
Pic related reddit post came from the question "What are some arguments against privacy?"

Is it just me or does anyone else want to blow this guy's brains out? I cannot believe people actually believe this shit, this sounds like a literal hell of a society to live in. I wouldn't trade freedom of speech for any of that.
Braindead redditors, I guess.

>What are your guys' views on Privacy? I know it's a bit of a redundant question coming from a site where one can only post anonymously, but still.

Attached: Screenshot_16.png (918x654, 86.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Redditors need to be lined against a wall and shot... in minecraft of course. Avoid these people and avoid that site.

That poster has to be a goddamn chink

>throwaway account
>no upvotes
surely the entire west is now proles tier indoctrinated. everything is lost goy

I think there should unironically be a state where people like this can live together and do exactly that, they would probably be so productive and good that they could subsidize your relocation and living costs because it would be a 100% trust society, Maryland can try this shit out

I think Texas should be private cowboy world though, fuck yeah and if you want in you gotta prove yourself salty spitoon style

This goes beyond bootlicking, this is manifesting your own personal pair of boots out of thin air, and having the entirety of one shoved down your throat, to where it reaches your GI tract, while the other one meets the 1st boot from being shoved up your ass.

I want to believe this is some chinese bot trying to sway discourse, but sadly it's probably some complete mongoloid. The way they type it sounds like they're some woke zoomer dipshit

So I guess that person would be okay with getting doxxed?

He thinks he is above all that, that he is a model citizen and has nothing to fear. He thinks that nothing he says, does or believes in will ever be declared wrongthink.
This is the NPC mindset.

Is it just schizoid like me or does anyone else no longer trust the people they see on the internet as real? The amount of bots and PR companies astroturfing the web are immense. They can essentially brainwash Reddit drones with comments and upvotes into thinking the agenda they want to push is common consensus. It's really Orwellian. Watch this video, yes even if you're libertarian

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bro Maryland is my home state, let it be Cali or something...

It really is scary, user, how easily they can control the masses. I'll watch the video later tonight, but remember you always have us

These are the kinds of people mass shooters should be coming for

Right. People shouldn't take 1984 as an instruction manual! When will people learn and wake the fuck up to what is happening?

He's right though. Only people who know they're doing something wrong seek to hide themselves. Camera and audio data from smart phones and devices should be publically available. Then everyone would behave the way they know they should.

The "village" is already too small.

Attached: NPC BOT.jpg (793x500, 85.93K)

He can't imagine a scenario when his god, government, would do anything unjust. Why not move to China and see what it's like?

i never knew reddit had such high quality bait

It is simply no one's business to have access to one's smartphone camera and audio data. Why should the government get to decide the way people behave. What is stopping them from overreaching and becoming tyrannical?

I like to use this quote by Edward Snowden for people like you:

>"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say,"

It’s easy to be against privacy when your morals, dogma, and doctrines are the status quo.

At least use an example that isn't an ascendant superpower supported by its own people, you're almost proving his point. Try Venezuela.

Lelelelelel.. AF

now remind yourself that this is how the average silicon valley employee really thinks

kill yourself chink shills

Based, China is a good example for what the US should be like.

Try to look at this problem teleologically and try to disengage from your own petty concerns (imagine that you're already dead for example). Individual humans, their little "freedoms" and "happiness" don't matter. The only important thing is the future. I prefer our future to be rationally chosen and designed rather than to be a product of pure chance and interactions of billions of niggers. Power and control by the few over humanity is good, it can ensure that the future won't be decided by blind market forces or masses, it preserves human agency paradoxically. The only problem is that these few could be faggots

That's a retarded quote from a treasonous jackass. What does it say about you that you look to a despicable traitor to defend your beloved privacy? And I didn't say to allow the government to dictate people's behaviors. Once everyone's daily actions are seen by everyone else, people will modulate their own behavior so as not to be seen as a malefactor by society.

Nice try kike. We know it’s you fucks that push this shit. Go back to plebbit, you are to retarded to subvert us

1 point 3 years ago

The US has spent the past few decades massively subverting individual privacy.
The internet is the most powerful communication and information sharing tool ever made.
Without digital privacy and encryption you're basically just cattle and can be effectively targeted for mass propaganda campaigns that are hyper personalized to you.

