People don't like change, uncertainty, and chaos. We live our lives in predictable patterns and normally we don't worry so much about things like disasters, pandemics, and wars. Most people just want to work, live, and pursue happiness- prosperity for themselves and for their friends and allies. Blackmail changes all that. 'Dirt', being 'dirty', 'having dirt on you'- it's a bad place to be. When you're on your computers, your phones, and on Yas Forums- there's always other people around- watching and collecting data on you. Some of them are benevolent and some of them are not. Some of them are good Americans and some of them are not.
When someone has access to your data- you'd better be on your best behavior- because that's where blackmail comes from. Maybe someone saw you do something illegal on camera. Now they can blackmail you. Now you think you've got to do what they say or they will tell the police. Maybe you cheated on your wife and your phone was hacked and now the hacker can use that information to blackmail you. Maybe some data miner, who stalks you on the internet, recorded everything you said when you were drunk. Maybe your personal computer is hacked and all of your work has been stolen.
These are the things that happen to good trusting people who can't imagine doing that sort of thing to someone else but it does happen. When I was young man I used to guess people's passwords and read their email. It was easy because most people don't think too much about security or privacy. They only think about it when it's gone and only after their own secrets are being used against them.
How do you treat your friends and your enemies? You protect your friends, right? Keep them safe from harm and warn them when they are screwing up. But with enemies- you harass them, you trick them, and you mislead them. You are not concerned with their safety. We're winning, friends. Things will improve. A better world, full of opportunities awaits us.
The New Testament says that gentiles are financially indebted to Israel because they have enriched themselves spiritually with the Jewish religious tradition.
Romans 15:27 New King James Version 27 It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors. For (A)if the Gentiles have been partakers of Israel’s spiritual things, (B)their duty is also to minister to them in material things.
Luke Sanchez
I'm under no illusion that china will participate in this. They harvest organs of people doing Yoga and no one even cares.
Ayden Morgan
Awuhan! It's a fluvement.
Grayson Long
must be obongo on the left, but who are the rest of these people? this guy should really use more labels
John Ramirez
>tfw I'm STILL voting for Drumpf and shills literally cannot stop me
Reminder that the situation under Trump right now is even worse than the situation under Obama.
Flashback to 2013, to the Z Trial. Neighborhood watchman is attacked by an aggressive pavement ape and defends himself with a gun. Despite a character assasination by the (((media))), and King Nigger and his nigger AG Holder pouring government money into astroturfed protests, Zimmerman is acquitted and walks free. Justice has been served.
Would this still happen under "the law and order president" Trump? I don't think so. Under Trump's presidency even SAYING you would defend yourself against the rising antifa hordes will get you "red flagged" and your guns taken away. Meanwhile said antifa are rioting in the streets attacking anyone who even vaguely looks "right-wing" with batons, hammers, crowbars and bike locks, while the police stand back and do nothing. One journalist covering the riots was beaten so badly with iron bars he got brain damage. ALL OF THIS IS ON TAPE! Yet the police do jack shit. James Fields got chased after by antifa who pointed a rifle at him (a fact that the guy in question OPENLY BOASTED ABOUT on Twitter and in public speeches) and tried to smash up his car. He tried to drive away from them through the mob that was blocking him in. At the same time, some fat antifa hambeast had a heart attack in the vicinity. Fields was tried in a kangaroo court (in which the fact that he had been chased by the gunman was suppressed) and convicted of first degree murder for this. Hell, his sentence is even longer than Epstein's was.
23 But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions, and since I have been longing for many years to visit you, 24 I plan to do so when I go to Spain. I hope to see you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there, after I have enjoyed your company for a while. 25 Now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem in the service of the Lord’s people there. 26 For Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the Lord’s people in Jerusalem.
>100 people who have previously tested positive have been found to be reinfected by coronavirus
Adam Powell
Meanwhile several cities (even before the coronavirus) have been outright refusing to arrest people for "minor" offences - and the "minor" offences on that list are getting more major as we go on. People are being arrested for saying "nigger". All this while Trump is setting precedent for gun bans by executive order, and multiple people - white people - have already been SHOT DEAD by cops for having arms while being "red flagged". One guy was shot dead in his sleep, in his own home, by cops who also wounded his pregnant wife. Any one of you could be next!
Face it folks, Trump is not the "law and order president". He is the anarcho-tyranny president. He is, and always has been, a Clintonite piece of shit who got the genius idea to run as an "anti-establishment" "Republican" "nationalist" to exploit popular feeling on the right and implement everything his buddy Hildawg wanted while giving the illusion of "winning" for his supporters. Remember, he was a staunch supporter of Rapist Bill in the 90s all through when he was implementing federal assault weapons bans, committing war crimes in Serbia, and sending FBI niggers and Delta Force to shoot, gas and burn innocent American citizens in Texas, including women and children. Hell, Ted Cruz or even Jeb Bush probably would have been a better and more "right-wing" president than Trump. Tell me, what has Trump actually done differenly than Hillary, other than providing you the illusion of triumph?
The police will not save you. The courts will not save you. The government will not save you. The System, that hates you, your family, your nation, your religion, and your race, and wants you to perish, WILL NOT SAVE YOU. So why the hell are you trying to save them?