A Pound of Sand in the Microwave

Hypothetical Question: Imagine if putting one pound of sand in any regular household microwave oven for ten minutes resulted in a Hiroshima-equivalent atomic blast. How long would society last?

Attached: Microwave.jpg (2000x2000, 323.01K)

ten minutes?

Long enough to stop you doing that.


For reference, here's the result of a Hiroshima-equivalent blast going off in Manhattan.

Attached: Hiroshima New York.jpg (1440x1104, 276.65K)

You can buy and manufacture explosives, but almost no one does.

Fair point, but what this thought exercise posits is what happens if incels, niggers and general schitzos could wreck wanton devastation with little to no effort?

human life is very fragile.
And yet only 5% of schizophrenics ever actually become physically violent towards other people (despite having serious delusions).
The conscience is a powerful thing.
but readily available nuclear explosions would certainly give that 5% a pretty alarming reach.

Dr. Goldberg I thought I told you not to publish this anywhere

It would take one incident. Fear would be instilled after one city was leveled.

Who eats sand?

Wtf kind of thread is this? Is this some advanced glownigger shit?

just google "dirt cookies"


There are many things like this; they aren't quite as simple or accessible and require some balls. For instance, somebody started a small fire on the tracks for a commuter rail train in my area - it totally fucked up transportation for hours; even on the streets. Stations got temporarily shutdown and tens of thousands of routes had to be detoured. Over a teensy tiny fire, that may have been as simple as somebody flinging a cigarette into some dry brush by accident

Source, agent sampson?

Society would become high trust and country dwelling again

Project Orion would be a go

XXX would nuke itself

Good End

Heh. Someone figure out how big boy worked? Pretty much as easy as getting sand. If you aren't memeing I think you'd get why it doesn't happen: smart people tend to not want to destroy society

Do it. we'll time it and tell you on the other side

Calculating the speed of light with peeps

Sure, the first time it happens an explosion would go off, governments would be quick to blame one another, but could they keep the lid on it, closing the proverbial pandora's box?

Since they can't ban sand they'd ban microwaves. Owning one would be a terrorist act. People would just cook stuff on the stove.

I just put a small dusting of modelling sand in my microwave 900w for 60 seconds and it started popping and sparking after 40 seconds then my microwave tripped my fuse box.

wtf is this.

What happens if you were to do this in real life? (Pound of sand in the microwave for 10 minutes)

How long has it been since someone carried out or plotted a mass shooting or terrorist attack? that long.

Would the US government go house to house and seize microwaves? What about people that bury them in the backyard (just in case) or pull them out of junkyards?

Thats why theyre called "boomers".

It's just a thought exercise, user. DO NO DO THIS IN REAL LIFE.

There's youtube videos of this out there. You could make glass if you have the right type.

Didn’t the area under the Trinity bomb test turn to glass? This thread is starting to concern me.

Lightening makes glass when it hits sand.

It would definitely take at least 15 maybe even 17 mins in my microwave

Fuck you id Jesus

I think that the government would just ban microwaves, maybe even sand. Googling how to make a microwave would result in getting put on a watch list, much like googling how to make fertilizer bombs, how to install TOR, or where to find cheese pizza.
This is what folks should be focusing on, in Minecraft. Targeting the organs of the system itself, not just killing people Willy nilly. All these patsies shooting up churches and schools and shit, are just that, glownigger patsies pushing an agenda, because if you murder children or people praying, you draw negative attention to your so called "movement". But if you burned down a bank or fucked up the roads around a military base and disrupt their supply lines, you're likely going to have people think of you as a hero, and even effectively organize against the government.
I'm hoping the grocery workers and fast food workers and low status medical workers (janitors, CNAs) kick it off, they're the most likely groups to do so. Too bad they're likely all cucks, who will just get shit stomped, if they organize the kinds of labor movements that fought against the national guard and corporate cronies for the eight hour day. They need to push the jack boots into shooting first, and when the first teenager fast food cuck dies, all hell will break loose.