/neg/ New England General: "War is coming" Edition

Welcome to /neg/- New England General, New England Politics.

New England General is a General for the New English states and greater New England. Ranging from politics, sports, talks of freedom, etc. New England is home to many ideologies ranging from Libertarians, to some leftists to right-wing people. There is a slice of everyone here and all ideas are accepted for now. New England was the BIRTH of the United States, and New England shall preserve its traditions and rights for all men and women of the region until the end of time. Many Anons had dreams of a free New England and shall is the time to make the dreams come true. If you wish to partake in the thread, you are welcome to do so.

States that make New England:
>NE states (NH,MA,VT,CT,RI,ME)
>Upstate NY (Not the (((City))) )
>Martitimes/Acadia, (Canada)
>All states combined make up a nation called, New England!

>We got a flag, take a look here.



>New England Independence Campaign:
The "NEIC" is a proposed independence movement, but some say it can be filled with faggots and weirdos (We got screencaps why so don't flood the thread with spam.) Until New England secession is likely, NEIC will remain NOT as the official Yas Forums movement until further notice.

We welcome all sides, but glowniggers stay out.
All shills are known will be told to get out and removed.
D.C. shills remain out, and NYC faggots are shunned.



>Cumo wants NY to leave
>If NY leaves, NE leaves
>CT fags are on the watch due to joining NY
>Get the fuck in here, its happening

Attached: 9DmZXFu.jpg (2560x1440, 2.44M)

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>preserve its traditions
You wont do shit and you know it.

>Even doing shit

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I'm moving to NH from California as part of our great exodus and I know im not the only one :]. Can't wait to move into a nice affordable cozy home. The no sales tax is great and so is how affordable everything is.

Attached: _2019_07_millennials_moving_2019_states.png (600x534, 34.33K)

Remember Grece 1 month ago?
Most of Europe sent actuall help and stoped the ilegals.
Not to mention we get 0 new ilegals, and deport way more than USA.
Our far-right is actually far right yours is just libertarian jews

Attached: mutt32.jpg (640x513, 106.93K)

Support Independence or get out.

>Post USA shit
>Comparing USA to New England

Why are Euros so shit?

Cause your imaginary country is in the USA?

>People in New England are therefor Amerifats

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Good luck with anyone from upstate NY wanting to have anything to do with you asshats. Fucking tools.

So you'll live with NYC forever?


Welcome to the biggest comfiest general

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What the fuck does NYC have to do with Ithaca or Rochester or Buffalo? Fuck off. Go suck a maple tree. So sick of you losers.

Not its not, I hold Spanish citizenship . I voted for Vox they're milquetoast at best the only thing they stand for is memes and reconquista. If they were real far right they would be for killing your polaco family.

Clearly you have no idea how the Empire State operates.

Do you even leave NYC?

Stay the fuck in California asshole, we don't want you.

New Taco XD
Polaco family? Wtf is even that
Also VOX = all european far right
Kek, even CSU or Kurtz is more right than those libtards and are in the EPP group

Attached: espanorf.jpg (2500x1592, 1.12M)

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Thats right, split up so big bug will eat you, fatty.


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You're clearly not spanish. Sorry didn't realize you were a fucken anglo on vacation.

Vox is not far right. The Falange is far right. Get out of my country fucker.


I'll see you on main street.

>The Falange is far right
A party that has been non existing for 40 years, even half of their staff went to Vox
Also eres un guiri de mucho cuidao

NJ reporting in, i enjoy not being invited to parties


Jesus user

NJ is fucked
help us

You might be part of the US if NE leaves

Should we leave the thread to sleep?