As of right now MINIMUM 20 MILLION will die in the USA from Corona Virus

I did the maths and its fact

613,498(tested positive) + 3,081,620(tests so far) = 3695118

613,498 / 3695118 = 17%(pop. that have virus)

17% of 328.2 million(pop. of usa) = 55794000

26,002 -deaths + 48,137 -recoveries = 74139

26,002 / 74139 = 35%

35% of 55794000


Attached: usa tested.jpg (222x324, 21.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: usa death count (2).jpg (274x108, 12.67K)

nothing burger

>nothing burger

35% minimum kill rate nothing burger?

Attached: extinction level event.jpg (900x506, 46.58K)

always predicting...

Maybe 20 million over 100 years

Attached: A58FE24A-B71A-44EA-B3AF-7E86AD585893.jpg (540x532, 44.89K)

You already died

Dude I did the math OP is a fag

what race ?

The problem with your meme fag retard math is you're assuming that the 539.000 who currently have it are all going to die, and none will recover.

Garbage in, garbage out.

Attached: 1586828378848.jpg (700x700, 77.38K)

If only your logic wasn't highly flawed.

Meaning the infection to death ratio is somewhere fucking tiny.

I didn't do the math, but the math is actually irrelevant, because the problem is with his data and logic. His inferences are flawed.

Imagine being so dumb to use case to death mortality rate when infection is larger than. Cases. You fucking applied a circular loop to your fucking equation you brainlet retard

fuck your flag
i rape your ships

20 GORILLION???!!!!!!!!!!

Total kill rate has never wavered from world wide stats since the start and has be AT LEAST 30% minus china numbers.

Attached: doctor say virus very bad.jpg (870x556, 56.66K)

People as stupid as OP need to be euthanized.

Nigger, do I really have to explain it for the 1000th time? They're only testing those with the worst symptoms. You have NO FUCKING CLUE what the kill rate is.

Slide thread.

Its CFR Case Fatality Rate. The numbers that are actually proven.

You suck at math, but you're European, so I'm sure you learned via the Common Core method and think it's valid.

It's true. I'm already dead.


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>3081620 test so far
The infection rate is so much lower than that i don't think you're smart enough to realize that people only get tested if they *THINK* they might have it, so if you're perfectly healthy you're not gonna get tested. In reality like it is in most countries that have recovered the number is around Conclusion
OP is retard eu fag

>26,002 / 74139 = 35%
can you not do math?
it would have to be 75k deaths to 75k recoveries for a 50% death rate....
the death rate is currently at 20% if we're going to compare deaths to recoveries.

Ok Einstein!

>26,002 -deaths + 48,137 -recoveries = 74139
>26,002 / 74139 = 35%


that is not how recovery to death comparisons work you retard.
if 100k died and 50k recovered, tell us, genius, what is the death rate?

66% death rate

It helps when you label every death as cvid

You did the "math" user. No need to prove you're a complete and utter faggot


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Do the math on how many millions will die in China and africa due to the CIA burning and destroying their crops.