@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/14/20
>Pres Trump meets w/Hospital CEOs 4/14/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Recovered Corona-chan Patients 4/14/20
>Team Trump Online w/Don Jr &Kimberly Guilfoyle 4/14/20
>SoS Pompeo on JohnFredericksShow 4/14/20
>SoS Pompeo on NewsmaxTV 4/14/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/14/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/14/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on America 1st w/Gorka 4/14/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 4/14/20
>FDACommr Hahn on F&F 4/14/20
>Bannon on JohnFredericksShow 4/14/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (Mil Hospital Center Ldrs) 4/14/20
>StateDept Foreign Press Brief (USAmb2NATO Hutchison) 4/14/20
>WHVideo: FDACommr Hahn: All of America Approach 4/14/20
>TrumpTweet: Pres Trump Corona-chan Response 4/13/20

OP pastebin:

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>Boomer Hannity listens to Howard Stern
I’m fucking SHOCKED!


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no way that's real


why did they murder and disappear the chinese whistleblowers?
why is it now outlawed there to investigate covid-19 origins?
really activates the almonds

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Thank you Mr. President for letting us know several months ago that this was a pandemic. We know you tried to inform the masses years ago that coronavirus was not a hoax but they wouldn't listen. All those DAMN liberals were denying the virus existed but you saved us all by being honest. You're truly a medical expert who is a natural. Thank you again Mr. President.


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Hey, shill.
Yeah, you shill.

I'm STILL voting for Drumpf.

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>California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday outlined a complex set of circumstances for the state to lift coronavirus restrictions and then described a possible startling new normal: temperature checks for restaurant customers, staggered start times for public schools to keep students separated and no crowds at sporting events, fairs or concerts.
>It was a reality check for the state’s 40 million residents after days of encouraging reports about the slow growth in new cases that had many hopeful for a reset of public life following a depressing early spring spent mainly indoors.

>But Newsom said he won’t consider loosening the state’s stay-at-home orders until hospitalizations, particularly those in intensive care units, “flatten and start to decline” for at least two weeks. Even then, the governor listed six conditions that must be met, including expanded testing, more protective equipment for health care workers, better treatment and an improved ability to track and isolate those who have been infected — all things the state has struggled to accomplish thus far.

>Any broad reopening will require development of a vaccine and evidence the state has developed “herd immunity” to the virus, meaning a sufficiently high percentage won’t get infected. Newsom said “there is no light switch here. I would argue it is more like a dimmer.”
>“Let’s not make the mistake of pulling the plug too early, as much as we all want to,” he said. “I don’t want to make a political decision that puts peoples’ lives at risk and puts the economy at even more risk by extending the period of time before we can ultimately transition and get people moving again.”


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he mad tho

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fun fact
Truman wrote an article to the Washington Post on December 22, 1963 exactly one month after Kennedy was assassinated, asking for the CIA's responsibilities to be scaled back

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>inb4 that one guy posts 20 times about a debunked rape allegation

Gradually, I began to hate them.

Remember when liberals everywhere called it just the flu bro?

good post

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1 for Beijing
1 for Shanghai

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I have this.

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>All those bitter replies
>It's not his money, waah!

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want to know a sekrit? i was a berniebro in 2016.

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you took off the memeflag filter, good for you
you know most of the time you aren't too bad but really you can be an insufferable faggot so I'll still read your shit I just want you to know, you're a cocksucker and I guess that must be a hereditary thing because your mom only cost 20 bucks but then again it wasn't that great to be honest

Shouldn't there be a rule that anyone running for presidential office have to abdicate from their political positions (governor, senator, house rep) if they stay in for a certain time? Pic for attention

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the tweet that killed the WHO

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You seem upset, user. Are you okay?

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>Gradually, I began to hate them.
I feel the same way about you nothing burger spouting migatards.

I mean his ID last thread was "I R ZOG" so are you surprised?

We were all young once.

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>You now remember ID OVEN

you aren't mad enough to even be entertaining honestly this is too weak at least be entertaining I can literally turn on the tv and look here's some nigger and i want to laugh but with you i just feel sad what do you do? don't answer i don't care.

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Not even a little.

>imagine having to pretend that cucker is conservative
I tend to agree with this. Tucker is centrist. Best option for right wing politics is to reinvest in White Identity and go back to American political atmosphere of the 1920s.


