This man has done nothing wrong

Trump is a massive hypocrite for whining about him. Trump downplayed the virus at the exact same time that the WHO and the CCP did, and now Trump is trying to whitewash this fact, saying that 'the media' downplayed it (which they did) and leaving out his own part in downplaying it.

>It's just one person coming in from China
>Our numbers are going down substantially
>It will go away like a miracle
>All is well it's just a cold

How can anyone say that he didn't downplay it? It boggles the mind.

They're all guilty of downplaying it. Fauci is correct to say going back to work is psychotic at this point. Only lunatics who care more about money than their countrymen will say he's bad for this.

Attached: anthony-fauci.jpg (2000x1333, 437.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

hes the stupid jew that cost me my job over his fearmongering
he desrves to lose his too

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>muh fearmongering
Literally the same drivel that the WHO and the CCP and the FAKE NEWS MEDIA said early on, user.
Downplaying the pandemic.

we are on track to have less deaths this year than last year, with a so called pandemic going on
it is literally a nothingburger, we shouldnt have shut anything down except our borders to china

Attached: Screenshot_2020003021.jpg (1080x768, 142.89K)

>less deaths this year than last year
That can be down to a lot of things though.
I mean there's going to be less traffic isn't there with everyone inside? And car accidents kill a lot of people each year.

That's just one example.
Also there's a meme being perpetuated that they're attributing deaths to it artificially. CVG said this is wrong, and the opposite is true.

I FUCKING knew you tards on pol would go from pointing out the origin of this virus to praising China and thanking Xi to blaming America for the virus and dunk on Trump in mear seconds. What's next blame the Jews, Zionist, Israel, and Netanyahu? Man this board is full of hypocrites.

>This man has done nothing
Could've stopped right there.

there is literally no evidence this pandemic will do much damage to america, we will be over this and back to work soon
enjoy not having your neetbux because we handle this quicker than the rest of the world

Attached: 100PERCENT.png (594x370, 39.09K)

every body on planet earth downplayed it because it was supposed to be just like SARS, just affect the chinks and burn out quickly. This isn't precedented. Not that I think Trump has done a good job, it's just that no one has, it's weird to blame it all on one leader

>finds treatment
>not doing a good job
whatever you say chang

Attached: no this isnt fake you stupid shit.png (935x653, 353.77K)


Actually it's just the media who plays up the 'differences' between Fauci and Trump, and Fauci likes the camera a little too much I don't blame Trump for shutting him down sometimes.

Where is this data coming from?

One of my leftist friends wants to know.

He did nothing wrong.... neither did trump.

are people not getting this? i feel like it's a media thing where they don't want to acknowledge that trump was right about something, but my dad is a doctor and says everyone is using it.

This. I cant wait for the Second Wave to hit when we open the economy again like retards. Its gonna be an absolutely glorious shit show on all fronts
>Millions upon millions more will get infected and hundreds of thousands will die in America alone
>Media will kvetch at the early open
>Normies will NOT stand for another lockdown.
>Trump admin will be divided on a decision. Do you either A. Accept that a fuckton of people are gonna die and that will be your legacy? Or Lockdown again and risk full civil unrest?

And you know how this could all be avoided? If we just stay locked down til about Mid June. By then summer sun will hit, which should nuke the virus.

the source is literally in the photo, jesus christ learn how to read

Its 2 weeks until the final showdown about opening shit up on MayDay. Battle lines are being drawn and people are going to lose their minds. Either way its time to open it up and stop the insanity.

>hundreds of thousands will die in America alone
this is the new normal, don't care, moving on

Yes idiot let’s crash the economy that won’t kill more people.

>By then summer sun will hit, which should nuke the virus.
never go full retard

Anthony Fauci is a fraud with a conflict of interest.

Yea very good doc, just ask Hilldawg.

Attached: one2manyhilldawg.gif (180x240, 2.78M)

Enjoy your AIDS.


People are gonna be fine. I'm tired of this meme that somehow a locked down economy is gonna kill us all.
The biggest red pill of all is just how much unneeded bullshit "jobs" exist now. People will not die because they cant go to the movie theater. They will not die because Sportsball is cancelled. Live has gone on just fine for the past month and a half.
Face it. This is the new normal. Globohomo is finished

Imagine if this really is the flu and this combination cures it.

People will die because they have no money to buy food. The money they have may become worthless.

>The biggest red pill of all is just how much unneeded bullshit "jobs" exist now.
exactly, we can't go back to that paradigm, time for a major shift in what people do for work, most don't want to face it

>the source is literally in the photo

Except it is not. Are you high?


>no money
What is Trumpbux? If we have enough money for the Federal Reserve to pump Trillions of dollars into the Stonk Market every week, then theres enough money for further rounds of Trumpbux until things stabilize

>Fauci is correct to say going back to work is psychotic at this point. Only lunatics who care more about money than their countrymen will say he's bad for this.

And Trump agrees. He is leaving it up to the States with guidance and oversight. You're the one pushing this narrative CCP Shill Boy.

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Yeah just print money. What are they taxing if nobody has income? No taxes no neetbucks. You idiots fall right into their traps, crying for Big Daddy socialists to control your life.

This guy gets it. If anything, nows the time to address serious future unknowns like automation. If we had competent leadership THIS is what we'd be talking about right now instead of how we fast we can jump right back to the status quo, kicking the can down the road bullshit

>Millions upon millions
>versus everybody dying if the economy stays closed