Why are so many of you lads desperate to believe Jewish conspiracy theories...

Why are so many of you lads desperate to believe Jewish conspiracy theories? Are you really so desperate to find reasons to back up your ridiculous hatred of Jews that you'll surrender all logic at any antisemitic nonsense someone spouts?

Pic unrelated.

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>it’s another memeflag thread

>Why are so many of you lads desperate to believe Jewish conspiracy theories?
Repeating Cohencidences

>Getting mad about flags

Calm down memeboi

what the fuck, that's not very inclusive

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I believe the guy who drew this about gays in Japan being seen as weird also drew hardcore gay guro porn as well. Pure degenerate who should be beaten with a bat.

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>Posting 3 random articles as a reason you'll believe any antisemitic nonsense

I just posted them for the lurkers.
I know better than to argue with a random jewish shill on the internet.

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I ain't even Jewish you inbred moron

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i dont, its not a conspiracy...i really really wish it were though.

Found the jew, go suck trumps cock faggot

Yes you are.


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what the fuck, stop being a homophobe
this is perfectly normal and healthy and wholesome

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>Believing nonsense

I ain't even Jewish you retarded Nazi. Eliminate yourself from the genepool so you don't pass on your inferior genes. I can already tell from your posting that you're low IQ and a low earner and probably live at home.

I'm not Jewish you goof, and I'm not watching some random Youtube video


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Silence, Moshe.
I already told you that they're not for you.

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"Cohencidences" is the best thing ive seen all day, user

Report & hide all memeflag threads

You must be new

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even in my Canada




Lol, no. I've just never seen that word play. And i know a jew with the surname Cohen, so its even better.

Shut it retard

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BARA is the only based and acceptable porn.

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