used to bounce nickels off the asses of figure skaters at the Ice Follies.
Mind you this was in the 40’s when bouncing nickels off people’s asses was more socially acceptable

Electricity has made more opportunities possible. What do you want us to do? Have all machinery powered by steam and diesel? Or go back to horse and buggies? Should we all go back to using candles and gas lamps? What kind of jobs would exist to replace those dependent on electricity?

They're likely all gone cooked now, so 0.

The Swede causes cancer but whatever

Happy hunting.

Is it just me or does he look like an older Jamie lanester


Don't forget turning the frogs gay, schizo.

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you do realize that all types of disease and death grew dramatically after the discovery and dissemination of electricity right?

I do hate light pollution. Ruins the scenery completely

>What kind of jobs would exist to replace those dependent on electricity?
re-read the other parts of your post

It's not against electricity, it's against the unsightly tangle of wires when people in NY tenements were stealing power.

Then, NYC passed a law moving all the wires underground. Ever noticed that there are very few powerlines in NYC visible? Compare to Japan where it's a huge tangle.

BTW, is this a faked picture, pretending to be from the 1900's? What is source?

Edison believed direct current, not alternating current was much safer to use for public utilities despite its limitations with distance.
It does not create dangerous EMF fields like alternating current.

I can imagine that the maintenance workers who actually have to fish through that cluster fuck of wires.

I’ll do you one better: the agricultural revolution was the real mistake.


The electric jew.

Source? Only an anti Semite would ask for a source.

You don't progress towards something, you progress AWAY from something.

>tfw pro-5g threads are constant while anti-5g threads are pruned or deleted.

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Correct back then and correct now

The gay frogs thing is very real. Due to chemical pollution in many rivers 9 in 10 frogs either become infertile males or mutate as tadpoles into females. However they’re dysfunctional females, only capable of reproducing more female frogs that are themselves infertile.