Holocaust deniers just got destroyed

This man liberated Dachau, he saw EVERYTHING, the dead bodies, the overns, the gas chambers, etc and yet retards will still deny it. Denying these things happened should be a criminal offence. It's an insult for the lack of a better term to the soldiers and victims that had to experience these unbelievably tragic and traumatic things. Very problematic.


Attached: deniers.png (1325x797, 1.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Holocaust denial
>moon landing denial
>big foot conspiracy
>Chem trails
>bigger luke

It's all so tiresome.

Why Rabbi you look positively radiant today!

cute, too bad today Jews say "no death camps (or gas chambers) on German soil.

only a tiny number of US GIs ever "saw Dachau", however watching films was required for all GIs up until JFK.

Just projection. The war crimes against the German people were horrific. #NeverForget

>it was real in my mind

sure he did Schlomo..

sure he did...


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The Holocaust - shoah - (completely burnt offering) was the firebombing of Dresden where people were cooked alive in their basements and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two of the most predominantly Christian cities in Japan.

Dare I say based

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Even the US Holocaust Museum admits that Dachau wasn't an extermination camp. No real gas chambers.

You're disgusting

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>WW2 Veteran (((Don Greenbaum)))

Imagine something in the world that you are FORCED to believe by PENALTY OF LAW

I can only think of one thing anyone is forced to believe and that is that the Holocaust absolutely happened exactly how they say it happened

School does not force me to believe in gravity, churches do not force me to believe their religion Etc.

Video is wrong. Jews aren't "thanking Americans for liberation", they are making up lies in order to sue the same Americans that liberated them.


Why are jews so fucking stupid?

You can't even philosophically prove knowledge or truth let alone any of the things you're claiming. You're just upset that not everyone puts the same level of stake in claimants as you do - that there are people out there who hold skeptical philosophical hearts and prefer not to have truth administered to them like a drug but rather be something they try to verify and prove like an investigation.

>School does not force me to believe in gravity, churches do not force me to believe their religion Etc.
Um, sweetie, if you write that humans were created in some magical garden with talkingsnakes and shining fruits in a biology examination test, you will get a 0, just like you write "fake" in holocaust related questions in history class.

Digit died for this post, also what is pic related

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because academia right now is controlled by jews

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>Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.
> Dwight D. Eisenhower

Yep, he was right

Literally who cares? Why do jews need a fancy and elegant name for their dead in the war. 100m Christian's died. We're over it. Get over it too you terminal cry baby faggot

gravity is still a theory. is it illegal to disbelieve gravity?

When will these antisemites open their eyes?

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Denying gravity is not the same as denying genocide or human suffering.

Who cares about that shit any more?

Dacahu wasn’t a death camp. That’s official according to even the official kosher-approved bullshit story. Its “gas chamber” they say was never used (it couldn’t be anyways, it was a mock-up made by Americans with no functioning pipes or anything plus the ventilation system goes to a kitchen... and the museum used to tell people this until they were told to stop)

>he has to bring up philosophy and the meaning of truth to justify his conspiracy theories

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Jews did 9/11

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Genocide? Take a look around.. not exactly a shortage of jews

You don't even believe in truth was my point.

Anecdotes aren't evidence

Not watching this shit but the hoaxers don't even claim Dachau had a gas chamber anymore. Get with the times, OP.

the personal real world ramifications will be far more disastrous when you deny gravity unlike some made up yid lie like the holohoax

Bro, just give up. There's only 1 Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy.

Tell that to the man who actually WITNESSED the whole thing. It's easy when you are just lying on your ass posting memes all day, but these men went through literal hell and suffering and saw everthing with their own eyes unlike you losers. Show some respect.

I think its ridiculous that Holocaust denial is a crime in some countries, but its not in the states and many others.

Also homicidal gas chambers happened it was hastily done shirt term thinking war time mass murder. It happened in nearly every war in ancient times look up Ceaser's conquest of Gaul for one example of many. It sticks out so much because of its assembly line like operation and happening at the dawn of the information age.

Why should anyone care more about dead jews than our own people? Please answer? Why should we care? More of our own people died. 10m germans died, why care about the jews?

Hey OP do you know that Dachau is in the official narrative even not an extermination camp? There is even a sign telling people that the "gas chamber" was never in use.
Now go kys you worthless faggot.

All Kikes lie.
All Kikes must die.

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Looks fake desu. Looks like it was written by a kike, trying to come off as a vengeful faggot channer. Those stamps are just fucking awful.

Op is a lying faggot, as usual.

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How come there was never any correspondence over enigma regarding the Holocaust? How do you organize something as massive as you're saying with 0 evidence for the organization of thus. Especially considering the Germans were known for creating large and elaborate plans - most of which we have all the documentation for. All you have is eye witness testimony that only stands up in cock and ball torture court. I don't even care if the Holocaust happened - I am sick of hearing about it and my people have our own fucking concerns to manage.

You know the entire thing is about the legalisation of Judaism as a religion. You just don’t make a religion and get it universally recognized in one jurisdiction. The truth is the legalization of a international Jewish firm is back by collective evidence of victims and witnesses. You are either a victim or a witness to be Jewish. It uses lots of counter reflective logic. The situation is that one sect is trying to gain more power than everyone. Or becoming first amongst equals by playing themselves victims of their equals. Just so you know who the enemy is. They are victims of their equals who could be their own friends or relatives. Every group involved has a legal article. Not just them as sufferers of ouch wits. Basically rights to safe domain and rest. One is the king of Morocco, the other the King of Levant, the other Mexican castizos, Caribbean Castizos, Francoists...who are he victims of Ouchwits? Why are they contending to be first amongst equals, what do they lack?

Bet they counted that nurse touching the fumigated clothing as a gas victim

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>it happened
>you're a faggot
>its boring