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that's a man baby


What do you think about the latest revelations?

nice trippz

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what made you support Trump and come to this place

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>want to know a sekrit? i was a berniebro in 2016.

I am also a later convert, but from more of a lolbert background. Sat out 2016 entirely but Trump eventually won me over and has my vote locked up for 2020.

how many dependents can people use for the stimulus?
i don't have any kids i'm just wondering how much some people can get

>defunding the WHO

listen. i understand that trump can be callous, he is rude, and snide and i have learned to accept that.
but how the FUCK is this a good thing? god we are now the ONLY country in the WORLD to do that. we look so fucking stupid and its all because of this big dumb orange cheeto.

FUCK...i just HATE when trump does stuff that a moderate can not possibly defend.
BAD move today.

I'm hopping off the trump train for now, again.

Can you believe Obama’s incompetence got a single digit number of Americans killed at that embassy? Luckily our leader will never allow Americans to die to something completely preventable on his watch.

Trump is based and redpilled. Killing Jews and sand nuggets and fucking libtards. President for life. Fuck the constitution. USA was a courtyard for fags. Burn it down and start over.

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It's time to cut their funding and hang that nigger out to dry.

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>Sat out 2016
honest question, what made you like rump NOW more so than in 2016?

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I unironically supported *bama until he went after Snowden

just stop

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Name one thing the WHO has done for America.

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not gonna lie i have doubts about you fags
welcome to the movement but if you havent scrapped your old ideology than you are just hangers-on and to be honest you haven't learned shit. now on the other hand if you did, then fine besides, the whole thing is basically republicans that kind figured it out right? so who knows. good for you user, and i hope we get a lot of bernie faggots in here because eventually they'll either see the light or fuck the hell off and that's fine.

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So when did you realize that the situation under Trump is even worse than the situation under Obama?

Flashback to 2013, to the Z Trial. Neighborhood watchman is attacked by an aggressive pavement ape and defends himself with a gun. Despite a character assasination by the (((media))), and King Nigger and his nigger AG Holder pouring government money into astroturfed protests, Zimmerman is acquitted and walks free. Justice has been served.

Would this still happen under "the law and order president" Trump? I don't think so. Under Trump's presidency even SAYING you would defend yourself against the rising antifa hordes will get you "red flagged" and your guns taken away. Meanwhile said antifa are rioting in the streets attacking anyone who even vaguely looks "right-wing" with batons, hammers, crowbars and bike locks, while the police stand back and do nothing. One journalist covering the riots was beaten so badly with iron bars he got brain damage. ALL OF THIS IS ON TAPE! Yet the police do jack shit.
James Fields got chased after by antifa who pointed a rifle at him (a fact that the guy in question OPENLY BOASTED ABOUT on Twitter and in public speeches) and tried to smash up his car. He tried to drive away from them through the mob that was blocking him in. At the same time, some fat antifa hambeast had a heart attack in the vicinity. Fields was tried in a kangaroo court (in which the fact that he had been chased by the gunman was suppressed) and convicted of first degree murder for this. Hell, his sentence is even longer than Epstein's was.

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>never allow Americans to die to something completely preventable
how would you have prevented it?
say you have presidential powers, how would you have gone about it?

Once Trump and Moscow Mitch are gone, is there a Republican Party?

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Bitch I already nutted wtf are you still here for?

japan called out the WHO as a chinese shill organization, that's good enough for me

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Meanwhile several cities (even before the coronavirus) have been outright refusing to arrest people for "minor" offences - and the "minor" offences on that list are getting more major as we go on. People are being arrested for saying "nigger". All this while Trump is setting precedent for gun bans by executive order, and multiple people have already been SHOT DEAD by cops for having arms while being "red flagged". One guy was shot dead in his sleep, in his own home, by cops who also wounded his pregnant wife. Any one of you could be next!

Face it folks, Trump is not the "law and order president". He is the anarcho-tyranny president. He is, and always has been, a Clintonite piece of shit who got the genius idea to run as an "anti-establishment" "Republican" "nationalist" to exploit popular feeling on the right and implement everything his buddy Hildawg wanted while giving the illusion of "winning" for his supporters.
Remember, he was a staunch supporter of Rapist Bill in the 90s all through when he was implementing federal assault weapons bans, committing war crimes in Serbia, and sending FBI niggers and Delta Force to shoot, gas and burn innocent American citizens in Texas, including women and children.
Hell, Ted Cruz or even Jeb Bush probably would have been a better and more "right-wing" president than Trump.
Tell me, what has Trump actually done differenly than Hillary, other than providing you the illusion of triumph?

