>midwest hicks only beginning to get fucked
>east coast wops and jews dying like it's a nudda shoa
>california bent the curve so fast and early that we are already planning rentry
Based Coast
>midwest hicks only beginning to get fucked
>east coast wops and jews dying like it's a nudda shoa
>california bent the curve so fast and early that we are already planning rentry
Based Coast
Funny thing is the major population centers are reportedly affected the worst and they mostly vote Democrat. Corona chan 1, Democrats -20,000
That's because we got the Beta version release back in November.
TBQH it was a little buggy
Fuck your gay state.
>t. Florida man
Re-entry? Enjoy your fucking biohazard suit dinners with disposable menus, will you be able to stuff burgers through your suit?
>california bent the curve so fast and early that we are already planning rentry
big mistake as it's only the first wave.
>eating at places with menus
Fuck cali I have a summer house there for when it gets too hot in Scottsdale but I'm not returning this year
I've lived in California my whole life and it fucking sucks. Scenery is nice though.
>Eating at places without menus
I just wanted to say that California is the most overrated shithole on planet Earth, even more so than Rio de Janeiro.
>beaches: all private except the ones that suck
>girls: al lstuck up bitches looking for a sugar daddy
>dudes: pothead muttoids still riding the cool attitude Caifornians used to have but is now long gone
>everybody is overly PC and you pretty much cannot talk about any topic without getting some pozzed brain faggot offended
>the entire state smells like God rubbed his musty vinegary balls on it
Kill yourself
If California follows Newsom’s plan then many will leave the state.
Yes? They offer a dinner comprised of multiple courses the chef chooses and you eat them, is your dining experience limited to Applebees?
That is then known as a set menu.
i cant wait until we secede along with nevada, oregon, and washington. i cant wait for obese cletuses and their hordes of rural retards to approach the sierra ranges and bitter root ranges trying to stop secession just to surprise them millions of patriots in bomber planes and sniper nests to rain blood over the fields of our beautiful country border. the east would get demolished in a war with the new republic once china and russia join our cause to weaken their biggest geopolitical rival. i have dreams of waving the california flag over the bodies of defeated hicks and their african refugee brothers.
>beaches are all private
t.never been to california
>everybody is overly pc
maybe on a college campus or in a soi city office
>dudes are all potheads and girls are all bitches
you need to get our more and stop looking at social media so much.
he doesn't know he's just pretending to be a richfag
>i cant wait until we secede along with nevada, oregon, and washington
Try it you fucking spic. See how quickly you get your shit pushed in like last time.
yeah im sure you are prepped for a war from your 800 sq ft apartment in the downtown part of san fagcisco
you wouldn't last five minutes, basedboy.
Posting old, real California. When it was White and American. California is nothing more than disgusting spic chink hellhole. The Californians of the 1850s would be appalled at what happened to the state.
Sounds like Cuba...
This is now a California hate thread.
>1/4 of foreign born citizens are in california
>california is home to 2 million illegals
>california is home to 11 million legal invaders
pic related shows that Cali and its neighbors have an awfully high population density of fags.
Your fat wife sits on your face you flyover loser
Over my dead body, user.
Rather funny how, despite its best efforts to become a liberal paradise to please rabbi Shekelsteinberg, Commiefornia pollutes the environment quite a bit. Actually, it's more so disgusting.
all this salt in this thread doesn't trump facts. we're winning and were going to open up very soon while the rest of you are going to have to get martial law
black and white will never look aesthetic to me desu. makes it look too much like a drawing.
Some color photographs for you then
this.. we are on our second wave, thanks San FagCisco
now thats a beauty right there.
How many Spanish words did you hear or see today? For me, it was zero.
i'm ashamed to have been born there. you have fucked up a great state and there will be consequences. not everybody in ca wants globohomo. you have ignored the citizens for too long.
cities look like something out of an apocalypse. thank god for suburbs
Cope my bro. Cope. You know its over.
t. Former Californian.
vintage LA was pure kino
Obviously not a California native. Don’t base what you think about our great state on fucking LA or San Francisco. Those are trash cities. It’s all about that medium city cali life.
Lets get down bro! I'm going to make traitors like you look me in the eyes before i shotgun their face in.
I want to instigate a civil war and what’s this?
Checked. Based. Feelin’ fine in the 323
>t chink
your real worry should be the hardened American patriots inside California. My boot will be on your neck soon enough and I can't wait.
We'll approach from the north down the I-5 corridor, ignoring towns like Weed, Redding, and for the time, Sacramento.
When we get to the bay area we will stay inland, and cut all the supply lines, water, food, etc. No need to invade, just control the area inland from Santa Rosa to Gilroy, and listen while the fires and the cannibals rage.
Then it's down the San Juaquin, and when we get to Magic Mountain, repeat the plan, keeping the high ground east of San Fernando and Los Angeles valleys. At some stage we will meet up with forces from Pendleton who will have been doing the same to San Diego and Orange.