Crosspost from r/worldnews regarding hydroxychloroquine

Trump's drug has killed 11 people. There is no stopping the coronavirus and Trump has failed the American people.

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how do they know that corona virus didnt kill them?

needs some bass but yes

God, I wish they were fucking burgers

thats the point, drug didnt work

Did they stop eating monkey soup during the trials, or would they not have been able to find anyone if that was a condition?

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Already debunked cucklord

Gosh. This gets tiresome

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Brazil didn't give Hydroxychloroquine. They gave regular Chloroquine, which has more adverse side effects, and they intentionally gave massive doses.

Those fuckers were dumb as bricks.

I’m sure this is what happened.

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all those that die from cancer, abortion, drugs, alcohol etc are all reported as corona deaths.


Reminder that lady was a Dem donor

>Reddid linking
Maybe you ought to take a high hydroxychloroquine dose.

>High dose

wow they gave someone a high dose of something that you shouldn't give high doses of and there were consequences who could've guessed

it did
and everyone clapped
now stay inside and wait for a vaccine bigot

2 the first day
and 1 everyday after that?

This. Fucking huemonkeys.

>Trump's drug

they used chloroquine as well, not HCQ
it's just the leftist media killing patients to prove a point

>"high dose"
>given 33% more than normal dose
>drug known to cause faster heart rhythm
Yeah, I think these people were murdered.

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>thats the point, drug didnt work
This new thing where libtards are claiming a drug needs to work with 100% success rate is pretty fucking retarded

rofl I agree with you

>Trump caused people to die from taking unsafe dosages of a drug

Lmfao it's not supposed to be high dose. That is also how aquarium tard died

Glomph btfo

>not hydroxychloroquine
Fuck off, fake news. You're gonna get gassed, fucking kike.

>I took 50 aspirin tablets and it killed my liver wtf fuck aspirin

"Trump said to stay hydrated and my retarded son drowned himself IMPEACH!"

*high doses

Maybe if Brazilians actually prescribed normal dosage they probably would've lived.

This is as exactly 50% less stupid than people saying tonic water cured the disease
Gj Brazil

You say that now, but it may save us from the vaccine

Fuck I hate plebbit. No context, no regard for the conditions of the tests, regard for patient's lives etc.


fuck off

>implying the drug killed them and not some horrible infection from being subjected to the Brazillian medical system.

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Im not suprised, are you?

The secret Yas Forums server is discord gg 3VxMKA
It has to stay secret or discord will shut it down

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>Cope projecting
You're pathetic


If you dont agree Drumpf is a terrible excuse for a president at this point, then there is no hope for you

this, went on the subreddit and even those retarded redditers could figure it out.

I'm waiting for something blatant as fuck like "found to be ineffective in all trialgoers with the exception of ashkenazi jews" so I can have a morbid laugh when the masses swallow that and hapilly let the kiles horde the ambrosia while they die of the chinklung.
On the other hand if it IS killing people I get to laugh as sean hannity is sued to shit for insisting it's "totally safe and can't be overdosed on. No side-effects" so win-win

they are ahead of the world in WHAT again?????????

Trump needs to resign. Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

approved in the US in 1955, named one of the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system. More than 5 Million prescriptions.

Faggot, I don't know if it cures covid or not, but get the fuck out of here with your larping.

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Why didn't any of the other studies experience these results? What was the dose they were giving the patients in the study? Shills gonna shill

>get sick
>go to hospital
>die anyway

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this drug has been around since like the 1960s, we already know the side effects

just because a bunch of brs can't dose correctly doesn't mean it's unsafe

we do
those ''docs'' use chloroquine instead of HCQ and macro-dosed it on purpose

They were using 600mg twice a day. It was a test of HIGH DOSE TREATMENT. They have continued to use the lower dose, the dose used by nations all over the world, 200mg twice a day.



leaves out
"on high dose"
zero additional information
so sham globalist lackeys OD a bunch of patients who were already in ICU death beds and call the drug dangerous?

It wont, HCQ has only shown any effectiveness if it's taken before onset of severe symptoms like pneumonia and won't prevent the spread like a vaccine

No. Cesspit of propaganda.

This is being prescribed for almost everyone with COVID, along with anti-virals and azithromycin. Pic related, time stamp is old but you get the idea.
It seems to actually be beneficial when COVID is caught before the symptoms become severe (think the mild and moderate cases) but it dosen't do very much for our severe and ventilator dependent people. It also has the con that it negatively effects the heart, and COVID had been causing worsening heart problems. People with no recorded heart failure are developing it, and those who had it already are seeing their EF's worsen

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Trump should wipe out murica and their filth.

even the redditors aren't falling for that shit

>won't prevent the spread
>even if it zeroes viral load from potential spreaders

it also works much very well with the addition of zinc