Does the US need Universal Healthcare?

Does the US need Universal Healthcare?

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Universal means the whole universe. That's very big. How is this possible?

We already have a universal right to acquire healthcare. Other countries will deny people access to healthcare for socioeconomic reasons.

yeah it's the only wealthy country without it and we've seen what a joke healthcare in the us is with cov2 pandemic

no. You only have the right to access the health care that you can pay for. You are not entitled to someone else's labor just because you lacked personal responsibility to make sure you were capable of paying for it before hand.

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Eurotrash corona death rate is 3X the US rate, this is your country on universal healthcare.

I personally think regulating the cost of medicine and setting down laws that forbid outrageous prices would be best.

based and truthpilled.
Europe has turned itself into a defenseless 3rd world shithole with its overspending on useless nanny state shit like muh universal healthcare. Now, for all of their spending, they are still going to get wiped out by the coronachan plague!

Attached: Fauci and friends.jpg (1242x959, 1011.78K)

Offer it and then deem every case as elective and therefore not needed

US has the highest covid19 death rate as well as the highest mortality rate overall compared to other first world countries

We have universal health care, for everyone other than white people who pay for it all.

No, the US needs fewer welfare leeches.

This right here

universal healthcare isn't just about what "white people pay" it's about eliminating the unnecessarily expensive administrative and business aspects of healthcare

Holy cringe. Because the socialists are doing any better


Not true. The only relevant country that you can trust that has a better rate than the US is germany

The US needs to shit in the mouth of all the dancing nurses

That shits already free, nigger.

how is that "holy cringe"? overreact much? they are doing better in places like france, denmark and canada.

Then you get shit health care. Whites pay for nigger and spics health care because they are needed alive to vote for Democrats.

Only if you completely ignore reality and just make shit up.

US needs universal abortions for niggers and spics

>eliminating unnecessary administration costs

No because this whole stupid memeflu nonsense has shown that this is a nation of hypochondriacs and I don't want pay for them to go to the doctor over every minor ailment


you can have both quality and affordable healthcare.

Right because government bureaucracy and pensions are so much cheaper, fucking retard

The US needs to start fucking fasting and stop being lazy consuming pieces of shIT.

You realize all races pay taxes right you moron

Kek. No they don't. You don't pay income tax if you have no legit income. Welfare is not taxable income you stupid commie.

woah what an intelligent person making an intelligent argument. not

For the US to have an effective universal healthcare, it would need healthier people in general.
I know this sounds like shit reasoning, but bare with me.
A lot of health issues in the US come from environmental factors (namely, poor local infrastructure, or buildings made with outdated, hazardous material). This is compounded by unhealthy habits, such as cigarettes, excessive alcohol consumption, drugs (both prescription medicine (and the abuse thereof) and illegal), but the greatest contributing factor has to be the national diet and food culture.
Basically, the country has been backed into a corner by mass, industrialized food production, which, while enabled (almost) everyone to have access to relatively cheap food, had the "quantity over quality" effect on said foodstuffs, that often comes with mass production - be it the inhumane industrial farms, the antibiotics mixed into cattle and chicken feed that had led to bacteria evolving and building a resistance against it (at least, quicker than they should have), et cetera...
While certain developments were helpful, industrial farming and the good-looking but tasteless end products (that need sugar, salt, and other, letter-number-salad "flavor enhancers" to be enjoyable had only worsened people's health and well-being.

Lobbying done by certain companies also didn't help - when the US adopted the food pyramid in the '50s (from the Swedes), it was effectively hijacked by food corporations. "Breads" weren't supposed to be treated as a separate group.

The reason behind these actions wasn't outright malice, just simple greed and ignorance - these were, after all, food corporations, they made their business by feeding the people.

The problem is that now, decades later, their streamlining and corner cutting, and campaigns to push people towards buying the cheap food they produce had resulted in an unhealthy population, more prone to illnesses.

Ah yes, the daily thread where Ameripoors desperately and angrily demand the right to have their corporate masters snatch their money while feeding them shit.

Ameripoors literally insist on paying more for healthcare through taxes and "insurance" and copays than any country with universal healthcare. They truly are this utterly fucking stupid and brainwashed!

No. That is the last thing we need. Our country is morbidly obese. I’m not going to subsidize a nation of fat sloths who can’t make smart healthy decisions. They need to take personal responsibility and pay the consequences for their disgusting gluttonous lifestyles.

Fuck off chink

It'd be possible if Americunts stopped voting for Kike puppets that continue to spend trillions on foreign wars.

Yes, we need a healthcare system like the UK. Just look at how well they're handling the virus!

Cry more, you impoverished numale.

>pretends Ameripoors aren't dying so badly they're having to dig mass graves

You're still a genetic mistake and so is your entire family.