I work biohazard cleanup in an area with 40 confirmed cases and 0 deaths. In December we had 4 suicides...

I work biohazard cleanup in an area with 40 confirmed cases and 0 deaths. In December we had 4 suicides, from March thru today we've had 23, two of which were last night. Anyone else seeing similar trends?

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Wouldn't shock me. People can't pay their bills.

Yup. This is the great culling of the crazies. I’m a healthcare provider and can’t tell you how many of these people still roll into the ED or urgent care because of “muh anxiety”. I get it, depression and anxiety are difficult but these are the freeloading fuckers who burden an already strained system, frequent fly in their Medicaid because it’s free. Sorry, but they need to go. Thanks for your work, I did deputy coroner/death investigations for several years and it’s a yucky job.
>pic related, these crazy heifers and their made-up syndromes


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Any cool loot? I got a new graphics card

Dood, insurance is sleezy than used car salesmen, kys

Welcome to the collapse of the western civilization. Maybe if the Kikes weren't flying in and driving in every shitskin literally turning the country over to foreigners just so make cuts in wages for the work force.

Why do you think there is a drug epidemic? People aren't fulfilled in life anymore. History shows up that typically despair turns into righteous anger and vengeance. I wonder who they are going to blame user....

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not even that, it’s men locked in a room with a woman and no escape

And sorry about your job OP. That must be mentally draining. It is the curse of the great man to step over corpses.. not to clean up the mess.

Youre a psycho

People are weak.

Dude locked in with his wife 24/7.

Recipe for normie divorce and rage-quit

He's not entirely wrong. I used to be in a depression support group. Sooooo many schizos who think they're women but don't pass.

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Lets see more pics.

27 =/= 0
Is this the power of common core?

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Oh god, this.
So many relationships are ending because of COVID, the boomer memes are true when they describe the wife as a ball and chain.

>from March thru today we've had 23
23 is allot of corona cases. You should get tested OP.

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No, I’m just seeing bitter incels anonymously posting made up shit on the internet.

post more oc op please i have been looking for you all my adult life

OK Boomer Granny

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How do I get a job with you? I like hard physical labor and have strong stomach.

Let's hope this turns out to be an isolated trend.

What are the requirements to get this job?

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Someone should have told them it was just the flu.

This is very real. The approach of instilling fear and panic has been wrong. The prospect of getting the virus is scary, but being hopelessly locked in your own place with no certainty of what comes next at all can be worse for your mental health. The media (and gubmints) has blood on their hands.

> thinking suicide rate wont go up when unemployment goes up

holy shit, you Yas Forumsfags are literally more retarded than the niggers you constantly cry about.

Why? They've got a free pass to beat their wives.

I hear single shotgun blasts every couple of days.
It's strangely comforting.
It lets me know no matter how bad things are, they aren't that bad.

Any time there is a large-scale disaster/emergency/etc. crazy people off themselves. Curious as to how many mentally ill trannies have offed during the stay at home orders