Deep state now murdering people in drug trials

The doctors in this trial overdosed 81 people, resulting in the deaths of 11 of them. They took 81 people and murdered as many of them as they could so that they can discourage the use of hydroxychloroquine. In the days and weeks ahead, globalists will continue to intentionally murder people in flawed testing to prevent any treatment or control of the virus.

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Is this a study on hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc?
Because if not, it's irrelevant bullshit.
We know chloroquine is more dangerous - which is why we're using the derivative...


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The study also used zinc and azithromycin. However, they gave the patients 600 rather than 450 mg of hydroxychloroquine. They intentionally overdosed people and the journo that wrote the article waited until halfway through before he admitted it.

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Lmao OP wasn't fucking kidding
Uma's literally poisioned their own macacos
What is the point? Prove something we already know or is the HCQ+AZ+Zinc treatment too expensive?

They were likely given a higher dose because the dose typically used for treating malaria is ineffective at treating COVID

just to be sure haha
nothing to see here

Ok I stand corrected then, they did have Az and zinc not that it's relevant when you OD on Chloroquine

>is the HCQ+AZ+Zinc treatment too expensive?
it's actually dirt cheap. the patents on those meds have expired so anyone can manufacture them. It costs less than ten bucks to treat one person for the virus.

Go push this shit on reddit tranny fag. Two different drugs. Dilate some more

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chloroquine for me but dont take it goy we gotta keep the deaths increasing!

Chloroquine =/= hydroxychloroquine. Hyd version is very safe.

Its say regular chloroquine you fucking idiot, not hydroxychloroquine.

Suck my fucking cock jannies

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11 out of 81 were going to die from Coronachan regardless of HCQ.....

Actually I believe they refer to the same meds, the Brazilian study however used a dosage twice the one recomended by Dr. Raoult

>the Brazilian study however used a dosage twice the one recomended
Of course, they want to prove that it is not an effective remedy so they can roll out $$$ vaccines and keep the population control measures in effect for longer.

No they don’t. Chloroquine is the original antimalarial treatment that has strict dosage requirements. Hydroxychloroquine is a later variant that’s used to treat everything from malaria to lupus to rheumatoid arthritis. Go be retarded somewhere else.

>"the drug totally worked and i'm not totally healed from a disease that's killing people, but i felt a little sick, so idk if it should be available for others"
the absolute state of kike shilling

Really? I'll look into it

>muscles felt weak
>nausea and veritgo
That's called being sick and recovering you dumb fuck. When has anyone gotten over being seriously ill and not felt like shit once you're past the peak of it?

I stand corrected, thank you user

That says chloriquine, smoothbrain

Thanks for the thread boyos, feels good to see a non garbage thread for once

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drink chlorine!

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Helped me to get thru covid.

Their goal is to murder people. They are just getting sloppy. Virus is fake.

Hope you are well user

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sounds like a lying kike

>amazonian doctors
even for our shithole standards that's bad
>use different drug
>macro-dose said different drug
>use it on intubated patients
top fucking kek
i hope brasil247 and globo keep pushing that ''study'', i'ts gonna be hilarious

so faggot OP how many people got better from the trial? what do shill glowniggers like to omit important info just to push their faggotry

Is this where they eat the famous macaco soup?

>mfw making people breathe O2
>mfw making people breathe CO2
Wtf, aren’t they exactly the same!?!?

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