I need the opinion of experts

We Yas Forumsizens are having a mildly heated discussion about the race of the gentleman on the pic
We would like for the opinion of you race specialists, is he black or white?
Granted, he's a brazilian and brazil has been subjected to race mixing policies due to immigration for centuries, but Yas Forums is saying the guy is white

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Thread in question

How the fuck does that look white to you? Because you're not.

He is mixed race

Looks like a niggery med

He looks like a Spaniard with high non-European admixture. Or just an Arab/Turk.

White can't lift

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bastard of westross/10

Not white

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it's a mutt. now go back to fit

Why is his dick so small. I thought all black guys have massive cocks

This guys balls do not work anymore :(

Seems med.. if he wants to roll with the white guys he could

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He is neither white nor black, he’s a mixed brazillian


curly hair is a big give away he's not white.

Still looks nice tho, best body type and prime genes. Wh*toids can't compete.

No, it is well known that he is a mix of Portuguese, Japanese, and Native Brazilian.
/fit just likes to think all good looking people are white.

Hes "Mediterranean", meaning his ancestors are mostly Arabic raiders.

Oh such a great sacrifice he commuted to get that body.
He probably has a mbc now

White passing, obviously you can never be sure with Latin Amerimutts but he's close enough

heavaly mixed race euro or arab/middle eastern

>black OR white


he's Iberian so started white but he has heavy Amerindian admix so no, not white

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He has no black in him at all, he’s said what he is. He’s just a mestizo.

I thought it was Ice Piss

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he doesn't have black admixture at all

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lol tiny dick

He's a nigger if we're only going with those binary options. Otherwise, he's probably a Portuguese descendant Arab rape babby. Not white by any measure.

Unironically id say mestizo towards indio mix or northern sand nigger

>How the fuck does that look white to you? Because you're not.
I mean this seems to be pretty debatable

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Can be Mediterranean.
Middle eastern (paki, Arab, Persian, Turk)
Can be indian(north)
Can be from Spain or Italy or Greek
He can also be from south or Central America

Black is all fast twitch and can’t powerlift change my mind.

He isn’t white

So would he be able to get into the ethnostate or not?

"he" is a whore for rich homosexuals

No he does not look Indian or paki. And pakis are Indian.

that answers it pretty fully tb h
half Iberian, half asian
he's a hapa

Not white

Except Nords are stronger and science has proven this

he doesn't look middle eastern or indian

Looks British.

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he's half non-white
what do you think?
this is the reason i dont post on fit anymore

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there is an infographic about the terms for different levels of castizo.
is three quarters hispanic "white"?
is three quarters Khazarian Turk (((white)))?
is three quarters Moroccan, French?
is three quarters Algerian, Italian?

If he's actually half Japanese and half Amerindian then no, even if he is handsome

25 percent is not half

Looking at eyeshape, lashes and eyebrows my guess is some type of Arab.

Race is imaginary you dumb fucks.

But you internet prisoners pretend to be nazis and probably believe in pure blood or some backward bullshit like that

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He's not black, at least not visibly, he is sandnigger

He's on the fringes of white. Mostly white, but with some admixture. White enough, in my opinion.

He absolutely looks MENA, there was a Tunisian guy who looked just like him who was killed in Syria last year all over the news. He doesn’t look Indian though.

is being skinny means fit? you are all retard fuck /pol fuck /fit fuck whole Yas Forums bunch of angry incels people here as toxic as normies

post one middle eastern guy that looks like him.there noses and phenotype is much different.

Fuck no

cope harder yid

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>what is DNA
Im sure your not white user.

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Brown eyes, nipples and soulless eyes, not white