This image is really fucking powerful. I believe that Yas Forums should take a moment to sit back and reflect on this image.
This image is really fucking powerful...
You are too stupid to insult.
....for being a retard.
>look at my manipulated image
>now read the words I typed up on it
can't make me do shit retarded nigger
You're right! You know what would really help right now? Electing a gropey dementia patient!
And the most midnight black gorilla looking negress he can find for VP too!
Lmao what cuckfarm did you snag this from?
>blaming Trump for governors shutting down their states over the flu
They aren't sending their best folks
>Not having an effective comeback, he posts this instead, the post
Wew lad
Hillary failed
mueller failed
impeachment failed
democrats intentionally tanking our economy will also fail
>Dreifach wasted on a Drumpfkike announcing sage
Off my board, boomer pederast
lol seething
This image is really fucking powerful. I believe that OP should take a moment to sit back and reflect on this image.
Yes that's what oligarches do when you finally elect someone they dont like. They make us pay for it. The only way to avoid this crisis and crash would have bee to elect someone that would out for cheaper and continue the cycle. Trump is the best man to over see the dismantling of the empire.
Why do retards think Trump is solely responsible for everything
Like scapegoat him for the collective incompetence of a whole nation, like that will exault your stupid ass
Wow! I thought I was the only one that wipes with coffee filters.
Shareblue shills working overtime again I see
>Out of ammo
Why didnt trump just clap his hands together abs instantly cure all the corona all over the world? Fucking orange man bad, I'm voting for hillary this year.
You got dabbed on with trips of truth. Either reply with trips in turn or accept defeat.
This. What an embarrassing thread.
Lefty Yas Forums is out in force tonight. they must not be happy the Economy isn't crashing and East Coast Dem Governors are bending the knee.
Well he did say it would disappear when the weather got warm.
Kinda did it to himself, honestly
There's no way Trump can pull out of this tailspin by November.
Quote my post where i got "dabbed on" with trips, you trendy twatwaffle
I stopped wiping altogether. You should see the size of my buttnuggets now.
LMAO. Migatards fucking suck at banter. At least call him one of your braindead knee-jerk buzzwords (Shill, tranny, kike, cope, seethe, etc)
>pandemic caused by disgusting Chinese and spread by minorities and boomers
Kek leaf goes in options boy
My farts are really fucking powerful. I believe that Yas Forums should take a moment to sit back and appreciate my BRAPPS.
>coffee filters
not a bad idea...