/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3209

► Detected: 2,000,794 (+73,146) ► Died: 130,483 (+10,774) ► Day: 97 (-23:05:49)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— countries and territories infected —
— x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,771 strains have been sequenced —


Deaths in the UK are 50% higher than official toll

Trump defunds WHO, says organization colluded with China

Trump defunds WHO: "no human transmission", "don't ban travel"

Wuhan lab theory "no longer fringe", US intelligence confirms

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

Italy warns that cats, ferrets and dogs can get infected

15 year old jungle tribesman dies in Brazil

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

Virus inhibits body's immune function

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed

WHO says Italy testing too many people

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

01:04: 61 new cases and 4 new deaths in North Carolina
00:53: 150 new cases and 11 new deaths in Alabama
00:50: 169 new cases and 15 new deaths in California
00:45: 1,308 new cases and 91 new deaths in Spain
00:44: 437 new cases and 53 new deaths in Germany
00:30: 138 new cases and 2 new deaths in Alberta, Canada


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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry?

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Considering the numbers are dropping and the economy is already recovering:

I want you to think of ONE, that's right, just ONE lasting impact Corona will have in the next let's say, 5 years?

>protip: none

Tedros is a nigger

>Dead: 126,466
lol, still only 126,466.
How many days has it been stuck at 126,466? Four days? Five days?

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who ready for tedros chimp out tomorrow


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Choose your fighter, /cvg/

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Worldometers is trash today, we are using BNO

2 more weeks
>2 more weeks
2 more weeks

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>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
It's not fair bro.

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none of them have the crown though

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fuck off daigou

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Sorry it took so long for the video here is it's based off the meme. I tried to do a few animation walk cycles but I couldn't get it to look good. I wasted several days trying to get it right but scrapped it completely.


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Nice trips my son. Anyone know when brazil is going to collapse?

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One million dead when?

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We've flatten that curve boys, now open up those theme parks for us! MAY MAY MAY I CAN'T STAY INSIDE ANYMORE YOU FUCKING NERDOS!

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Confess your sins and you will be forgiven! Improper decon, insufficient prep, cavorting with heathens who doubt her cleansing power, no sin is beyond redemption if you submit yourself to her will.

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so are things getting better or worse? please provide reasoning

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I don't know, I just sit patiently in an awkward silence during them.
But won't I get banned?

I just want to guy geimu. In fact, I don't even know if I quality because 3 of my goddamn NEET friends got it. I got a social security number and worked before but it was 2017

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Deeply appreciated

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Reminder every measure taken by current govts are copied from 102 years ago during the Spanish Flu down to nothingburgerfags refusing to comply with lockdowns claiming they're unconstitutional and that the virus is a hoax.






And that there are municipalities/counties UNDERREPORTING deaths


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May 6, 2020


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They're getting roughly better, but there's evidence corona itself is worse than we thought.

Worse, America has lax quarantine policy there's going to be high numbers of infected. I've been looking at their projection charts we're nowhere near the peak yet.

Rate my prep

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To late I have cancer

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Are shaking chills a syntom? I don't have fever yer I think. I'm not coughing butI feel pretty bad guys. Please someone answer

Two million woooooooo

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Yo baker bro what's up with the count?

>worse than we thought.
how so?


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secret Asian man
reminder that it got renamed to Corvid 19
and china only started admitting to it in 2020

This isn't going to age well for that faggot Ralph. Top image from page 61 of the Red Dawn email chain.

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This is all stupid
Open the economy
Bring back all jobs from China
Use automation
Why isn't trump talking about building super cities here?
Give Musk the go ahead for full autonomous cars and stuff.
Wtf. Huge opportunities here.

a very bad thing that isn't going to go away is getting slightly better but isn't going to stop being a very bad thing that isn't going to go away.

Wait a minute

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Worldometers is slow today, BNO is counting faster, so I switched

Kill all faggots who don't like pregnant women.

Is it 100% fatal?

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So the two voices are Trump and WHO nigger having the ultimate showdown? Will Trump call him a nigger since the nigger likes it so much?

