How did America fuck this up so badly?

Deaths are back up to over 2k

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Globalism is the problem.

because burgers don't want to accept restrictiosn of their daily lives

It's called FREEDUM bitch.

Which of those countries do you think has the most chinks in it. if you had to guess?

And new cases are flat after a three day dip...something is working. Can not explain the death spike. Hopefully some people from NJ/NY decided their sweathog lives weren’t worth it.

Spike is mabye due to easter and conglomerative reporting of earlier cases?

Spikes like that are expected. The important number is that less people are being hospitalized. Also NY will add about 4k of people that might have died as a consequence of coronavirus

It could be possible they didnt report every case on Sunday

The WHO urged the world to prepare for a pandemic, and declared an international public health emergency in January.

The WHO provided the entire world, including us, with an excellent test that worked at scale, and we rejected it, resulting in the catastrophic "lost month" of February in which we blinded ourselves as the virus spread to every corner of our nation.

We diagnosed our first case on the same day as South Korea. Today 26,000 Americans now lie dead against only 222 South Koreans. They took testing seriously. We did not. Because after 3 years our executive branch is now designed entirely to insulate our head of state from news he does not want to hear, paralyzing decision making in a crisis.

The problem isn't the WHO. The problem is Americans who voted for Donald Trump.

There is a button that says Europe you should click it.


Unbelievably low death count everywhere. Fuck off.

I FUCKING knew you tards on pol would go from pointing out the origin of this virus to praising China and thanking Xi to blaming America for the virus and dunk on Trump in mear seconds. What's next blame the Jews, Zionist, Israel, and Netanyahu? Man this board is full of hypocrites.

I'm betting on 3k by the end of the day, in spite of underreporting.

I didn't thank China or blame America for the virus. I blame Trump for denying the virus for weeks and his slow response even 3 weeks ago he was saying it would be gone by Easter.

And you are should be taken out back and shot in the head for being a fucking nigger still defending Trump. You're a faggot dude


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Orange man bad unironically

We've hit the testing limit.

Cuck Chan has become the chi comms bitch.

Why aren't you condemning China for covering up their numbers?

by counting people that die by gunshots, heart attacks and car accidents

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>trashionalist wants to talk about chi coms while his own people are dying
Imagine my shock

>heres what you need to know
Democrat voters are dying
>and thats a good thing

>America fucked up

If there weren't 6 gorillion disgusting jews and niggers in nyc none of this would have happened..

Who said I was defending Trump?

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per capita it seems like we're doing better than every other nation listed there

Yea sure more ppl and getting shot and heart attacks for no reason, sure.

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actually Easter, sounds retarded but religious people tend to cling on to life until after xmas/easter. I'm not making this up

Per capita comparisons don't make any sense because nations are in different stages of the pandemic. They weren't all infected at the same time.

its easier insted of creating fake territorial enclosed battlefields all over the world.

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