Why do xoomers have such a good reputation? I hear people bitch about boomers and millennials all the time...

Why do xoomers have such a good reputation? I hear people bitch about boomers and millennials all the time, but never about them.

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Cause we're doing all the work, paying all the taxes and not complaining about it.


We're not dumbass sheep like the rest of you

I consider myself a Xennial since i was born in the very early 80s. Not a real gen x and most certainly not a millenial. People from my generation had access to the golden 80s and 90s growing up and we are more chilled out but also very hard working. We don't get talked about because we are kind of forgotten about for whatever reason. Doesn't really matter though because the world is on an entirely new paradigm now that no one is going to be able to stop. I'm just living my cozy life and getting the most out of it while it slowly burns around me.

because they're the most irrelevant gen no one cares about. they either try to emulate boomers or millennials.

Good goys.


We grew up bulling the fuck out of the weak.

'Irrelevant' is a badge of fucking honor in this clown world.

Because in a general SHTF situation where we had to live off the grid on our own we'd survive while every generation after us would fucking starve to death and die unable to defend themselves.


because it would destroy their fragile egos. we millennials get shit on because we are strong, and nobody actually thinks our Gen will fail.
with the zoomers tho, they're so fucked people know if they start trashing on them they'd probably actually fall apart
may God have mercy on your generation, zoom zoomers

They grew up normal and general work and don't complain as much.

it is a tiny generation who barely accomplished anything, riddled with chronic drug and alcohol abuse


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Because, despite our weaknesses, we look fucking CHAD next to millenial sockmen and like philosopher kings next to the dried out boomer lackwits.

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Gen X's are just "softer" boomers.

We made your world

According to many, 2005ish was when soulful Millennial kid culture like Malcolm in the Middle was ending, and the soulless Zoomer kid culture came in with degenerate shows like Hannah Montana and Johnny Test.

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They get lumped in with boomers

>We made your world
this is nothing to be proud of
just look at this shitshow

Because they know they're losers whose life sucks. Boomers and some millinials give you that we're the greatest gen crap.


Mom has no equity in the house like a typical Boomer, Dylan. Prepare to kill yourself or go to the Salvation Army, whichever comes most naturally.

Viv la Malc

Because the ones who were intelligent enough got over their emo nihilistic grunge phase and grew up to get a job and have families. All the trash of that generation died from an OD or suicide.

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They don't have a reputation, no one thinks about them and they quietly kill themselves. They were the last "cool" era in music and youth culture though, before being a literal fortnite playing avocado-toast eating moomerzoomerdoomer became the thing to be. Of course even then the bottom line of grunge/deathmetal/other 80s/90s music- was mostly about lamenting how shitty everything was when it wasn't, so it was the precursor to emo-ism and middle class white kids cutting themselves because they were "so sad".

i don't need anyone to think about me, i was too busy living it up

Gen X here. We were at exactly the right vantage point to really see everything fall apart. We lived when it was still okay in some areas. We grew up wary.

Xers are people who say they aren't boomers, but whenever they get a chance to talk down to you they act like boomer bob fuckhead and make it obvious the only reason they're SEETHING is that the boom period of the '90s ended instead of letting them be druggie wannabe hippie fucktards forever and ever.

Why would Boomers hate the people who give them rimjobs daily and don't complain like meek little cucks?

Gen x is just waiting for their time to be in charge when apl the boomer die.

not entirely untrue kek


Krist did NOT age well

What's with all the surviving nirvana guys being ultra-cancerous DNC activists?

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Sorry, literally who?

What is this *X* Generation, to which you refer?

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What did you expext? I think, they may have, killed Kurt.

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That is a great flag.

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Whoa, dude, how did (You) do that?

Millenials are cancer. Literal cancer. I can't stand them. Xers are ok. I am technically Xer, but I was born in SU. So my generation went through the equivalent of GD there. But in the current developed world, Xers are relatively ok. Millenials are the worst followed by the boomers. Zoomers are just too fucking stupid to do anything. They mean well, but they lack basic education and understanding how things work. They are not even good with computers even though they grew up with technology.

(You) too.


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ok, boomer.

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We're one of the last generations that enjoyed, for the most part, a nuclear family. Half of those I grew up with still had a housewife mom who made dinner and those like me that had a working mom still had both parents. The only faggots we saw were cool faggots like Freddie Mercury. We could still get a job and raise a family with a high school diploma. The only bad thing about Gen-X was so many became helicopter parents or let their kids go wild and created Millennials. Millennials themselves are not bad, many are bro tier, but so many have no clue on how to be anything but what they are told to be.

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No one is trying to emulate you whiney little faggots.

These guys are in a for a rude awakening when they learn their parents will leave them nothing but debt. No one is being left anything, it's all going to the banks.


USSR? So you're jewish then lol.

We've been jaded from the start. We don't get too worked up over personal pronouns. That was our baseline. We show up to work be a bit sarcastic, but do our job.

Millennials came along at when everything became about a child's self-esteem and participation trophies. This was their baseline. For example I've known several exceptionally smart millennials who quit their high paying job solely because their manager went with someone else's idea and it hurt their feefee's.

You might be the first GenX-er... what year were you born, 65, 66, 67?

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>Why don't we hear much about the generation that grew up on movies and TV shows about ninjas and special forces teams?


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Billie has nice tits but it's so obvious she's a fucking corporate shillpuppet.

Because the people bitching about any generation is typically from millenials and xoomers themselves. Xoomers currently have little to no authority over the political field so nobody complains about them