How are people burning 5g towers? Aren't they metal poles?

How are people burning 5g towers? Aren't they metal poles?

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The towers setting themselves on fire.

does it matter how they're burning them down?
I dont care how they do it, i just want it done


Put tin foil in a microwave and see what happens.

On an entirely unrelated, there is a large steel tower (pic rel) on some property I just bought. I don't have many tools and my property is remote. What's the easiest way to take something like this down to make disassembly more manageable?

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put a tow rope around it and yank that fucker

The transmitter is setting the metal on fire. They coated the metal with the same anechoic coating they use on the hulls of submarines to absorb the radiation. It worked in a lab but it's breaking down over time. That's why you're only now seeing a rash of them burning. They're blaming it on sabotage to cover up just how dangerous they are.

tell a local scrap guy he can have it. also, get a life insurance policy on him.

It seems really secure and I think it would do more damage to my shitty pickup. How about a handheld solution?

Jet fuel

sawzall or bolt cutters around the bases/supports if possible? I can't see how wide the poles are from the picture
But just chop that garbage down, let it crumple under its own weight

if you put a large metal sheet or dish in front of one of the antennas it will heat up the point to the point where it burns
now imagine 100s of them in a 5 mile radius and understand why they want them everywhere

You can tell him to split the profit and he will still be interested

cut pieces of the tower with a welder and let time do the rest. eventually it will collapse from its own weight

Cut one leg. The rest will follow.

They're made of hollow steel.

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sell space on it to local indy internet providers. Collect 6k/yr

Find out who owns it, if a communications company and not a public utility that has their tower on your land, they should be paying you a fee for land usage, or, you can get rid of their shit. Why do you think farmers allow that shit on their property? It brings in money.

Probably worth a grand in scrap, so have fun if you can't get paid to allow it on your land.

Look into Thermite or Thermic Lances. You can make it yourself.

I have been watching the 5g retard comments the last few days waiting for user to point out 5g is China g and it’s a reaction to wuflu but I think all the autist have left this place.

Glowniggers burned the towers.
Sleeper glowniggers is everywhere.

Try again. (((Netherlands))) has them and is reporting "vandalism".

Set it on fire with jet fuel

>Thermal Lance
This is exactly what I was looking for.
I needed something man-portable that can deal with thick steel

mutts know they will lose the control of spy network if China's 5G is setup all over the world. So they want to stop the progress until mutts have their own 5G tech which has back doors controlled by the US.

good luck doing that anonymously. lol.
make sure you google it.
rent the book from local library. or buy an explosives-building book on amazon and have it shipped to your home by your name as it appears on your social security card.

the point is- however you learn this craft, make sure big brother sees it through the block chain. it was almost too easy....

^^^most logical explanation I have seen thus far. sadly.

If that is on your property, you should be getting payments from the company that owns the tower. Chances are you didn't examine the lot lines when you purchased your land.
Also, that tower will end up killing you if you try and take it down yourself. It appears to be at least 150 feet tall. The right tool for the job is probably an air carbon arc cutter, maybe just an oxy-act torch, but it is literal suicide for a random dude to try it.

>Literal suicide
btw it's an unused tower no longer owned by anyone

we already have a pretty nasty spy network.
the real key is get market share/full control of those tesla lasers/"cell phone towers".
even china will have facebook eventually. one world. china is a big part of it, but israel will alwasy run it from the shadows. can't do that with things as they are.

should run over all glowniggers with your car.

Because it is thousands of pounds of steel with enough potential energy to mash you into jelly. The only safe way to remove it is explosives or with a crane.

Build a badass deer stand

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i have no demolition experience. I feel like using an exothermic cutter to weaken some of the struts would be safer, and letting nature take its course as it's on my property and not around anything else

Why the fuck would you want to take down a free tower? You can climb it and look out across the horizon for enemies.

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Fucking this!

It's spoiling my otherwise glorious view of the valley


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Get up there and get a better view, is what I'm saying!

Thermite. Easy to make and can be set off remotely.

Yeah, when it comes to cutting the metal, yeah your right. Oxygen-acetylene torches are the cheapest and most readily available tool for this job. Air carbon arc cutters would be faster as your probably looking at 1/4 to 1/2 inch thickness in the plates. Using a blade would be a fucking nightmare, standing under the thing, never sure if the cut you made is the one that destroyed the structural integrity... If you are looking to take more of a long game approach, drill a few holes in the concrete foundation near the iron, and pour in brine. That son of a bitch is going to corrode fast, tower will probably collapse in under 5 years.

to melt those steel beams you're gonna want to sprinkle in a little jet fuel

OAC torch would be a nightmare too. Having to hope it doesn't fall on the tanks/lines.

jet beams can melt steel fuel

Done it started sparking. Got scared and stopped

>How are people burning 5g towers? Aren't they metal poles?
As stated in the other thread, it seems to only be the Chinese made 5G towers that are catching fire. It looks like poor construction over vandalism.
I've been hearing they used flammable epoxy to seal the boards and electrical connections.

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That's true. Just cut off the powerlines to the 5G and keep the tower.