It's over for Trump

In an unexpected turn of events, former president Barack Obama endorses Joe Biden. This election is sealed.

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Google restaurant in which Obama was with Bourdain...

Fuck, me and my guns are moving to Costa Rica.

lol.....President Dronesalot endorses Candidate Stealsalot


>classic hostage video
>blinking 'save me' in morse code

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Must be great having this guy’s endorsement.

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What a completely useless endorsement. Obama is truly a piece of shit, waiting until it literally didn't matter

Joe Biden's Running Mate Should Be Stacey Abrams

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t. Alex Jones

>buck toothed nigger instead of Kamala Harris
Whew lad.

>In an unexpected turn of events, former president Barack Obama endorses Joe Biden. This election is sealed.

I knew you left wingers were retarded, but I didn't think you folks were THAT retarded.

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No there is brand new doc but this time normies cant go out so they will watch
Tick tock time is out

But who did Michael the Gorilla endorse?

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>In an unexpected turn of events
What? Who didn't expect this?

pic highly related

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Endorses the winner of the primaries. Not very compelling.

Get ready for the Jeopedo!

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One can't be too careful, when one's a faggot nigger piece of shit

He already endorsed him like 2 months ago, numb nuts

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He endorsed Hillary too. Seems like he has a penchant for backing losers.

Trumptards sure seem nervous. If Trump isn't reelected they won't get another 100 miles of fence :(

I unironically support this. I’m riding with Biden and Koko the Gorilla


Delicious sandnigger tears


no, he specifically didnt, kek

he was waiting to see how it plays out, this was the first actual endorsement

Hands an anti Netanyahu group 350 thousand dollars of taxpayers money

Gets Caught

Public Apology

But muh election interference 2017 reeeeeee King Niggerz


Worse thing that could have happened, everyone was hoping that Biden gets replaced with someone actually capable, holding out hope that Obama hasn't endorsed him yet because he knew someone better was going to replace him. But now it is confirmed, nobody is replacing Joe Biden, and that sucks. The democrats need a better pick, Biden isn't going to make it.

Oh no not obama! Lmao OP doesn't remember that Obama's dumbass is the entire reason trump became president in the first place. His endorsement will hurt biden not help him. Especially when it comes this late, it shows that Obama doesnt think biden is competent.

Yeah were shaking in our boots at the guy running for senator lmao

God those turds are huuuuge!

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Hillary defense: I had no intent
Biden defense: I have no current recollection
Obama defense: I'm a nigger

There's an election on?

Sexually confused reject.