Reminder. If you are lgbtq, you are not satanists. Satanists hate faggots. Bow to belzabub, worms.
Reminder. If you are lgbtq, you are not satanists. Satanists hate faggots. Bow to belzabub, worms
both are queers.
The secret Yas Forums server is discord gg 3VxMKA
It has to stay secret or discord will shut it down
What's the difference?
kill yourself faggot
This. LGBTWSTBTBSOT tolerance is for christfags and Anton/Crowley larpers. All of you, get lost.
nice try kike
The "god" you worship is a trannyfag.
We eat fetuses from homosexual artificial insemination. It's a known satanic ritual in which we slice open a woman's abdomin cook the baby and rape the dyke bitches dead bleeding corpse.
My Lord is not a fucking tranny you closet faggot. I'll rip your intestines out and shove the acids in your eyeballs. Hail Satan!
Hes literally a tranny with a dick and tits, as evidenced by the symbolism of your gay demonic star.
Imagine all the lame ass shit you find in christianity, add some scientology, mormonism, and bit of loony of jehovah witness....
That is essentially how fucked satanism and kikes are and why we can't get to a level 1 civilization.
When you make the axis cult look reasonable.... yikes.
Uh, actually yeah he is. Are you a low tier acolyte then?
It's blasphemous imagery made by psuedo-satanists. True satanists hate peace loving flower fags more then any other type of person. True satanists love war and cutting people open. Faggots love hippie bullshit equality. Fuck you!
you're a cartoon watching pedo, you are part of whats wrong with civilization
ooh an edgy satanist! I'm guessing a legit shabbos goy
hexagram = pentagram
that's cute, nigger, but since you assert that
>eliphas levi's baphomet in 1854 defines Satan throughout all time
yhvh loves trannies so much, he'll wife 'em.
Isreal is a proud supporter of LGBTQP rights.
YES. But at least, unlike you, I am at the write website, and right forum!
Remember, you and your culture have already lost. You come to us, we don't go to you.
lol fucking spellcheck
no Satanist would post that stupid cradle of filth thingy
>I am at the write website, and right forum
No newfag, you don't know where the fuck you are. In fact you don't know a damn thing about the world. You will never experience life or love. You will die a degenerate, delusional and twisted little pedo faggot and then you will burn in hell for eternity.
Classic inversion. The statue of liberty is a man.
>oy vey my flavor of abrahamism is the one truth, see how this book i follow says that disbelievers of my version are the same thing because Satan
Luke 8:12
>Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved
John 4:22
>Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
lol oh I love it when the kikes get triggered with smug!
>Lavey Satanism is the only Satanism
This thread is gay.
bow to Jesus
I got proof
>lol oh I love it when the kikes get triggered with smug!
0/10 comeback coping pedophile retard
why you no like loli user?
False. The Church of Satan performed the first gay marriage. Learn your shit.
Suckling goat dick isnt any cooler, faggot
I don't need to comeback, I got the rage filled response I wanted. I want you to be butthurt when reminding you of your own shortcomings. I want to remind you, that we know, that you contribute nothing to the fight and have to come to us in our lair to air an opinion instead of where ever the fuck you normally socialize at.
No one cares about your normie bullshit world views. Not in the real world, not here either. You serve the kikes. Hell you probably are a kike. Seethe. It's all I want.
no such thing as satanists its all part of judiasm death cult (as above so below ) that's why there is hebrew around the Baphomet you posted op
Ayyyy why them snakes bout to bite he dick?