Black people have never invented anyth-

Yas Forums BTFO

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>PJW liked this

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Wow. So powerful. Let's make this go viral.

Its OK! This old nun wrote some memoirs about her time as a midwife in the 1950s London and inadvertently logs the first known Muslim Grooming and Gang Rape of little teenage girls. AND, the Britbongs loved the show so much they just ignored that their daughters and sisters and cousins have been getting raped and prostituted for over 75 YEARS!

When will the sons of europe cleanse the homeland?

I love coffee

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I’m starting to suspect that Watson hates niggers but has the subtlety and iron willpower not to just outright say it.

She's Igbo.

brilliant, sell the blacks magic bead masks

>Fashion styles of 2020 brings back masks to the forefront
I actually am okay with the idea for stylish mask to be somewhat mainstream, could make for some nice aesthetics.

I don’t even know what to say twisted her words. This is her original social media post before the twitter article.

You're racist for assuming she's an idiot because of her ethnicity.

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All niggers should use it, that way they'd die while being retarded as always

>you're racist

i laughed way to hard out loud at this
fucking niggers man
i just cant

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Only a Legit Ng could come up with something this fucking stupid.

>Mask doesn't actually stop anything due to massive holes

I'm having trouble believing that that "#legitstory" is legit. It seems too much.

>Black people have never invented anything
I can't prove it but I'm pretty sure they invented GTA

>celebrate mediocre
Literally kills the best countries on earth every time

>this flag
>calling anyone a nigger

the fuck

I'm ok with this

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Yeah I thought something was up there.

LOl wut? She is retarded.
>unconscious toughing of the mouth and nose
Literally what?????
>for someone without corona
So.....Why then? You are both nignog tier brained norons

Same thread after five minutes? You fucking Jews are slacking off

>Legit Nig News

Go to Nariland,

come back with something neat.

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So you don't infect yourself by touching your mouth and nose.

She's a doctor. A third world doctor is still a doctor bro. Average IQ in Nigeria is quite low because there are a lot of villages outside of the cities with uneducated people. In general, the average city Nigerian is the same intelligence as the average city American.

Masks dont do shit anyway and corona is a hoax, so shes genius and also built for bwc.

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IQ hasn't anything to do with education level.

China needs my money not my land. If I am dead there’s no way to cheat me financially. I call #fakenews on this title.

Money is just paper with dead people on it
Without natural resources found in Africa, the world grinds to a halt.
Don't be deceived
You weren't colonized because of your 'money'