The federal budget deficit is expected to reach 4 trillion this year...

The federal budget deficit is expected to reach 4 trillion this year. Why do right-wing retards expect libertarians like me to support Trump over Democrats when they expand government far more than Democrats?

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Prove me wrong. Show flag, I dare you.

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Why would a libertarian support a democrat.
An authoritarian pro government expansion party.

Why should i care?

Because they make weed legal and don't double the deficit?

I don't. I hate both parties. I vote Libertarian.

>An authoritarian pro government expansion party.

You just described the Republican Party

Fuck Trump, his wasting of trillions on wall street will be what brings down the US economy. He has managed to ruin the lives of future American generations. Still no wall.

>imagining a world where the budget deficit wasn't run up to the sky by Obama on the excuse "Well after the damage Bush did, who cares?"

I love how Bill Clinton balancing the federal budget once in an 8 year administration has been mythologicly stretched into "Democrats are fiscally responsible and always have been." and dumbasses actually believe it.

Hello? This is wall, did I hear you talking shit again normie?

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Macroeconomics is a spook, debt means nothing

None of this is real

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oh nooo the massive and important ancap vote is lost

>Why do right-wing retards expect libertarians like me to support Trump
We don't. There's like ten of you in the entire country, making you happy isn't important.

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Trump is going to get re-elected. Waste your time in something else. Like collecting coins and peepingtoming your hot Russian neighbor that barely speaks English and is very sweet.

Voting democrat or republican is just voting on which rights to lose. You can vote for another candidate but they won’t win so what’s the point? I’d rather trump than Biden but I wish we had better options.

Fact is, the government can fire up the Federal Reserve and run some hefty monetary stimulus. Lolberts on suicide watch

libertarians should not touch social security and rail against welfare and gibs of the sort

it'll make them immensely popular; they should also seek to make taxes less for bottom 100k of earners

most socialist programs require a broad tax base and the best way to prevent their creation of expansion is actually to make taxes even more progressive; if people earning under 100k paid no taxes, the political will to raise taxes will be very low

thats obama wall

Just print out treasury notes. Most of our national debt comes from Federal Reserve issued interest.

If you look at the last 50 year history Democrats are the fiscally conservative party. Since Reagan Republicans gave run on big military spending and free tax cuts that pay for themselves.

The Obama deficit? Largely Bush's fault as well. Less tax revenue due to his free tax cuts and major recession decreaseig revenue. increased costs due to the recession. Two major wars ($$$$$)

Trump is the ultimate culmination of 40 years of free pony voodoo Reaganomics

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Only kikes care about the budget deficit because it's only owed to kikes.
Bigger deficit = less money in kike hands

Money literally doesn't matter. Violence does. The US Government has a massive corner on that market. Take off the bowtie.

An Cap shit isn't a serious position. Magic money printer will keep going and you will keep tilting at windmills.

so true trump is such a faggot

This might be true, but being the party of homosexuality, gun grabbing, 3rd world population replacement and abortion isn't acceptable what so ever to normal people. It's depraved and ghoulish.

Raising taxes isn't fiscally responsible, it's being a more prolific thief. Governmental fiscal responsibility is lowering spending, something that democrats absolutely refuse to do.

Because FED chairman Trump is our only hope

How coronachan leads to Treasury dollar printing

The Mark of the beast is here

Are we cyberpunk yet?

>If you look at the last 50 year
Republican - did well - got us out of Nam - I dont give a fuck about Watergate
didn't overspend but had shit economy cuz MUH ENVIRONMENT
major overspender - military industrial complex worshiper
NWO shit tier
The only reason this clown did well economically was the fall of the Soviet Union (YAY we get to cut all this ridiculous military overspending) & the internet/tech age (major new economic field emerging)
>Bush Jr
NWO shit tier
didn't do shit either

Your entire post is wrong

The deficit is a meme and doesn't mean anything.

you're not a libertarian you're a s0i-fed homosexual and a faggot

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You have no choice, goy. It's huge (((government))) forever.

Looks like you just backed up exactly what I said?
No sweety fically responsible means balancing a budget. Raising taxes when you run on raising spending.

Republicans do the exact opposite and campaign on raising spending and lowering taxes. This is called idiocy. No one cares about what your little feefees tell you a word means

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