Are birthrate really dropping or will men just approach fatherhood later?

Girls have their wild years in their teens up until their 30s, realistically that won't change. As a mid 20s guy I've only in the recent years got girls interested in me and started dating and hooking up. There is really no way I would now look for a partner to start a family with, when I have to assume a big contrast in experience.
So my idea is, to have fun or whatever that phase is called and look for someone to start a family with when I'm in my 50s. I assume many men who postpone fatherhood think similarly and the low birth rate is just a delayed birthrate.

>your degeneracy is part of the problem

A marriage will be more successful if im not resentful about being way less experienced

>that's why you only marry a virgin

You know how unrealistic that is

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Im waiting to have children when the economy picks up. So around like 55-60. Wife is younger but she might go through menopause by the time it happens anyway. Regardless it would be irresponsible to have children without armed security and private education.

Your job as a father is not just to provide seed for a child, but also upbringing. Upbringing is a 18-20 year commitment. Most men die out around the age of 70. In other words, you'll probably die before you complete your job as a man and a father with that plan.

Pic related, reason why you're more recently pulling tang.

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birth rates are really dropping. fewer babies pop out per capita. it's real

if men approach fatherhood later, women start having babies later too, and so fewer babies overall

It's a good way to encourage leftist to breed themselves out; Hears to hoping that 30 years from now a lot of our current divisions have been aborted away or drinking cool aunt wine in a nursing home somewhere. But don't let it fool you too, the culture that breeds succeeds.

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Leftists reproduce via universities.

I just don't want a slut for a wife. So I stopped going out and meeting people. Don't care. It's not involuntary, I just want to keep my body and mind healthy. That isn't possible in a relationship in this day and age. Too many people are two-faced or don't want to stick it out together.

One good thing about the pandemic is we're turning to online colleges, good chance that will break that avenue of production.

YES you monkey, birth rates are dropping
>Women have their wild years up until 30
Guess what, fool? Women opt to have 1-2 children when they have children that old, not to mention that these children have a higher chance of having defects/autism

Paired with this fact is the divorce rate (at least in the US) was at 50%

Paired with the fact that the African population is projected to be at 1 billion by 2070.

Do you know what this spells? Fucking disaster OP

Women have been told it is ok to chase a "career" and to whore around because "Settling down is a big commitment" "Children are too much work" "Having a career is more fulfilling"



Gonna give you advice fellow user.
I've dated about 13 or so women just to find the one I married last year. It took me until I was 29 to find her.

There's two things you need to keep in mind. The first is that its like the lottery. You cant win if you dont play.
The second is that you learn more about yourself and what you want and dont want in your partner by playing the game. You gotta be willing to figure yourself out.

Shes out there, but you gotta sharpen yourself if you want her to dig you for your confidence.

Fiance and I are waiting until we're done with law school to have kids.

Women's fault

The kikes are lying when they say that. Fact of the matter is that people naturally balance out their birth rates within their environments. Plus, the world has more people in it since recorded history. Constant migration is how you destroy a nation. Birth rates slowing down is the natural tendency for a population group falling in sync with their environment, nation, and resources available. Kikes use the falling birth rates as an excuse to pump more people into a country that is doing this in order to stretch its resources thin and cause a collapse.

Marrying my girlfriend out of college next year. She was a virgin before I met her. I'm 21. Cope.

Show tits or gtfo

Major cope
good for you user
keep it classy

Show tits or gtfo

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Ok, will you deliver pic related to my front door or should I pick her up somewhere?
Also I'm a NEET, having kids now spells even more desaster. I'm more stable after inheriting my parents stuff.
And if your scenario is true I don't even want kids, it would be hard enough to look after myself.

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Good fucking luck fathering *A* child with fifty, much less the 5-6 you'd need to make to compensate for all the folks going childless. Also, a woman can make one child a year maximum. Considering the breeding age female population is going to get lower in the future. Who are all these males that are "postponing" their fatherhood gonna impregnate?

I have to be honest, probably a lot of pols assumptions about the effect of female behavior might have something to them.
But if I was a woman and had the same opportunitys I would behave exactly the same.

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>Also I'm a NEET
It's probably better you don't breed then. Play video games, die alone.

I hate black pillers like you, I really do.

How old are you?

Also, I've met plenty of people like you, and this is all I have to say to you, so listen up.
>will you deliver pic related to my front door or should I pick her up somewhere
You aren't owed shit, go fucking find a broad yourself
Having children is literally the best feeling in the world besides coming in a sock
having children in your 50s is the most retarded thing I have every seen, do you have any idea how hard it may be for you to even fucking ejaculate at that age?

God I hope you're just some lost 17 year old or something, I really hate people like you.

I was with my ex for 4 years until last summer. She was a virgin when we met, but it didn't really worked out.

Look at this coward who still thinks there's an easy, peaceful way to defuse the population bomb. The only thing you'll ever use your gun for is blowing your brains out when you and your 2 broke ass kids are living in the ghetto because you thought you could beat the math.

Go ahead, call me a glownigger if it makes you feel any better about being a spineless pussy.

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Read my OP, I'm 26. Dude I know I'm owned nothing, just like I don't owe children to the white race btw.
I'm not an incel I had a long term relationship and several flings and I just don't see myself starting a family.
Also my father was 57 when I was born so I just bet on inherited fertility.

Ahahahahahah in ur 50 ... my first child at 26
And it was awesome ... go play video games and have fun litle girl ... you are just not man enough

No dude just kys your not going to make it.

My friend is having a kid at 21

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By the time you're 50, you won't want to have kids anymore.

You think you'll fhave a 25yrs old wife when you are 50 !? Ahahah no wahmen have children at 50 .. its hard on their body after 30yrs old ... you try to find excuses for not being able to handle responsibilities. You want to go tinned late and wake up late ... you clearly not have the mental strength to wake up st 5am for the next 12yrs, because you have to be there for ur children ... its called being weak and a man child ... but its okay , the weak don't breed, its natural selection. You are not my kind , fag.

Absolutely built for BBC! Holy shit!!!

>first GF took virginity when i was 17 in 2008
>dated for 1.5 years
>she tried to cuck me with her friend's boyfriend because he was a 6ft tall blue eyed chad drug dealer with a 12 inch dick
>dumped her
>she ODd on heroin at 24 6 years later
>2nd gf was vietnamese qt i escaped the friendzone with
>got tired over her shit after 2 years
>she sensed id leave and cheated
>gave me genital hsv1 from an oral sore in her mouth
>gave her genital hsv1 genitally as payback
>dumped her
>fucked 65 hookers in thailand

I've disqualified myself from procreation

The idea that we should ignore the degeneracy problem is unacceptable. It's proven that having 'wild' years do observable damage to your ability to form a healthy relationship. A family can't be built on this liberal bs of jumping partners when you get bored. Imagine how that affects the kids when a parent just leaves to join another family, it's downright cruel. The degeneracy problem must be fixed if any improvement is to be made.

>A marriage will be more successful if im not resentful about being way less experienced
Why though? I really have no idea how any intelligent human being could unironically say something like this? What experience do you need to have? Are you going to feel like a failure if you never get to have a threesome? Or if the number of women you've slept with is less than what someone else claims? Who gives a fuck? That's a completely childish and just plain stupid point of view.