The US government is actively trying to ban encryption with the EARN IT act.
They've spent the past 2 decades mass collecting data from everyone in the world which would contain everything about you and your day to day life and your interactions etc.
US corporations do the same thing and then use that data to train AI for a ton of things including post identification based off of writing style, audio neural nets etc.
Even facial generation to identify people behind masks.

Shit is incredibly dystopian and there is a massive lack of caring especially in a post Snowdon era.
Privacy and encryption should be a right and is necessary in a modern era to expose corruption and enable transparency in all sectors.
Mass data collection and removing the right to privacy is also not only incredibly expensive it's also extremely ineffective at actually protecting national security.

True. Privacy has it's value though.

Want everyone to see you take a shit? There are lines to it. Most people hate privacy because they are shit people. Less privacy would help in that regard. But there are lines.

>despicable traitor
The government betrayed its oath to the constitution to begin with but honestly I agree with you, I hope more Americans can honestly realize they’re on the wrong side of history. Say, what your Social Security card number? No need for privacy right? Oh also, I’ll need a backlog of your internet history, what kind of porn you browse, what kind of literature you read, every shitpost you’ve ever made along with any political statements you’ve made that don’t go along with the general status quo, that way your employer knows what you say in the dark.

No seriously, go ahead and post your internet history at the very least. This’ll be amusing

This was the point of religion. To make people feel as though they were being watched so they behave morally. I agree with the poster, if everyone is being recorded (like the eye of God on Earth), nobody will be able to hide their degeneracy. Have children carry cameras on them everywhere. Molestation and child abuse will drop to zero. Drug use to zero. Rape, to zero. Robbery, to zero. Embezzlement, to zero. The final redpill is that order is above all else. Read Ellul and Moldbug.

I'm betting he's a chunk, gloenigger or shitposter from here.

Yeah, would he give out his name and address? No, of course he wouldn't. Some user the other day told me that anonymity is for coward, I asked told him to provide his personal information. He didn't.

>Only people who know they're doing something wrong seek to hide themselves.
Cmon man, post a picture of yourself or your driver's license.

Whatever I do is my business, not anyone else's. If I don't want to tell people what book I'm reading on the toilet, it's my right not to disclose it. For anyone to demand it is their right to know what book I read on the toilet yesterday is authoritarian lunacy of the control freak variety.

The redditor is, of course, naive while at the same time being typically evil i.e. without any self-awareness. For some reason he assumes the state inevitably agrees with him or that any disagreement is at best very minor. Let's say tomorrow the state orders your children to be taken away from you and indoctrinated into a new belief system with violence used to break them down and Stockholm Syndrome used to brainwash them. "Don't fucking protest! Don't ACT an enemy of the state! You're either with us or you're not, and if you're not, I think you should be jailed and tortured and outcast and never be able to work again." OK then. Oddly the redditor did not attach his name and contact information to his post.

He should read Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago. It illustrates well that it doesn't even matter if you do agree with the state and go along with everything the state decrees, you can and will get wrecked anyway.

The right to privacy is also absolutely critical for a functioning democracy.
With this kind of data you can hyper personalize and hyper target people with propaganda campaigns on a level never seen before to distract or get people to support different things.
This has already been done using platforms like facebook with external data collecting tools and insecure APIs.
Just imagine how effective this would be if you utilized all of Facebooks data or even Googles etc.

Shit is actually terrifying and people just don't care enough to make a real difference with digital rights and the US keeps stripping people of their digital freedoms globally.

got an archive?

Ask him to post his name, ssn, religious affiliations, bank account #, bank routing #, occupation, salary, mother’s maiden name, dob, naked photos of himself, marital or relationship status, how many sex partners he’s had and their names, frequency of sexual relations, list all books he’s owned or read, his current employer, any stds he’s had, any other medical conditions he’s had, list ALL sexual fantasies he’s had, every porn website he’s visited plus descriptions of any particular fetishes, all other websites he’s visited, whether or not he’s done any illegal drugs.