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Yes as opening cities is working out so well for China...

No one will see anything unless you have a 1080p can. Between your tiny cock and your moms unkempt Bush, it’s like post production censored in advance.

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Dont worry some people just get bad flu and others drop dead so you might be alright

Anyone know why that is though? Is there two diseases doing the rounds? Super flu and bat aids?

"god is larger than this dreaded virus."

Worse than super-SARS mixed with airborne AIDS with the resilience of herpes?

I love this color

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> and in my fap sessions, i either do the raping or get raped by Corona-chan

remove cucks like this that want to fuck fat pregnants and raise other mens babies

So will everyone need to get covid vaccinated every year from now on? China needs to pay, badly

I'll never call CIA glowniggers again if they take that fucker out

Is there still no definitive verdict on whether the virus fucks you up permanently or not? I still see people saying it clears up normally and others saying it permanently fucks your lungs and/or immune system.

It appears that you have started prematurely raiding and leaving no witnesses. The goddess admires your initiative, although patience is a virtue. Do not doubt her indomitable march, she will cleanse all in good time.

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Really fucking worse
(Zombies are confirmed it seems)

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From previous bread:

Brit friend and I compiled some links about micro-biologists and scientists that were the creme de la creme of their studies being suicided


>The following day, Steven Mostow, 63, known as Dr. Flu for his expertise in treating influenza, and a noted expert in bioterrorism, died when the airplane he was piloting crashed near Denver

>Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard University, was an expert on how the immune system responds to viral attacks such as the classic doomsday plagues of HIV, ebola and influenza.



>TLDR Scientists around the world are being killed: why?

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Yeah! And baby face knees too!

Thanks I really wanted to get that walk cycle done but it looked like crap. I need to learn flash so I can make more content. Animation in photoshop is shit.

They need nooses not ties...

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It went from
>just a bad flu bro
>attacks and destroys blood cells too
>causes myocarditis too
>oh shit it attacks the brain and causes hallucinations as well
>basically airborne AIDS/SARS combo with zombie virus potential

Love ya corona-chan
Save us from this clown world

Stay safe Gary!

you get brain damage/hallucinations apparently.

PLEASE does anyone here have some good /cvg/ videos? preferably 25 min + i need to get some good sleep in but like i true autist i need viideo on

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why do places try to hide deaths when it's literally impossible in this age of information? family members know and ask questions like why their dead family isn't being counted

Libshits are furious about the US pulling funding from the WHO. Fuck them, commie sympathizers.

Then how come 80 percent of people recover so easily?

Is something wrong?

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That’s not the only thing I’m premature at!

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>can only think of women getting pregnant in the context of other men
>calling anyone else a cuck
Typical faggot leaf

Poo's got a bit bitey as well.

As long as your lungs have breath they carry the message, that of everlasting absolution. Serve her by spreading the good word and the coof amongst the degenerates. Those who spread her light and eventually succomb shall have eternal peace.

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Every one is going to have chronic fatigue syndrome and it will destroy the economy
CFS/ME was a bioweapon test that got out of control in the first place. It's a perfect nation wrecker

But I'm not going to sleep with her?

I suspect the HIV part is modified
If the the HIV suicide bomer theroy is correct, how do you explain the long incubation peroid?
Can viruses just hang around in the blood untill activated?
If it does indeed infect cells the normal way, it takes months or years potentially before it starts to effectively shut down the immune system, much longer then the corvid time of infection to death.
Im no medfag but its probably important to know how speificly it effects t-cells

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And thank god for that!

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what would a bunch of no name scientists be able to do?

So is Trump defunding WHO because he's pushing the blame for his failure to respond?

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There's always dormancy/reemergence or reinfection, it's not super deadly but not something to shrug off either.

I love how they shut down the Indians that found the HIV inserts, and how in nature, they're unlikely to exist.

Then we find out it invades using the HIV furin cleavage mechanism and basically kills lymphocytes, and Chinese doctors say it's like a combination of HIV and SARS.

Then we have a paper where some Chinese and others make a Chimera SARS-like with HIV to invade human cells.