The police will not save you.
The courts will not save you.
The government will not save you.
The System, that hates you, your family, your nation, your religion, and your race, and wants you to perish, WILL NOT SAVE YOU.
So why the hell are you trying to save them?

Democracy is a sham. Read "Siege" by James Mason.

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>he doesn't know
good luck with AOC running your "party" into the ground

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UN and WHO are rotten Globalist groups.

funny to think that both melania and hillary are cuck women

10/10 white trad hero wives. MAGA

Durrr hurrr actually close he borders hurrr
Nigga closed the borders weeks too late and then squandered the time he bought by downplaying it. He was calling it a fucking flu in February. Inexcusable.

Can someone link me to that comparison of the Tara Reade and Kavanagh NY Times stories?

>WHO plays along with msm narrative that Drumpf totally did nothing in response to Corona-chan even though he was one of the first in the entire fucking world
>everyone is SO surprised that he cut the umbilical cord when it became clear that they're nothing more than a bunch of narrative-pushing jewbags who will gladly undermine us at our own expense

leftists lost the plot entirely, social media censorship, and the deluge of ORANGE MAN BAD in the entertainment industry

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based post all around

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State Governors to Trump: Take a seat little man.

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>ctrl + pasting all that word wall
>and i read none of it

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It is a flu.

those are like 6/10 are you from the Louisianan swamps or what

Here's your (you)
Don't spend it all in one place.

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Does this motherfucker browse Yas Forums? Xi NN is some shit I've seen shitposted in other threads.

The worst Hellraiser movie until the next one. They really should have stopped with the third one. Speaking of which, if you haven't seen Clive Barker lately, prepare to get blackpilled on the ravages of age.

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You just know Bill and Don did a wife swap at some point. Imagine Trump putting his dick in Hillary's decrepit, incontinent pooper, while Bill gets to fuck Melania. Not a good deal, if you ask me.

Once Trump is gone, we're one step closer to Democratic Socialism.

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I can name several hundred million things, and each one is "waste a taxpayer dollar", except for the one that's "be a chink shill"

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okie dokie, nice blog post but you didn’t build that

Trump to state governors:

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So when would you have closed the border, and on what basis? can't say hindsight

But isn't that exactly what Trump told them to do? That was literally the plan all along.

>Drumpf isn't a republican
>Also, the republican party is totally turning on him
>Oh, but when he's gone, it's all ogre for the republican party

Can you jews keep your narratives straight JUST FUCKING ONCE

If reading is too hard for you, then just listen to the first line of this song.


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Which governor was it that said to ignore restrictions and go see some shitty lefty movie?

Trump has no authority when it comes to State's Rights. He can sit on his hands and watch, but he would be promptly escorted out of any State Capitol where he tried to interfere.

ID B/UX/o2o
First we get the Trumpbux, then we win 2020!

First day in office.

what will happen to the world health organization if America stops giving them money

DeBlasio, NYC mayor.

I've been convinced the reason why we can't have all that stuff is because niggers and spics would overload the system
also they fail to mention the NHS is over encumbered in england, and other countries have smaller populations and tend to be homengenous ethnically

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Trump's Death Count leads the world in casualties

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>really makes you think.

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I was lurking Yas Forums since ‘05; I read “A Confederacy of Dunces” in my youth and the way most msm lied about and maligned Trump reminded me of it. I also used to be a fedora-tipping atheist faggot but now consider myself agnostic. As for what made me support Trump, I initially supported Bernie, begrudgingly supported Clinton for about a week, then decided I simply supported more of Trump’s policies. I’m still registered as a democrat so I can go to events and pick up on talking points; my state is hard blue and, so, do what I can by gathering intel and forming counters through OC creation and double agenting on normie media through sock puppet accounts.

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>They're defying Trump by doing what he tells them

How does this work in the head of a journalist
How does this work anywhere

what is article 1 section 8 as understood under wicker v filburn
what is emergency powers under executive orders 50 years ago
what is the DHS
what is block grants that allow article 1 section 8 to be abused
learn your politics
go back to grade school and cry more cuz you didn't get enough of the red crayons to eat nigger

>What is a National Emergency Declaration.
Keep speaking truth to power, sweaty.

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