Attached: basedddde.jpg (884x567, 100.29K)

>shilling fake news
Most people are getting it through direct deposit.

unironically based

believe it now fag? haha

Attached: faggooooit.jpg (928x622, 93.72K)


Not a bad campaign move. Retards love "free" money.

so dry, no sauce. Parched

T. Dependent zoomer

Liberal website now, mage.

Holy shit how can anyone still support this orange turd.

Libs seething. Based Trump.

>Retards love "free" money.
True. Just look at how Europeans love their "free" healthcare despite it being inferior to America's. Waiting months to get a simple test/scan, or see a specialist is apparently acceptable to them.

I already got mine though

>shills are so desperate they have to make up news

>leftists mad they can't steal credit from Trump
It's okay, the orange man can be bad next time. Here's a juice box, now go settle down and watch some cartoons.

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What is obamaphone?


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Literal Trumpbux are kind of based.

a word and thing fox news created


I wish Canada was just a word.

One that didnt exist.

Absolutely seething

Attached: fgddgfgfddgfdfge.jpg (525x563, 81.79K)

>per cent
lmao fuck off retard

This is WaPo I believe with more anonymous sources - but realistically, the majority of people are going to get this by direct deposit... I wonder if there is even a SHRED of truth to this story

what do you expect its a right wing news site

Smart move, Trump's always a step ahead.

>Trump's always a step ahead.
except when a virus comes to kill most of the american people

For you not to be a nigger

I'm getting my trumpbux tomorrow. Why do I care?

Attached: Screenshot_20200413-121225_Navy Federal.jpg (720x1280, 112.82K)

cool story nigger go post on your Facebook about the evil Republicans

>tranny cope

Okay groomer.
>obamaphones don't real!
Talk about delusion.
They're so real they're called Trump-phones now lmao.

lol what the fuck

I wish this were true.

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Amazing, what a genius

Don’t cash if it you get a paper check shit will be worths 10’s of thousands in a few years

Married couple = $2400, two kids at $500 each.

Gay. I got barely 500

that is nothing really.

>can't stop seething

Your parents were good for sharing, now get your momma something nice.
Maybe buy dad a nice steak.

>Navy Fed
I see you. Also, mine showed pending all day today and in the past hour the pending status disappeared but the money still isn't in. Weird right?

Nice. I'm gonna frame mine if I ever get one.

>navy fed
Would never do business with them based on how cringe their awful tv commercials are.

thats like a weeks pay to me.

Blow me nigger, I just made too much

The Jews stole your money.
Go get it back!

lol no it isnt you pathetic larp bitch

Damn discord trannies get paid pretty good. Jews have deep pockets I guess

actually I make like 2800 a week

how much do your pills cost?

Prove it.

I worked 3 days last week and made $1500.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 8.06.54 PM.png (1540x166, 54.38K)

This has to be an orange man bad template that OP fucked up.

fake news bullshit.
people are already receiving the money vie direct deposit, and on thursday you'll be able to fast-track you money if you dont have direct deposit already set up.

Attached: GET MY TRUMPBUX.jpg (981x1320, 448.68K)

you may have gotten a direct deposit of funds, but since you opted for direct deposit, YOU WILL NEVER GET A PHYSICAL PAPER PRES TRUMP $1200 BIG BOY CHECK!!! HahahahahHAHahaha should have gone for the paper boi

Based. NHS is an inefficient shitshow.

only poorfags would feel the need to post that image